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Breaking: Explosion Reported at Boston Marathon's Finish Line
David Guyatt Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Technical Director


Mr. Tsarni served as Head of Legal Affairs of Golden Eagle Partners LLC,.


For me, this is a really shadowy front... no names other than the registered agent who also acts as the manager. Somebody might want to look more deeply into their financials and see what names emerge.
[URL=" Eagle Partners%2c LLC/Page1"] Eagle Partners%2c LLC/Page1

N[/URL]othing comes up on an EDGAR search (SEC)
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
USAID is a CIA front as are many fo the NGOs. They use terorrists, thugs, warlords, drig dealers, corrupt oligarchs and so forth to wage their wars of aggression to sieze more control at home and in regions of interest... and to make billions of black dollars which are all laundered by the too big to fail banks.

Boston was a test of the fascist use of marshal law in the US and to show that the media is incapable of presenting the truth and that the state's false narratives rule. They define reality. W's guys even said so. He was right.

This is like living in 1984 or Brave New World... If I hadn't read them years ago I wouldn't believe it would come to pass.

It has.
David Guyatt Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Technical Director


Mr. Tsarni served as Head of Legal Affairs of Golden Eagle Partners LLC,.


For me, this is a really shadowy front... no names other than the registered agent who also acts as the manager. Somebody might want to look more deeply into their financials and see what names emerge.
Here is the Linked In details for Sam Patten NeoCon slimeball who looks to be Golden Eagle Partners LLC PR man.

Quote:Sam Patten

Principal at Office of Sam Patten, LLC
Washington D.C. Metro Area Public Relations and Communications

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Sam Patten's Overview

  • Principal at Office of Sam Patten, LLC
  • Eurasia Program Director at Freedom House
  • Senior Advisor/Speechwriter to Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs at U.S. Department of State
  • Director, International Ventures at Marsh Copsey + Associates
see all
  • Georgetown University
Connections500+ connections
Sam Patten's Summary

Sam is an accomplished, senior-level communications, public affairs and political consulting expert with a track record of related assignments and campaigns both in the United States and abroad. Over his career to date, he has:

--Counseled senior political figures both in the United States and multiple countries on communications strategies;

--Designed innovative public affairs and strategic communications programs in complex environments;

--Managed successful political campaigns domestically and internationally;

--Published opinion pieces under his name and those of his clients in major media outlets domestically and internationally;

--Produced a range of media materials in support of strategic communications objectives; and

--Testified before Congress, been a panelist on policy-oriented dialogues, and advocated for policy changes and improvements.

As an independent consultant, Sam is a valued contributor teams assembled of experts in multiple disciplines for undertaking ambitious challenges.

Sam Patten's Experience


[B]Office of Sam Patten, LLC[/B]

January 2009 Present (4 years 4 months)
Provides advisory services for international communications projects in partnership with governments, political parties, non-governmental organizations and private sector concerns. Recently, Patten was the on-the-ground advisor a political party in the former Soviet republic of Georgia which was part of a coalition that won parliamentary elections there in October 2012. He also directed communications for an independent challenge for a U.S. Senate seat in the last campaign cycle.

Eurasia Program Director

[B]Freedom House[/B]

Nonprofit; 51-200 employees; Nonprofit Organization Management industry
2009 April 2011 (2 years) Washington, DC
Washington, DC; Directed programs in support of freedom and human rights in former Communist countries, analyzed policies and developed expert opinions, testified before Congress and published widely in advocating for stronger human rights protections and the advance of democratic practices across Eurasia.

Senior Advisor/Speechwriter to Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs

[B]U.S. Department of State[/B]

Government Agency; 10,001+ employees; International Affairs industry
June 2008 January 2009 (8 months)
Washington, DC; Advised the Under Secretary on democracy promotion and served as her speechwriter and principal public affairs officer. In this capacity, coordinated the concluding session of Secretary Rice's Advisory Committee on Democracy Promotion. Served as principal staff to the Under Secretary at the 2008 United Nations General Assembly meetings.

Director, International Ventures

[B]Marsh Copsey + Associates[/B]

April 2005 March 2008 (3 years)
Washington, DC; Erbil, Iraq; Bangkok, Thailand; Tirana, Albania; and Kyiv, Ukraine; Developed and managed international political and strategic communications projects in Iraqi Kurdistan, Thailand, Albania and Ukraine. Directed public opinion research activities, media production and general campaign consulting.

Resident Political Director for Iraq

[B]International Republican Institute[/B]

Nonprofit; 51-200 employees; International Affairs industry
March 2004 February 2005 (1 year)
Baghdad, Iraq: Implemented research program, conducted outreach to Iraqi political parties and interim government officials and provided them campaign and communications training, supported political party development, and advanced voter education and GOTV programs in advance of Iraq's first free election. Conducted monthly national polls, focus groups and created media products in support of programmatic objectives. Directed staff of 20 and co-administering annual budget of approximately $10MM.

Country Director, Russia

[B]International Republican Institute[/B]

Nonprofit; 51-200 employees; International Affairs industry
April 2001 March 2004 (3 years)
Moscow, Russia; Represented IRI in Russia to political parties, civic groups and officials with the Government of Russia, trained political party leaders in campaign strategies, and advocated for greater engagement of citizens in Russian political life. Conducted three nation-wide polls and produced GOTV televisions spots that aired nationally on public and private broadcasters in the run-up to Russia's 2003 Duma (parliamentary) elections.

Legislative Assistant

[B]U.S. Senator Susan Collins[/B]

September 1999 April 2001 (1 year 8 months)
Portland, Maine and Washington, DC; Advised the Senator on foreign policy and defense issues. Also served as a state office representative in Portland, Maine responsible for constituent outreach and political operations.

Campaign Coordinator

[B]Bush-Cheney 2000[/B]

July 2000 November 2000 (5 months)
Portland, Maine; Drafted and implemented state campaign plan, directed earned media activities, coordinated surrogate visits, organized multiple rallies by Governor Bush, served as the campaign spokesperson in-state and directed major donor events.

Public Affairs Director

[B]Golden Eagle Partners[/B]

January 1998 September 1999 (1 year 9 months)
Almaty, Kazakhstan; co-founded and directed the activities of a client service group providing governmental and public affairs advice to companies in Kazakhstan. Published the authoritative daily news wire on industry and politics.

Government Affairs Manager

[B]Hurricane Investments[/B]

March 1997 December 1998 (1 year 10 months)
Almaty, Kazakhstan; coordinated government and public affairs activity for the first oil production company to be privatized in Central Asia. Designed and implemented high-impact public affairs plan.

Public Affairs Consultant

[B]Chevron Munaigaz, Inc[/B]

December 1996 March 1997 (4 months)
Almaty, Kazakhstan; advised on the administration of a $1.3 MM public affairs program, coordinated a human resources campaign and authored a manual on hiring.

Finance Director

[B]Collins for Senator[/B]

March 1996 December 1996 (10 months)
Bangor, Maine; Directed fund-raising activities in a successful U.S. Senate campaign that raised $1.6 MM and closed with a surplus, out-raised principal opponent by more than 2:1.

Public Affairs Director

[B]Golden Eagle Advisors[/B]

July 1995 March 1996 (9 months)
Almaty, Kazakhstan; Developed a public affairs and public relations practices serving major U.S. and European corporations operating in the Central Asian republic of Kazakhstan. Provided advice and practical support to the clients' internal functions for these purposes. Published the leading daily digest of news and information targeted to business and diplomatic audiences in Kazakhstan.

Press Secretary

[B]Collins for Governor[/B]

July 1994 November 1994 (5 months)
Portland, Maine; Coordinated media activities and assisted in development/implementation of campaign strategy.


[B]The Camden Herald[/B]

July 1993 July 1994 (1 year 1 month)
Camden, Maine; Covered news in five municipalities, wrote regular columns and won awards from the Maine Press Association for investigative journalism and opinion/editorial writing.


[B]District of Columbia Public Defenders Service[/B]

March 1992 May 1992 (3 months)
Washington, DC; Assisted criminal attorneys in pre-trial investigation of cases.


[B]U.S. Senator William S. Cohen[/B]

September 1990 March 1992 (1 year 7 months) Washington, DC
Conducted research on broad-ranging topic including defense and foreign policy. Assited with writing and constituent relations projects.

Sam Patten's Skills & Expertise

Sam Patten's Education

Georgetown University

Bachelor of Arts, in American Government

1989 1993
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
What a resume! It reads as the archetype of a CIA person running about in government as an "expert". Nice catch!
This looks like the 'authoritative daily news wire on industry and politics' mentioned in his CV

W[/URL]onder if Uncle Ruslan also had any thing to do with Hurricane Investments? The first oil production company to be privatized in Central Asia?
There is also a Golden Eagle Advisors......
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:What a resume! It reads as the archetype of a CIA person running about in government as an "expert". Nice catch!
Yeah, doesn't it? In neon lights. Spy
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Freedom House - what a nice bunch of ol' boys - including the CIA's very own James Woolsey as an adviser:

Quote:CIA's Freedom House: A house of destruction
Saturday, 25 August 2012 19:36

Phyllis Kachere

Describing itself as a "clear voice for democ*racy and freedom around the world", Freedom House has a history of mud*dying the politi*cal waters of targeted nations.
Freedom House was formed in the United States in 1941 to counter iso*lationism and to support the Mar*shall Plan, and has largely been sup*ported by US federal funding.
According to the US Institute of Policy Studies, in 2001 Freedom House had and income of around US$11 million, increasing to over US$26 million in 2006.

"Much of the increase was due to a rise between 2004 and 2005 in US gov*ernment federal funding, from US$12 million to US$20 million. Fed*eral funding fell to around US$10 mil*lion in 2007, but still repre*sented around 80 percent of Free*dom House's budget," read a state*ment on the Inter Press Service (IPS) website.
The strong financial links between the US government and Freedom House have resulted in critics ques*tioning how an organi*sation that claims to be independent could be funded by a government which it seeks to be independent from.

These strong links have cemented suspi*cions that Freedom House is indeed used by the US government to do hatchet jobs on nations deemed to be threats to America.

When Freedom House released what they said were findings of a new public opinion poll on Zimbabwe on Thursday, it was not surprising that political analysts were left wondering what the American CIA-spon*sored agent was up to this time.
UK-based Zimbabwean law lec*turer and political analyst Dr Alex Magaisa opined on his Facebook page:

"Research itself is a site of struggle sometimes between researchers or between the researcher and the researched or indeed, among the researched. It is important to bear in mind always, that research is not an inno*cent exercise but is invariably designed toward certain goals; cer*tain agendas; with the researchers them*selves being critical actors. There is invariably always an agenda, albeit unsaid, behind research.
"So when you look at a survey or research, you have to go outside the narrow focus on the results and inter*pretations and ask the hard question: What is the agenda behind this sur*vey? It could be to wake up; it could be to lull.

"It is a question that both the posi*tively represented and the negatively represented have to bear in mind. Either way, you have to look at a sur*vey or research generally with a criti*cally aware eye and mind."
Responding to Dr Magaisa's post, Mr Miri*rai Smart said:
"Strategists know what popularity surveys and not research aim at. Most people are always fooled almost all the time by such stu*pid gimmicks which either are meant to lull unliked politi*cians into undeserved self-praise and therefore into a lull or gal*vanise the supposed survey unpopu*lar to gird their loins into action, which may be the real intent of such.

"People get fully emotionally charged and frustrated either into action or inaction as a result. Which is what strategists par excel*lence aim at. Political engineering at its most stupid, actually."
The critical question to be asked is: Why now? What are the Americans seeking to achieve?
Could the Americans be trying to divert Zimbabweans from the more pressing consti*tution-making debate?

"Efforts that strategists expend to try and shape world outcomes in the political arena either accelerate or decelerate a process, by refocusing direction. We are here embroiled in discussing some survey/research, occupy*ing space which can best and profitably be used to discuss the constitu*tion which might affect the lives of generations after us. No move is as stupid as it looks," warned Mr Smart.
IPS has quoted Italian political sci*entist Pro*fessor Diego Giannonea, questioning this unholy alliance.

Prof Giannonea wrote that US gov*ernment funding to Freedom House was "unusual, especially when one considers that the organ*isations involved in the assessment and mon*itoring of human rights, democracy and free*dom in the world refuse on principle as a guarantee of their independence and credi*bility gov*ernment funding."

The Financial Times has reported that Freedom House is one of several organisa*tions selected by the State Department to receive fund*ing for "clandestine activities" inside Iran.

In a research study quoted by the paper, Freedom House set out its con*clusions:
"Far more often than is generally under*stood, the change agent is broad-based, non-violent civic resist*ance which employs tac*tics such as boycotts, mass protests, block*ades, strikes and civil disobedience to de-legitimate authoritarian rulers and erode their sources of support, includ*ing the loyalty of their armed defend*ers."

Past Free*dom House advisers and associ*ates have included former CIA direc*tor James Woolsey, the late UN ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick; con*servative Rolling Stone writer P. J. O'Rourke, and the late Samuel Hunting*ton, the Harvard professor known for his "clash of civilisations" thesis.
In fact, Freedom House is classified in the same group with other CIA-linked organisa*tions like the National Democratic Institute for Interna*tional Affairs, National

Endowment for Democracy, Millennium Chal*lenge Corporation and the Interna*tional Centre for Journalists.
Egyptian media reported in 2009 that 16 young Egyptian activists ben*efited from a two-month Free*dom House "New Genera*tion Fellow*ship" in Washington DC.
"The activists received training in advo*cacy and met with US govern*ment officials, members of Congress, media outlets and think tanks.
"As far back as 2008, members of the April 6th Movement attended the inaugural sum*mit of the Association of Youth Movements (AYM) in New York, where they networked with other movements, attended work*shops on the use of new and social media and learned about technical upgrades, such as consistently alter*nating computer simcards, which help to evade state internet surveil*lance."
Information gleaned from various Ameri*can websites shows that AYM is sponsored by Pepsi, YouTube and MTV.
Amongst the luminaries who par*ticipated in the 2008 Summit, which focused on train*ing activists in the use of Facebook and Twit*ter, were James Glassman of the State Depart*ment, Sherif Mansour of Freedom House, national security advisor Shaarik Zafar and Larry Diamond of the National Endowment for Democ*racy.

And it is these American-trained young people who drove the so-called Arab Spring in Egypt.
Freedom House took an active role in the overthrow of Slobodan Milose*vic in 2000, specifically in training the non-violent student movement, known as Otpor.
Closer home, in February 2006 clandestine Freedom House meetings in Zambia led to the deportation of now Prime Minister Mor*gan Tsvangi*rai and his eight-member team from that country. Reports said that the eight MDC-T offi*cials posed as tourists but later held secret meet*ings with officials from Freedom House in Livingstone.

The MDC-T officials included the late Mr Isaac Matongo, Mr Nelson Chamisa, Ms Lucia Matibenga, Ms Gertrude Mthombeni, Ms Paurina Mpariwa, Mr William Bango, Ms Thokozani Khupe and Mr Eddie Cross.
According to reports, Mr Tsvangi*rai flew into Victoria Falls ahead of his colleagues and met a Samuel Mark Imende, believed to be Kenyan.

After regrouping at Zambezi Sun Interna*tional Hotel in Livingstone, the MDC leaders held a marathon meet*ing with the Freedom House mem*bers, who were initially believed to be MDC donors.
Sources said the officials from the US-funded organisation were ini*tially stationed in Kenya to mobilise senti*ments against the Kenyan govern*ment's bid to amend that country's constitution.

The sources said Imende was pres*ent at the meeting in Zambia because he had been working hand-in-hand with the organisation during its stint in Kenya.

Slimy Sam's berth as "Eurasia Program Director of Freedom House.

For More Freedom House see HERE.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Technical Director


Mr. Tsarni served as Head of Legal Affairs of Golden Eagle Partners LLC,.


For me, this is a really shadowy front... no names other than the registered agent who also acts as the manager. Somebody might want to look more deeply into their financials and see what names emerge.

Well this would certainly explain his comments on tv. Throwing his nephews under the bus.
Some sort of legal argy bargy going on between thieves it looks like. My bolding. Big Sky is no longer operating though I am sure it has risen phoenix like elsewhere and the $s safely tucked away some where. Looks like he got his sister/their aunty to come in and help.

1. On 18 November 2005 a subsidiary of Big Sky, BSEA and VEW filed a Statement of Claim in the Republic of Kazakhstan against Ligostrade Service LLP ("Ligostrade") and Farkhad Koblandyuly Shakirov, a former employee of Big Sky's subsidiary, VEW, seeking to invalidate a purported Assignment Agreement dated 28 September 2005, related to an attempt to assign the subsoil use rights arising under Subsoil Use Contract No. 1076, in respect of the Atyrau Block ("Assignment Agreement") to Ligostrade.

On 22 November 2005 an Injunction was granted to VEW and BSEA, prohibiting Ligostrade, Mr. Shakirov and the MEMR from doing any actions to implement the purported Assignment Agreement including, the re-registration of the subsoil use rights arising under Subsoil Use Contract No 1077 in respect of the Atyrau Block pending the hearing of the case and any appeals.

On December 2, 2005 the scope of the Injunction was extended to prohibit the following acts: (a) the alienation or pledging of any shares or interests in or assets of Ligostrade Service LLP or any of its affiliated or related companies, whether by such parties themselves or by their bankers, financiers, employees, officers, directors, agents, lawyers, consultants and contractors ("Affiliates"), including without limitation all and any rights, interests or claims such party may have in relation to the subsoil use rights to the Atyrau Block arising under Contract No. 1077; (b) the sale, transfer or assignment of any rights or assets by Ligostrade Service LLP, or any of its or of any of its affiliated or related companies, and whether by such


parties themselves or by their Affiliates, including, without limitation, all and any rights, interests or claims such party may have in relation to the subsoil use rights to the Atyrau Block howsoever arising under Contract No. 1077; and © the MEMR from registration or transfer of any rights they may have in regards to the subsoil use rights to the Atyrau Block arising under Contract No. 1077.

As a result of certain interlocutory matters in relation to the various Kazakhstani Court proceedings, on 6 February 2006 Big Sky, acting through VEW and BSEA, commenced proceedings in the Almaty Inter-District Specialised Economic Court against Ligostrade Service LLP and its errant former employee, Mr. F. K. Shakirov, seeking to invalidate the purported Assignment Agreement (as amended) and a new Injunction in support of such proceedings along the lines of the Injunction previously obtained on 22 November 2005 and as amended on 2 December 2005. The substantive hearings in this case have yet to be held.

On or about 18 October 2005, Ligostrade Service LLP commenced proceedings in the Almaty Specialised Inter-District Economic Court against VEW seeking to compel VEW to perform its obligations under the purported Assignment Agreement of 28 September 2005, and to transfer all geological and other data.
On 15 February 2006 the Almaty Specialised Inter-District Economic Court issued an Injunction against Geostan LLP, one of VEW's seismic data processing sub-contractors, arresting the data and documents in its possession.
This Injunction/arrest was appealed by VEW on 24 February 2006, by Private Complaint to the Almaty City Court, which appeal will be heard on 23 March 2006.

In addition, on 13 March 2006, the Astana Specialised Inter-District Economic Court, in connection with proceedings commenced on 31 January 2006 by VEW and BSEA against the MEMR, issued a Ruling invalidating the purported Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 1077, the purported registration of this purported Amendment No. 1 and the Decision of the Expert Commission of MEMR purporting to approve the purported transfer of the subsoil use rights to the Atyrau Block to Ligostrade. This Judgement will take effect after 15 days after the date of its issue unless appealed.
VEW is vigorously defending the substance of this claim by Ligostrade and the substantive proceedings of this case was adjourned by Ruling dated 16 February 2006 pending resolution of the claims by BSEA and VEW against Ligostrade referred to above.

2. Hydrocarbon Contract #1104 in respect of the Karatal Block,
Hydrocarbon Contract #1102 in respect of the Dauletaly Block, and
Hydrocarbon Contract #1076 in respect of the Liman-2 Block

On March 23, 2005 KoZhaN received a letter purported to be from the MEMR acting as a Competent Body under the Hydrocarbon Contracts. In this letter the MEMR allegedly notified KoZhaN of a suspension for six (6) months of its subsoil use rights under the Hydrocarbon Contract #1104 for the Karatal Block due to alleged violations of the terms of this Contract, primarily relating to the implementation and fulfillment of the Minimal Work Program. On the same date KoZhaN received a letter purportedly from the MEMR notifying KoZhaN of a suspension for six (6) months of its subsoil use rights under the Hydrocarbon Contract # 1102 for the Dauletaly Block due to alleged violations of the terms of this Contract.

On March 23, 2005 VEW received a letter purportedly from the MEMR acting as a Competent Body under the Hydrocarbon Contracts. In this letter the MEMR allegedly notified VEW of a suspension for six (6) months of its subsoil use rights under the Hydrocarbon Contract # 1076 for the Liman-2 Block due to alleged violations of the terms of this Contract primarily relating to the implementation and fulfillment of the Minimal Work Program.

After receipt of these letters KoZhaN and VEW wrote various letters to the MEMR enclosing various documents and information required by the letters dated 23 March 2005.

On October 7, 2005 KoZhaN received a letter purportedly from the MEMR notifying KoZhaN on unilateral cancellation of the Hydrocarbon Contract # 1104 for the Karatal Block. On the same date KoZhaN received a letter from the MEMR notifying KoZhaN of unilateral cancellation of the Hydrocarbon Contract # 1102 for the Dauletaly Block.

On October 7, 2005 VEW received a letter purportedly from the MEMR notifying VEW of unilateral cancellation of the Hydrocarbon Contract # 1076 for the Liman-2 Block.


On October 12 and 17, 2005 KoZhaN wrote letters to the MEMR seeking to confirm the authenticity of the letters dated October 7, 2005, and requesting that the MEMR withdraw and cancel these letters.

On October 31, 2005, after the meeting with representatives of KoZhaN, the MEMR then wrote a letter to KoZhaN requesting that it provide a detailed report on the works actually performed by it in relation to the Karatal and Dauletaly Blocks for the period ending September 30., 2005 pursuant to the Hydrocarbon Contracts #1104 and 1102, respectively.

On October 12 and 17, 2005 VEW wrote letters to the MEMR seeking to confirm the authenticity of the letter dated October 7, 2005, and requesting that the MEMR withdraw and cancel this letter.

On October 31, 2005, after the meeting with representatives of KoZhaN, the MEMR then wrote a letter to VEW requesting that it provide a detailed report on the works actually performed by it in relation to the Liman-2 Block for the period ending September 30, 2005 pursuant to the Hydrocarbon Contract # 1076.

On November 3, 2005 KoZhaN wrote a letter to the MEMR in response to its letter dated October 31, 2005. On November 3, 2005 VEW wrote a letter to the MEMR in response to its letter dated October 31, 2005.

On November 9, 2005 the MEMR wrote one single letter both to KoZhaN and VE W, in response to their letters dated November 3, 2005. In this letter the MEMR advised both companies on the reasons of its decision as the Competent Body in respect of the cancelled Hydrocarbon Contracts, primarily referring to non-fulfillment of the Minimal Work Program of the Exploration Period as main violation of their obligations under the Hydrocarbon Contracts.

In relation to Contract No. 1104 as to the Karatal Block, Contract No.1102 as to the Dauletaly Block and Contract No. 1076 as to the Liman-2 Block (the "Blocks") a Commission has been established by the MEMR to review its decision of 7 October 2005 to cancel Big Sky's subsidiaries' (the "Group") subsoil use rights to the Blocks. Big Sky has received legal advice to the effect that, until this Commission has made and delivered its report, and the MEMR have acted pursuant thereto, only then will any alleged modification of the subsoil use rights associated with the Blocks be determined.

On 17 January 2006 the MEMR confirmed the title of KoZHan to the subsoil use rights arising in relation to the Karatal and Dauletaly Blocks pursuant to Subsoil Use Contracts Nos. 1102 and 1104. To date the Group has not received or been provided with any other evidence which would suggest KoZHan is no longer the registered subsoil users in respect of the Liman-2 Block pursuant to Contract 1076 as issued on 7 October 2005 in the Courts and the limitation period only expires on 6 October 2008.

The effect of the Commission's determination regarding the Liman-2 Block cannot, at this time, be estimated. At this time, due to the lack of relevant facts, any estimate of the effect of the Commission's determination would, therefore, be mere speculation.

VEW has the possibility to appeal the decision of MEMR to purport to cancel the subsoil use rights arising in relation to the Liman-2 Block pursuant to Contract 1076 as issued on 7 October 2005 in the Courts, and the limitation period only expires on 6 October 2008.
Big Sky, BSEA and VEW have been working to prepare such a claim, which is expected to be filed shortly in order to reinstate VEW's subsoil use rights in relation to the Liman-2 Block.

3. On 8 March 2006 the District Court of Clark County, in the State of Nevada, USA, granted in favour of Big Sky a Temporary Restraining Order against Ruslan Tsarni, Maret Tsarnaeva and Farkhad Shakirov preventing them, or any third party, from seeking to or actually relying upon a purported Extract/Certificate/Affidavit of 22 March 2005 upon which Mr. Shakirov purported to base his authority to contract with Ligostrade on behalf of VEW in relation to the Atyrau Block as referred to above. Mr. Tsarni is Big Sky's former Vice President Business Development. Ms. Tsarnaeva is the sister of Ruslan Tsarni and was brought into the Big Sky Calgary offices by Mr. Tsarni with the stated intention of training her to become the in-house counsel on corporate and securities matters.
This Temporary Restraining Order is in support of substantive proceedings commenced by Big Sky to have such Extract/Certificate/Affidavit recognised as false, fraudulent, void and invalid ab initio .
This Temporary Restraining Order has already been served upon Messrs Tsarni and Shakirov and is being served upon Ms Tsarnaeva. The Clark County District Court has appointed the next hearing for 24 March 2006 and Big Sky confidently expects it will be successful in all respects.


4. Personal Claims involving Mr. F.K. Shakirov
(a)Mr. F.K. Shakirov, personally, commenced an action in the Almaty City Court against BSEA and VEW for reinstatement as President of VEW.
An appeal to the Supervisory Collegium of the Supreme Court is being prepared against an Ex-parte Default Judgement that was initially issued re-instating Mr. Shakirov as VEW's President on 7 November 2005. This appeal will shortly be filed by BSEA and VEW and is supported by the Temporary Restraining Order issued on 8 March 2006 by the District Court of Clark County, in the State of Nevada, USA, referred to above.
(b) Mr. Shakirov filed a claim in the Almaty City Court for compensation of his alleged moral damages in the amount of KZT134,000,000 (approximately USD $1,050,000 as of March 17, 2006) arising out of a letter written by BSEC, BSEK and BSEA to Ligostrade pointing out that Mr. Shakirov was never President of VEW and had no right, power or authority to contract on its behalf.
On 4 November 2005, Mr. F. K. Shakirov obtained an order restraining the assets of BSEC and BSEK in amount of KZT 134 000 000 as security for his moral damages claim, which will be released if and when any moral damages are paid. This restraining of assets was appealed by BSEC and BSEK to the Civil Collegium of the Supreme Court on 11 November 2005, as a result of which the restrainment was reduced to only cover assets equivalent to the amount of KZT 134,000,000.
On 27 December 2005 the Almaty City Court awarded Mr. Shakirov the amount of KZT30,000 (approximately USD $240.00 as of March 17, 2006), in moral damages. This was appealed by BSEC, BSEK and BSEA to the Supreme Court, which upheld such Ruling on 28 February 2006.

An appeal against this Ruling to the Supervisory Collegium of the Supreme Court is being prepared and will shortly be filed by BSEC, BSEK and BSEA.
© A claim was filed by Mr. F. Shakirov against VEW, Messrs Kairat Zhangaziyev, S.A. Sehsuvaroglu and Serzhan Shakirov again for moral damages in the amount of KZT134,000,000 (arising from an announcement published in Kazakhstanskaya Pravda as to the fact that Mr. Shakirov was never the President of VEW and, in any event, was removed from all positions) in the Medeu District Court on 20 October 2005. Mr. Zhangaziyev and Mr. Serzhan Shakirov are engineers employed by VEW and Mr. Sehsuvaroglu is the President of VEW and Big Sky. There is no relationship between Mr. Serzhan Shakirov and Mr. F. Shakirov. This case was suspended on 21 November 2005 and resumed on 4 January 2006. The next hearings are expected on 15 March 2006.
(d) A claim was filed by Mr. Shakirov against VEW in the Medeu District Court for recovery of his unpaid salary (arising after the date he was initially suspended on 4 October 2005) in the amount of KZT 282,918 (approximately USD $2,200 as of March 17, 2006), as well as compensation for the moral damage Mr. Shakirov claimed to have suffered because of the non-payment of his salary in the amount of KZT 300, 000. A first instance Judgement in Mr. Shakirov's favour was issued against VEW on 17 February 2006 in the amount of KZT 282,918, however Mr. Shakirov's moral damage claim was rejected. VEW prepared and filed a Private Complaint in appeal on 3 March 2006 against this Judgement, which will be considered in the Almaty City Court on 30 March 2006.
(e) A further claim by Mr. Shakirov against KoZHan for recovery of unpaid salary (arising after the date he was initially suspended on 4 October 2005) in the amount of KZT 13,824 (approximately USD $108.00 as of March 17, 2006), together with moral damages of KZT 300,000 for such non-payment of salary was filed in the Bostandyk District Court on 16 January 2006. KoZHan is vigorously defending this case and a counter-claim was filed on 13 March 2006, in the amount of KZT 29,402 (approximately USD $230.00 as of March 17, 2006), representing the amount owing by Mr. Shakirov to KoZHan for absence of an expense report for the expenditure of KZT 29,402. A hearing is scheduled for 16 March 2006.

Big Sky is working closely with its lawyers and other advisers to vigorously defend, rebut and counter-claim against the same as it firmly believes that such claims are simply intended to try and distract Big Sky and its management's attention from its successful business of exploring for and producing hydrocarbons in Kazakhstan and that the same are totally without merit and that Mr. Shakirov et al will be proven to have acted improperly and fraudulently, as criminal proceedings against Mr. Shakirov now underway have begun to show.

We are not a party to any other material legal proceeding or litigation and we know of no additional material legal proceeding or contemplated or threatened litigation. We are subject to potential litigation in the normal course of operations. There are no other claims currently pending that we consider would materially affect our operations.



We employ our executive officers as consultants under the terms of individual consulting agreements. See "Employment and Consulting Agreements". Each member of the board of directors serves until their successor is appointed at a duly called Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Big Sky.

The following table sets forth information, as of December 9, 2005, regarding our directors, executive officers and key employees:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
These sorts of operations and individuals are the so called *shadow government * which uses the actual government and media as a front for their operations. They are considerate legitimate "experts" and are hardly hiding in the shadows... but clearly these sorts of operations are what drives the policies and actions of the coup/empire. And a great part of this is running the narrative. They are doing it well enough to fool 99% or would that be 99.999% of the people?

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