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It's All Been a Tremendous Lark
Adele Edisen Wrote:
Keith Millea Wrote:
Adele Edisen Wrote:We all miss you, Charles. Please come back and write us a blog, or whatever you wish.


I will second that Adele.

And I would add the quote that is slowly taking material form here on DPF.(paraphrased)

"When Adele speaks I listen"



I don't think I deserve such honors, but I shall thank you anyway. All of us contribute as we seek truths, and all of us learn from each other, so let's all listen and heed each other, too. Sometimes someone, anyone, can open a new doorway which could lead to new visions and perspectives. And we can learn from mistakes and errors, those of others, as well as from our own, and I've had a lot of practice learning from my own errors, believe me.

That is the purpose of a forum like this one, I believe.

Thank you, Keith. Let's keep on digging for Truth...


A post well worth repeating.



Larry always signs his name thus:

Student of JFK Assassination Research

I would like to tell you a story about a very famous 'student' who was Dr. Anton J. Carlson, Professor of Physiology in the Department of Physiology at the University of Chicago. He was also referred to as the "Father of American Physiologists" because he produced so many of them. He was a colleague and friend of Ivan Pavlov, who made a special trip to Chicago to visit Dr. Carlson during his only trip to the United States.

Whenever Dr. Carlson gave a talk or lecture, he always began by saying "Fellow Students", no matter who was in the audience - Nobel Prize winners, medical doctors, graduate or college students, other famous scientists. He may have even used this expression when speaking to the rich, well-dressed ladies who were anti-vivsectionists whom he frequently addressed and whose views he strongly opposed.

And, of course, we all loved him for that, and also because he taught us that no one is too old, or rigidly-minded, or too naive to learn.

I, too, am still a student, overwhelmed by what I still do not know or understand. And like Larry, still learning.

Thanks for reminding me, Larry.

Contrary to popular opinion, CD and I actually parted on good terms off forum. I had some good rumbles with him for sure, we also had many a moment standing shoulder to shoulder. I shall miss both aspects of the man, indeed his rapier wit and wordsmithing were wonderful to behold.

The trouble was that I used to warn people off joining up here. I mean that is bad because I was a member, ultimately a forum shouldn't be about how well one copes navigating the temper of a founding member. I just wouldn't know what would set CD off, and I could read the guy pretty well. Jan and Magda are two of the fairest minded people I know, I also really agree with Lauren's sentiments. Having bad encounters or gripes with these three is a sign someone has some 'issues'.

However, I am not here to poke at CD. I am not going to gloat saying "I told you so", CD had the dignity to sit back and reconsider. Life is like that people have different strengths. CD was important in setting up the DPF, in the shadow of the swamp-then with Myra CD was also in the thick of that. The people who fight to establish something are not necessarily the ones who make for good leaders when the smoke settles. I think CD was still looking to decapitate anyone. Its the warrior spirit I guess... I just don't think he could disengage the Dragon at crucial times!

Thus, for me his closing statement was the mark of a real man. It had class, and when CD is calm that's what he is. Love him or hate him the man has it. He has helped set up a wonderful forum, I also think its great he is working with JK. I said ages ago to CD, get out and get some research out there. I wish him the best of luck with that-research is where his POV is needed, and despite our differences I consider him a friend.

All the best CD it was a blast!!!!!
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992

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