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Preparations & Ideas for the 50th
"There comes a time when silence becomes betrayal."
"To ignore evil is to become an accomplice to it."

― Martin Luther King Jr.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
"To sin by silence while others doth protest makes cowards out of men."

Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Does anyone know of any groups or organizations (COPA, Mary Ferrell, Facebook, what have you) that are planning letter writing campaigns to coincide with the 50th?
Mark Prior Wrote:Does anyone know of any groups or organizations (COPA, Mary Ferrell, Facebook, what have you) that are planning letter writing campaigns to coincide with the 50th?

I don't know of any. However, COPA, as an example, and Bill Kelly, in particular, have requested signatures on various worthwhile petitions over the years. I don't know that they have ever been able to
meet the number of signatures required for optimal effect.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Greg Burnham Wrote:
Mark Prior Wrote:Does anyone know of any groups or organizations (COPA, Mary Ferrell, Facebook, what have you) that are planning letter writing campaigns to coincide with the 50th?

I don't know of any. However, COPA, as an example, and Bill Kelly, in particular, have requested signatures on various worthwhile petitions over the years. I don't know that they have ever been able to
meet the number of signatures required for optimal effect.

I like the idea of a letter writing campaign because you don't need a lot of them to get a response. One well-written, one page letter can make a difference, as the letter from the mayor of Cedar Rapids had on LBJ regarding the release of the Warren Commission records, JFKcountercoup: Cedar Rapids Mayor Robert M. L. Johnson - Freed WC Records, and Jim Lesar's letter to the Archivist JFKcountercoup: AARC Letter to US Archivist, both of which got results. Other letters include Paul Kuntsler's letter to Ferriero JFKcountercoup: Open Letter to Ferriero and my letter to Tunheim
JFKcountercoup: Open Letter to Judge John Tunheim, neither of which got a response.

Letters can be effective, especially if sent by regular mail, faxed and emailed, as well as posted on line somewhere (like here), which lets people know that at least a letter was sent and what it says.

It's also important to include your real name and address and contact information, not be insulting. use logic and reason and be persuasive, as the purpose of the letter should be to change their mind or get them to do something specific.

Don't even bother to write more than one page, or they won't bother reading it. It must be short and sweet, and if you can't say it on one page it isn't worth saying because they really won't read it, it's that simple.

If a serious letter writing campaign is to be launched, I would suggest that it be directed at Congress, and get them to hold oversight hearings on the JFK Act of 1992, which they haven't done in over 15 years. The House Government Oversight Committee is responsible, and the chairman is Rep. Darrell Issa, Congressman Darrell Issa, whose district is just north of San Diego and south of LA. If you are a constituent, and live and vote in that district, contact him through his home office.
Send him a message via Facebook: (8) Congressman Darrell E. Issa

If you are not a constituent, contact your own representative and ask him to convince Issa to hold a public hearing on the JFK Act, especially if your congressman is a member of the committee - Committee On Oversight & Government Reform

If your congressman is not on the committee, you can write to Issa and the committee staff requesting they do their job and hold the mandatory oversight hearings as required by law, sending the one-page letter via US mail, fax and email or Facebook it.

[URL=""](8) House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Republicans
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

2157 Rayburn House Office Building,
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5074 Fax: (202) 225-3974

And remember that you are representing all of us when you write to them, so be civil and convincing,

Good Luck

Bill Kelly

Bill Kelly Wrote:
Greg Burnham Wrote:
Mark Prior Wrote:Does anyone know of any groups or organizations (COPA, Mary Ferrell, Facebook, what have you) that are planning letter writing campaigns to coincide with the 50th?

I don't know of any. However, COPA, as an example, and Bill Kelly, in particular, have requested signatures on various worthwhile petitions over the years. I don't know that they have ever been able to
meet the number of signatures required for optimal effect.

I like the idea of a letter writing campaign because you don't need a lot of them to get a response. One well-written, one page letter can make a difference, as the letter from the mayor of Cedar Rapids had on LBJ regarding the release of the Warren Commission records, JFKcountercoup: Cedar Rapids Mayor Robert M. L. Johnson - Freed WC Records, and Jim Lesar's letter to the Archivist JFKcountercoup: AARC Letter to US Archivist, both of which got results. Other letters include Paul Kuntsler's letter to Ferriero JFKcountercoup: Open Letter to Ferriero and my letter to Tunheim
JFKcountercoup: Open Letter to Judge John Tunheim, neither of which got a response.

Letters can be effective, especially if sent by regular mail, faxed and emailed, as well as posted on line somewhere (like here), which lets people know that at least a letter was sent and what it says.

It's also important to include your real name and address and contact information, not be insulting. use logic and reason and be persuasive, as the purpose of the letter should be to change their mind or get them to do something specific.

Don't even bother to write more than one page, or they won't bother reading it. It must be short and sweet, and if you can't say it on one page it isn't worth saying because they really won't read it, it's that simple.

If a serious letter writing campaign is to be launched, I would suggest that it be directed at Congress, and get them to hold oversight hearings on the JFK Act of 1992, which they haven't done in over 15 years. The House Government Oversight Committee is responsible, and the chairman is Rep. Darrell Issa, Congressman Darrell Issa, whose district is just north of San Diego and south of LA. If you are a constituent, and live and vote in that district, contact him through his home office.
Send him a message via Facebook: (8) Congressman Darrell E. Issa

If you are not a constituent, contact your own representative and ask him to convince Issa to hold a public hearing on the JFK Act, especially if your congressman is a member of the committee - Committee On Oversight & Government Reform

If your congressman is not on the committee, you can write to Issa and the committee staff requesting they do their job and hold the mandatory oversight hearings as required by law, sending the one-page letter via US mail, fax and email or Facebook it.

[URL=""](8) House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Republicans
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

2157 Rayburn House Office Building,
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5074 Fax: (202) 225-3974

And remember that you are representing all of us when you write to them, so be civil and convincing,

Good Luck

Bill Kelly

Great stuff, Bill. I started a new thread with a sample letter that I sent to Issa last year.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
With all due respect to all posting parties, the discussion within this thread has escaped the original purpose of this thread. I'm not at all suggesting that recent posts are not worthy of being discussed...They are worthy. But those posts belong in a thread other than this one.

PLEASE only post your comments or thoughts which are relevant to preparing or proposing specific ideas around the 50th anniversary.

Thank you for understanding.
I moved some of the off topic threads here:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Mark Prior Wrote:With all due respect to all posting parties, the discussion within this thread has escaped the original purpose of this thread. I'm not at all suggesting that recent posts are not worthy of being discussed...They are worthy. But those posts belong in a thread other than this one.

PLEASE only post your comments or thoughts which are relevant to preparing or proposing specific ideas around the 50th anniversary.

Thank you for understanding.

You are not a DPF owner or administrator. Please cease and desist from trying to act like one.
Just trying to stay focused, Chuck.

We've got just a little over 10 months left to maximize the natural ground swell of publicity which will occur around the 50th.

If you were in charge, Charles, what would you plan for the 50th anniversary?

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