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Best Spokespersons for the Truth for 50th Anniversary
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:The first problem to overome is the division between the researchers. A minimal consensus is necessary
so they should put their differences aside for a while. I can think of a team that will include Charles Drago, James DiEugenio,
Bill Kelly, James Douglass, Peter Dale Scott, Larry Hancock and John Newman. Then again this is my opinion and my opinion only.


What is this team to do? Write sketches for a theatrical production? Or present their views and conclusions, or organize some sort of program consisting of other people?

I notice that not one of these mentioned are people who were witnesses themselves, as far as I can tell. Perhaps they could read accounts given by actual witnesses, somewhat like a "re-enactment" of the assassination at the time it happened and with the witnesses' later accounts in hearings, in court cases, and in books, newspapers, online statements. In addition, the presenters could also summarize their own research and conclusions, and cite their publications.

A witness "re-enactment" would provide an immediacy to the assassination. Most people of a prospective audience these days would be younger than we are, and hence deprived of much information of the actual event as it happened.

In my opinion that would seem to be a better testimonial and tribute to President Kennedy and his life. It would make his death seem more immediate and 'real' for the audience.

Such performances could be done in Dallas on November 22, 2013, and videotaped to be shown on the internet. Or made into a documentary film?

Adele Edisen Wrote:
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:The first problem to overome is the division between the researchers. A minimal consensus is necessary
so they should put their differences aside for a while. I can think of a team that will include Charles Drago, James DiEugenio,
Bill Kelly, James Douglass, Peter Dale Scott, Larry Hancock and John Newman. Then again this is my opinion and my opinion only.


What is this team to do? Write sketches for a theatrical production? Or present their views and conclusions, or organize some sort of program consisting of other people?

I notice that not one of these mentioned are people who were witnesses themselves, as far as I can tell. Perhaps they could read accounts given by actual witnesses, somewhat like a "re-enactment" of the assassination at the time it happened and with the witnesses' later accounts in hearings, in court cases, and in books, newspapers, online statements. In addition, the presenters could also summarize their own research and conclusions, and cite their publications.

A witness "re-enactment" would provide an immediacy to the assassination. Most people of a prospective audience these days would be younger than we are, and hence deprived of much information of the actual event as it happened.

In my opinion that would seem to be a better testimonial and tribute to President Kennedy and his life. It would make his death seem more immediate and 'real' for the audience.

Such performances could be done in Dallas on November 22, 2013, and videotaped to be shown on the internet. Or made into a documentary film?


Good idea to have for the public a series of eye/ear witnesses; however, many have begun to die off....some are still around, but old...a few refuse to speak on this now for different reasons. Even many of the better researchers are now dead. This 50th is our last real chance, I fear...and not just to solve Dallas, but to solve the problem of where America has strayed to - as the two are intimately related. I think there should be LOTS of different things happening on the 50th...from something like Adele is suggesting for broadcast or livecast to an occupation by thousands of the Plaza and to hell with the Dallas City 'Fathers' trying once again to push the Big Lie down everyone's throut! There should also be some like of teach in or a Bertand Russel type of Tribunal in lieu of the Court hearings we'll never get....and these actions can be in other cities, as well as in Dallas - many coordinated via internet and all live streamed for the World on an internet channel. Universities and other such can have their own ideas, coordinated. Think people and ACT. It is our country what was stolen and we are NOT going to get it back unless we fight to TAKE it back!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter said:
Quote:Good idea to have for the public a series of eye/ear witnesses; however, many have begun to die off....some are still around, but old...a few refuse to speak on this now for different reasons. Even many of the better researchers are now dead. This 50th is our last real chance, I fear...and not just to solve Dallas, but to solve the problem of where America has strayed to - as the two are intimately related. I think there should be LOTS of different things happening on the 50th...from something like Adele is suggesting for broadcast or livecast to an occupation by thousands of the Plaza and to hell with the Dallas City 'Fathers' trying once again to push the Big Lie down everyone's throut! There should also be some like of teach in or a Bertand Russel type of Tribunal in lieu of the Court hearings we'll never get....and these actions can be in other cities, as well as in Dallas - many coordinated via internet and all live streamed for the World on an internet channel. Universities and other such can have their own ideas, coordinated. Think people and ACT. It is our country what was stolen and we are NOT going to get it back unless we fight to TAKE it back!

Right on, Peter!

Adele had said:
Quote:I notice that not one of these mentioned are people who were witnesses themselves, as far as I can tell. Perhaps they could read accounts given by actual witnesses, somewhat like a "re-enactment" of the assassination at the time it happened and with the witnesses' later accounts in hearings, in court cases, and in books, newspapers, online statements. In addition, the presenters could also summarize their own research and conclusions, and cite their publications. - Adele


Thank you for your comments and good ideas.

I am quite aware that many, many - most - of the witnesses have died or are incapacitated. But their statements live on in videos, testimonies, interviews, books, newspapers, etc., and these statements could be resurrected and edited to be read. Maybe some volunteer "actors/actresses" (high school or college students?) could be used for this purpose when the presenter doesn't feel they could do a good job of reading this material. In fact, this might be even better to use some volunteers to participate in role-playing.

Any living witnesses could tell their own stories and would need, I think, an indoor place, (and if outdoor, too) signs, sheets for autographs, pens, table and chairs, access to bathrooms and dfrinking water. They, also, could be videotaped or filmed.

I wonder if there is some indoor place which could be used in Dallas. If outdoor, maybe the place where there is a park-like area for a Memorial to President Kennedy and that is not very far from Dealey Plaza,
as I recall. I don't know if the Dallas authorities have commandeered that Memorial too.

And one more idea. Peter mentioned older researchers who are no longer alive. CriticaL excerpts from their publications could be read before a film or video camera and inserted into a documentary.

Maybe we ought to get live stream video, as Peter suggests, all day long for "Occupy Dallas." Maybe veterans from Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Elsewhere can give us some ideas and help?


I am sure such a team will be capable of creating an appropriate action.
A second JFK movie or at least a documentary will be necessary, bringing to life
the books and latest work of the researchers. For example Myers has created his animation
no matter how mistaken he is, Gary Mack has created the documentary "Inside the Target car"
O'Reilly wil have another, Bugliosi the same. However, i have never seen any documentary or animation being made to show the opposite view of the lone gunman theory. For example the researchers that study the Micro-Analysis of Dealey Plaza, ie the ballistics and trajectories have not done what Myers did. To present the possible scenarios etc.
The Researchers that study the Macro-Analysis of the case, like Oswald, his files, motives, sponsors etc.
should have made a documentary with their version of the story. Wealthy individuals who share the views of the JFK community could help produce it.

For example. Some months before Richard Della Rosa died i asked him the following question:
Dear Mr Della Rosa

I am currently reading the book, "The Zapruder film hoax"....In the book you discuss about the other film that you had seen that is the true account of what really happened.
I think is important to create a virtual animated computerized version so we can all see how it happened. I am surprised that all these years you have not done it.

his reply was:

That's an excellent idea. For over 20 years I did not write or speakof what I saw. I first documented my observations about 12 years
ago. A few other researchers who saw the film at different places
and different times did the same. At this late date I would be reticent
to rely on my memory to try and create a computer animation unless
it was in collaboration with some of the others. I am certain about
the high points but I do not like to rely on my memory alone, I will
discuss this with the other authors of the book and see what we can do.
Meantime please rest assured that the film depicts the descriptions of
the closest eyewitnesses.
Milicent Cranor and Greg Burnham have also seen another film. Whether they both saw the same film is another question.

However, despite Rich's death we may not be out of time on this one. It all depends on if Greg and Milicent are willing to do this, and we can find someone to animate it. Cost is an obvious stumbling block too.
The Della Rosa film was just an example. Mind you i don't want to overemphasize the micro-analysis, it is more important to examine the macro-analysis apects. I don't wish to enter into a Fetzer-Cinque type of black hole.

Pat Speer has deconstructed Dale Myers

Chapter 12c: Animania
Searching for Truth in Dale Myers' House of Mirrors

Jim DiEugenio, Dr. David Mantik, and Pamela McElwain-Brown have taken The Target Car to the chop shop

JFK: Inside the Target Car, Part One
Or, How to Rig an Experiment
By James DiEugenio

So the script has been written for these two items; production to follow.

Jim DiEugenio has done a ten-part Flamenco dance on Buglosi's Defiling History with part one available at

Tom Hanks, Gary Goetzman, and Bugliosi's Bungle
A Comprehensive Review of Reclaiming History,
Questioning the Prosecutor's Case

by James DiEugenio

The balance of this final dismissal of the Bugliosi scam as a bookor, as a youtube bit with the best living equivalent to Bill Hickssatire, ridicule, parody, lampoonthe best medium for deflating the biggest lies.

Greg Burnham has seen another "Zapruder" film and could story board the creation of a chillingly realistic version to supplant the extant puree.


In your drama for the stage the actors in costume would appear when the spotlight hit their section of the stage and they would deliver their impressions as though it were the moment of living them.

George Michael Evica and Gil Jesus have disproved any possibility Oswald ever owned the rifle. Gerald D. McKnight has presented compelling evidence in Breach of Trust Oswald had no cheek GSR. Sherry Fiester presents current forensic analysis showing a frontal head wound. Perry might be depicted at the press conference, then being badgered by Elmer Moore, Arlen Specter, Allen Dulles. Point being: behold: the truth you've been told is all so much Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. The truth which occurred is as gut-purging gruesome as Charles' presentation of the Gordon Smith replica.

Ten years in Vietnam; ten years in Iraq and Afghanistan. Is the parallel that outré.

The idea of a panel offers a two-tier presentation: that it would propose a creative work to be produced; or, that it would present a program, each member in turn making whatever case he or she deemed vital on the 50[SUP]th[/SUP].

Perhaps a time machine has delivered the panel to the day and place so it may describe events as no newscaster ever did or could've done.

Or a justice team has traversed a wormhole and brought back Angleton, Dulles, Banister, Phillips, Hunt et al for a trial.

Augment the aforementioned stellar cast

Reach out to Mark Lane.

John Newman.

Lisa Pease

Charles to present his and Professor Evica's case against the Brothers Dulles

Someone take fifteen minutes to put the Ventura-Fetzer-Hunt clown car on the grease rack as Penn & Teller would explain a trick

The internet is a great venue

Len Osanic is a tireless Radio Free America for the New Millenium

DPF could offer a read-only thread: Blood & Silver: JFK Shadow State Murder Fifty Years On

It's a Brave New World: the president boasts he can take out anybody anywhere with a dronethen it's Miller Time

And we call ourselves the human race
Phil, I am aware of all these. I was trying to say that the researchers should produce their version of the story, regardless of what Myers and the rest are saying.
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:Adele

I am sure such a team will be capable of creating an appropriate action.
A second JFK movie or at least a documentary will be necessary, bringing to life
the books and latest work of the researchers. For example Myers has created his animation
no matter how mistaken he is, Gary Mack has created the documentary "Inside the Target car"
O'Reilly wil have another, Bugliosi the same. However, i have never seen any documentary or animation being made to show the opposite view of the lone gunman theory. For example the researchers that study the Micro-Analysis of Dealey Plaza, ie the ballistics and trajectories have not done what Myers did. To present the possible scenarios etc.
The Researchers that study the Macro-Analysis of the case, like Oswald, his files, motives, sponsors etc.
should have made a documentary with their version of the story. Wealthy individuals who share the views of the JFK community could help produce it.

For example. Some months before Richard Della Rosa died i asked him the following question:
Dear Mr Della Rosa

I am currently reading the book, "The Zapruder film hoax"....In the book you discuss about the other film that you had seen that is the true account of what really happened.
I think is important to create a virtual animated computerized version so we can all see how it happened. I am surprised that all these years you have not done it.

his reply was:

That's an excellent idea. For over 20 years I did not write or speakof what I saw. I first documented my observations about 12 years
ago. A few other researchers who saw the film at different places
and different times did the same. At this late date I would be reticent
to rely on my memory to try and create a computer animation unless
it was in collaboration with some of the others. I am certain about
the high points but I do not like to rely on my memory alone, I will
discuss this with the other authors of the book and see what we can do.
Meantime please rest assured that the film depicts the descriptions of
the closest eyewitnesses.


If such a film could be made, that would be wonderful. Then it could be used as a backdrop/reference for some of the Dealey Plaza witnesses. I remember that the Zapruder film did not show the motorcade's complete turn onto Elm Street from Houston Street in front of the School Book Depository Building. And it did not show the limousine making a brief, but complete, stop on Elm Street just as the President was being shot (the tail lights of the limousine were shown to be on in a single photo taken from the rear of the car, so we know it actually did stop - also from witnesses' testimony). It would also have to show that the fatal shot came from the front of the President, and the motorcycle policeman behind the President had himself and his cycle's windshield splattered by blood and brain material. That policeman's testimony was something along the idea that he, at first, thought he had been shot because the impact of the material was so strong.

I hope you and others could get in touch with the necessary people.

And speaking of Rich DellaRosa, I remember asking him if someone could duplicate the possible position of the cameraman filming the "other" film which he had seen, which meant could he detemine from his memory from where that film had been taken. As I recall, he thought the cameraman for that "other" film was not on Zapruder's pedestal, but a bit closer to the School Book Depository Building. Wasn't there a camera tripod found to the right of the pedestal inside the covered part of the portico? My memory is a bit fuzzy, but I do think he seemed to think the cameraman was in a slightly different position. I had suggested that someone with a camera should film Elm Street from Houston as if he were filmiong the motorcade to see if there might be some tiny differences in the perspective between the Zapruder film and this test film I had suggested. My idea provoked some negative reactions, so no one took it seriously and so it did not happen.

Maybe Greg Burnham and Millicent could give us some ideas, as has been suggested.

In my way of thinking about the assassination, the people who had conceived of the murder would have wanted film evidence of the most accurate kind - for a trophy, a memory...or for trainng purposes. Of course, nowadays such assassinations could be done via drones high up in the sky, making it very difficult to find out who did it.

Just maybe someone will find it amongst the papers and property of one of the plotters after their death, or their heir's death. Stranger things have happened before.

Adele please do not concentrate on the film. Ballistics and trajectories should be a a small fraction of the effort.To repeat the macro-analysis is more important.Create a documentary, let's say based on JFK and the Unspeakable and/or Destiny Betrayed or any other good book.

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