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Bloody Treason: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy
Phil Dragoo Wrote:Very moving account by Robert Morningstar at your 51, Greg.

Also recommended,

Mark Lane in Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK notes Dorothy Kilgallen's suspicious death made it personal for him.

Yes thank you for that account Greg. I have often wondered if the total silence of the press was not the true reason for the murder of brave Dorothy.

Aside from Penn Jones and Earl Golz the forth estate has united in its view that those of us who don't believe the official lies are just conspiracy nuts.

The stark reality is that the number of active conspiracies defies comprehension.

Our first amendment is one sad joke.

From the article link above:

"Since the barbiturates found in Dorothy's system take a half hour to an hour to start working and then reach a dangerous peak level, this implies she consumed them between 2:30 and 3 a.m. The authorities should have pinned down her whereabouts at that time. As Lee Israel told this magazine, ordinarily in the case of a woman's suspicious death, the police would "go out and at least ask pro forma questions of the people who were around her the night before." But the New York cops "did nothing. I mean nothing." The lead detective on the case, who had six children, abruptly resigned from the NYPD without a pension a short time later, moved out of town, and opened a pricey restaurant.:

This story was written and published in 2007, why do articles like this seem to appear all the time regarding the assassination and no one persue's them any further then the research stage for the article itself. How are submissions not made in light of this article to re-investigate the case of Dorothy's death. You have the hair dresser, the beau, the medical examiner and the detective all still alive at this stage who could be interviewed under oath due to the fact that it is a murder case.?

It amazes me how often nothing is taken further by D.A's or by family members who are the victims of such crimes when reporters find evidence that contradicts the official findings.
A.J. Blocker Wrote:From the article link above:

"Since the barbiturates found in Dorothy's system take a half hour to an hour to start working and then reach a dangerous peak level, this implies she consumed them between 2:30 and 3 a.m. The authorities should have pinned down her whereabouts at that time. As Lee Israel told this magazine, ordinarily in the case of a woman's suspicious death, the police would "go out and at least ask pro forma questions of the people who were around her the night before." But the New York cops "did nothing. I mean nothing." The lead detective on the case, who had six children, abruptly resigned from the NYPD without a pension a short time later, moved out of town, and opened a pricey restaurant.:

This story was written and published in 2007, why do articles like this seem to appear all the time regarding the assassination and no one persue's them any further then the research stage for the article itself. How are submissions not made in light of this article to re-investigate the case of Dorothy's death. You have the hair dresser, the beau, the medical examiner and the detective all still alive at this stage who could be interviewed under oath due to the fact that it is a murder case.?

It amazes me how often nothing is taken further by D.A's or by family members who are the victims of such crimes when reporters find evidence that contradicts the official findings.

Great questions all, A.J. -- Very apropos to the situation. You said: "Why do articles like this seem to appear all the time regarding the assassination and no one persue's them any further?"

However, no offense intended, but why don't you pursue this further? You asked why others don't--so why don't you?

In my view, oftentimes the family is in a state of extreme grief upon discovery of the unexpected death of a revered loved one. That alone might account for their "less than exemplary" investigative skills or demands for justice in the immediate aftermath of the terminal incident. Think about it...then take action. Of course, you could claim--rightfully--that the case is cold on this one. And it probably is. But don't fault the author or the media for not having doggedly pursued it. The opportunity is yours! Embrace it--


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Hi Greg,

Its a little difficult to personally persue such matters when you reside 10,000 klm's away and dont see the articles until 2,3,4,5 or up to 10 years after they are published in some cases. It seems many researchers get to a point of critical mass, struggle to get there worked published BUT then nothing or no one in a position of power to get things taken to the next level takes up the cause.

I persued Harry Cabluck a year or two ago over some photo's he took from the press bus as it drove thru Dealey Plaza moments after the assassination. Myself and another blogger actually got copies of his negatives supplied to us from the university he had donated his collection to. It was a complex and major effort from so far away. I believe somebody meeting with him personally could have gotten more information from Harry and definetly a better feel for his beliefs to some tough questions that were put to him, which to his credit i have to say he was prepared to answer.

My main issue/question that remains from all these articles is why dont D.A's from various states where incidents took place get petitoned to pick up on leads uncovered by reporters and researchers in a more timely fashion, ie. when they get there stories published.

A.J. Blocker Wrote:From the article link above:

"Since the barbiturates found in Dorothy's system take a half hour to an hour to start working and then reach a dangerous peak level, this implies she consumed them between 2:30 and 3 a.m. The authorities should have pinned down her whereabouts at that time. As Lee Israel told this magazine, ordinarily in the case of a woman's suspicious death, the police would "go out and at least ask pro forma questions of the people who were around her the night before." But the New York cops "did nothing. I mean nothing." The lead detective on the case, who had six children, abruptly resigned from the NYPD without a pension a short time later, moved out of town, and opened a pricey restaurant.:

This is exactly what they did with Jimi Hendrix which is why I'm convinced he was assassinated in an exactly similar way under their COINTELPRO program. CIA (or offshoot intel members) got sloppy and murdered Hendrix in a rush using the same obvious tool they used on Dorothy Kilgallen who also had to be murdered in a rush. To this day there is no official interest in the obvious evidence for Jimi's murder - just like Kilgallen, which in my mind tells you who did it right there.

What the Morningstar article didn't include was further research that discovered Kilgallen's CIA boyfriend took her to a bar where an off-duty cop was bartender. Later it was discovered that the officer had enough unaccounted-for cash to open a high-end restaurant in Poughkeepsie after retiring from the force. Evidently Kilgallen was given a mickey at that bar. Her death obviously wasn't a suicide because she was found propped-up in a fake position in her bed as if she had retired there of her own volition. However the fact it was a bed she never slept in, was made to look like she was reading a book she had already recently finished, and did not have her reading glasses (something unknown to the proppers), her CIA assassination is plain. I'm glad this article was posted because I had not previously known there was no pill vile at the death scene. A sure sign of the mickey being delivered elsewhere.
Dawn Meredith Wrote:Piper was discredited at the EF years ago.

I suppose in the same way David Josephs discredited it here. Hmm...
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Dawn Meredith Wrote:Piper was discredited at the EF years ago.

I suppose in the same way David Josephs discredited it here. Hmm...

David Josephs did a far better job of discrediting it than either you or Mark (or Paper) did of proving any Israel sponsorship.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Now this:

Who Killed Dorothy Kilgallen?

By Alex Constantine

A chemist reporting to Dr. Charles Umberger at the New York City Medical Examiner's office discovered that
reporter Dorothy Kilgallen had been murdered - and was told to keep the chemical analysis under wraps - in
1978. The chemist ran an analysis of the glass Kilgallen had been drinking from when she died.
The tests turned up traces of Nembutol on the glass. But Nembutol was not found in her blood. The blood tests
turned up a lethal cocktail of drugs, three from the fastest-acting groups of barbituates:
secobarbitol, amobarbital and pentobarbital.

She was one of the very few major reporters in the country to question the Warren Commission's cooked findings:

'Twenty-four hours after the assassination ... Chief Curry assured reporters that the sound of the shots told him
at once they had come from the Texas School Depository and that "right away" he radioed an order to surround and search the
building. But actually, as we see from the Police Department's official version of events. Chief Curry's immediate concern was
not the Depository, but the triple-tiered overpass towards which the Presidential car was moving at about eight miles an
hour when the fatal shots were fired.'

Biographer Lee Israel found, J. Edgar Hoover was following the dispatches of the 'flighty and irresponsible' Dorothy
Kilgallen with extraordinary and painstaking attention.

More on Dorothy Kilgallen:

The facts about Kilgallen's death have been widely distorted.

She threatened to expose the players in the John Kennedy assassination, also mind control experimentation (see
the quotes below), and was murdered. A coroner determined this in the mid-'70s, after discovering that the chemicals found
on her drinking glass were not the same as the barbituate combination in her blood, which were highly lethal, and so ruled
out suicide or accidental overdose.

Who was responsible for her death?

One possibility: G. Gordon Liddy's deposition in the Hunt suit exposed a domestic death squad: "We had perhaps a
dozen men who were willing to come on board in this connection. And Mr. Hunt, to impress upon me the high caliber of these
individuals, stated that they had accounted among them for a substantial number of deaths, including two who had hanged someone from a
beam in a garage.

Were these the same "high caliber individuals" who killed gossip columnist Dorothy Kilgallen, the only reporter to
interview Jack Ruby, and the author of a public memorandum to Lyndon Johnson, published on December 21, 1964:


"Please check with the State Department.... the leaders of our Armed Forces or our chief scientists, to discover what, if
anything, we are doing to explore the ramifications of [electromagnetic] thought control ... could change the
history of the world."

Kilgallen told friends in the entertainment industry that she was going to "bust the Kennedy assassination wide
open." But she never had the chance, because she died of acute barbituate and alcohol poisoning - the New York medical examiner
could not at the time say whether Kilgallen died accidentally or was murdered - on November 8, 1965. Mary Branum, one of Kilgallen's
editors, received a telephone call several hours prior to the discovery of Ms. Kilgallen's body. The anonymous caller informed
Branum that the columnist had been murdered."

[cf. Lee Israel, Kilgallen, New York: Delacourte, 1979, p. pp. 390 and 441 for the updated chemical forensic report.]
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Dawn Meredith Wrote:Piper was discredited at the EF years ago.

I suppose in the same way David Josephs discredited it here. Hmm...

David Josephs did a far better job of discrediting it than either you or Mark (or Paper) did of proving any Israel sponsorship.

I don't think you're following what I wrote Magda. I clearly stated I did not believe in sponsorship but that the remaining evidence was very solid proof of main facilitation. I don't know how people who totally avoided the discussion of the evidence have a right to later come in and condemn it.

David, on the other hand, had his facts completely wrong to the point where they blew up on him and he was forced to leave the thread. Those facts showed JFK had drastically cut the Israel budget in a move similar to his American University inclinations a month prior to the new backers being declared in Dallas.
Albert Doyle Wrote:I don't think you're following what I wrote Magda. I clearly stated I did not believe in sponsorship but that the remaining evidence was very solid proof of main facilitation. I don't know how people who totally avoided the discussion of the evidence have a right to later come in and condemn it.

David, on the other hand, had his facts completely wrong to the point where they blew up on him and he was forced to leave the thread. Those facts showed JFK had drastically cut the Israel budget in a move similar to his American University inclinations a month prior to the new backers being declared in Dallas.

How can you even peddle such easy to disprove rubbish? David was forced to leave the thread? No, you announced that you had pressing research to do and left the thread. Fetzer resurfaced on the forum and then so did you. You're the only person(s) I know who can be a philosopher in one thread only to become a dullard, a dolt, a cretin in another.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)

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