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Breaking: Explosion Reported at Boston Marathon's Finish Line
Graham Fuller: Edmonds' State Secrets Privilege, FBI Gladio-B Target, Handler-Sponsor of Turkey's Imam Gulen[Image: 0427_fuller.png]A major break in the Boston Terror CIA Connection took place last night when I came across a post outing CIA Operative Graham Fuller as the father of the woman married to Boston terror suspect's infamous uncle Ruslan Tsarni. Further confirmation of this bombshell was received via mainstream reporter Laura Rozen here. Let me first provide a few excerpts from the original reporting site (a real alternative media):
Boston Bombers' Uncle Married Daughter of Top CIA OfficialThe uncle of the two suspected Boston bombers in last week's attack, Ruslan Tsarni, was married to the daughter of former top CIA official Graham Fuller . Ruslan Tsarni married the daughter of former top CIA official Graham Fuller, who spent 20 years as operations officer in Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Hong Kong. In 1982 Fuller was appointed the National Intelligence Officer for Near East and South Asia at the CIA, and in 1986, under Ronald Reagan, he became the Vice-Chairman of the National Intelligence Council, with overall responsibility for national level strategic forecasting.…
Now, take a look at the most explosive aspect of this original report on Graham Fuller's outing in the CIA Boston Terror Connection [All Emphasis Mine]:
On a more ominous note, Graham Fuller was listed as one of the American Deep State rogues on Sibel Edmonds' State SecretsPrivilege Gallery,. Edmonds explained it featured subjects of FBI investigations she became aware of during her time as an FBI translator.Criminal activities were being protected by claims of State Secrets, she asserted. After Attorney General John Ashcroft went all the way to the Supreme Court to muzzle her under a little-used doctrine of State Secrets, she put up twenty-one photos, with no names. One of them was Graham Fuller.…
I presented CIA's Graham Fuller as one of the top culprits in my State Secrets Privilege Case when the government invoked the State Secrets Privilege and several additional gag orders to cover up the FBI's investigations and files pertaining to CIA-NATO terror operations in Central Asia & the Caucasus since the mid-1990s. Guess what? I provided this information to the US media long before it became public in 2008 via my website and this website. Not a single media outlet (including quasi and pseudo ones) was willing to touch this. And this, despite of all the gag orders, state secrets privilege invocations, congressional gag orders … you name it. I could name more than a dozen publications that said: no way.'Not only that. I have been covering one of the main CIA operation figures in Central Asia & the Caucasus-Imam Fethullah Gulen, and this Turkish Imam's relationship and official Connections to CIA's Graham Fuller. I've been doing this since 2009. Let me provide you with a few explosive examples and excerpts. First a few excerpts from over two years ago published at Boiling Frogs Post:
Turkish Intel Chief Exposes CIA Operations via Islamic Group in Central AsiaFirst of all, there have been tens if not hundreds of articles establishing Graham Fuller as one of Gulen's official references to the court for his residency, you can view some of these here, here, here. This quote comes from Foreign Policy Journal:Fethullah Gulen became a green card holder despite serious opposition from FBI and from Homeland Security Department. Former CIA officers (formally and informally) such as Graham Fuller and Morton Abromovitz were some of the prominent references in Gulen's green card application.And Stein let that slide?! I'd quickly ask: how often do you write to the FBI on people you think have been unfairly targeted or treated by them?!' Last but not least on Graham Fuller is my own on-the-record, more accurately, on-the-album, naming of individuals implicated (criminally) in my case, thus protected via invocation of the State Secrets Privilege:……
Then the following excerpt from an article I wrote in 2010:
After years of investigating him the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, due to his guardian angels in the State Department and the CIA, are prevented from bringing an indictment against him, so they try to kick him out of the US. But once again Gulen's CIA angels step in and portray Gulen as a scholar, despite the fact that Fethullah Gulen doesn't even have a high-school diploma and never went beyond the 5th grade. Among his angels who vouched for him were Graham Fuller, George Fidas, and Morton Abramowitz.
And this excerpt from another related article I wrote in 2010:
You may remember one of these foreign policy makers from my State Secrets Privilege Gallery and my under oath testimony in the Krikorian case. Here is a quote from Graham A. Fuller, former Deputy Director of the CIA's National Council on Intelligence:The policy of guiding the evolution of Islam and of helping them against our adversaries worked marvelously well in Afghanistan against the Red Army. The same doctrines can still be used to destabilize what remains of Russian power, and especially to counter the Chinese influence in Central Asia.'
And this from another commentary I wrote on the Gulen-CIA nexus:
No one is daring to mention one of his top backers in the US, another butler of Israel, Mort Abramowitz, or and how Abramowitz vouched for Gulen during his deportation hearing. No one is talking about Gulen's other CIA bodyguard, Graham Fuller. No real' questions on Gulen's real' sources of multibillion dollar funding…No emphasis on Gulen's real role for the real US decision-makers' use, and their strategy for Central Asia since 1997…Some of these reporters have their hands tied by their MSM editors. Some of the semi- independent journalists have fallen for the creators of the smoke and mirrors. And others are simply guided by ignorance and utter dumbness emboldened by their arrogance. Well, they are just the latest being sold and fed garbage when it comes to Gulen.…
If you haven't watched our Operation Gladio series, please do so now: Sibel Edmonds on Operation Gladio Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V. And I urge you to watch and disseminate the following video interview on my analysis linking the CIA & the Boston Terror Case: You can check out our latest updates on this case here, here and here.Let's watch and observe the coverage, or lack of, pertaining to CIA's Graham Fuller and his three-decade long connections to CIA-Made terror in the Caucasus and Central Asia. I suspect we will not be seeing any coverage with substance. You will not find a single media outlet in the United States that would dare expose what I exposed several years ago on Graham Fuller's major role in my State Secrets Privilege Case, in black operations in the Caucasus and Central Asia, and in the propping and handling of infamous Islamic Imam Fethullah Gulen and his $20+ Billion Dollar network of NGO's in the US.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
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Washington's «Civil Society» and CIA Financing of Chechen and Other Caucasus Regional Terrorists

[TD]29.04.2013 | 00:00
Through a myriad of «civil society» organizations, the United States has been financing Chechen groups inside the autonomous republic, in Russia, and abroad. However, large portions of U.S. assistance money has «bled» over to support Chechen and other North Caucasus terrorist groups, which the U.S. State Department and U.S. intelligence agencies insist on referring to as «separatist guerrillas», «nationalists», «insurgents», and «rebels», instead of terrorists.The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) has continuously refused to refer to Chechen and Islamic Emirate terrorists operating in Russia as «terrorists». NSA analysis reports of signals intelligence (SIGINT) intercepts of Russian police, Federal Security Bureau (FSB), Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), and Russian military communications, including radio, landline and cellular telephone, fax, text message, and fax, have, since 2003, referred to Chechen and North Caucasus terrorists as «guerrillas». Prior to that year, TOP SECRET Codeword internal NSA directives stated that Chechen terrorists were to be called «rebels».Imagine the surprise if the United States began referring to «Al Qaeda» as Islamist guerrillas and rebels instead of terrorists. Yet, that is exactly how the NSA and CIA have referred to terrorists in Russia that have launched deadly attacks on airports, trains, subway stations, schools, and movie theaters throughout the Russian Federation.U.S. «humanitarian» and «civil society» assistance to radical Islamist groups has, for the past three decades, filtered into the coffers of terrorist groups celebrated as «freedom fighters» in Washington. This was the case with U.S. support for the Afghan Mujaheddin through such groups as the Committee for a Free Afghanistan during the Islamist insurgency against the People's Democratic Republic of Afghanistan in the 1980s and the Bosnia Defense Fund in the 1990s. In the case of Afghanistan, U.S. and Saudi money ended up in the hands of insurgents who would later form «Al Qaeda» and in Bosnia U.S. funds were used by Al Qaeda elements fighting against Yugoslavia and the Bosnian Serb Republic and, later, Al Qaeda elements supporting the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in its war against Serbia.After revelations that an entity called the Caucasus Fund was used by the CIA-linked Jamestown Foundation of Washington, DC to sponsor seminars on the North Caucasus in Tbilisi from January to July 2012, Georgian authorities moved to shut down the fund. The reason given by Georgia was that the organization had «fulfilled its stated mission». Caucasus Fund and Jamestown Foundation events were attended by accused Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan born to parents from Dagestan. Jamestown had previously held a seminar in Tbilisi on «Hidden Nations» in the Caucasus, which, among other issues, promoted a «Greater Circassia» in the Caucasus.U.S. «civil society» aid to groups fomenting terrorism, nationalism, separatism, and irredentism in the Caucasus is either direct through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) or covert through organizations funded by George Soros's Open Society Institute.Much can be learned about U.S. backing for terrorist groups operating in the North Caucasus from information gleaned from the tranche of a quarter million leaked classified State Department cables. A November 12, 2009 Confidential cable from the U.S. embassy in Moscow implies that the Carnegie Center NGO in Moscow be engaged to stymie Russia's political and economic goals in the North Caucasus, particularly by taking advantage of 50 percent unemployment in Ingushetiya and 30 percent in Chechnya. Areas of high unemployment in the Muslim world have served as prime recruiting grounds for Wahhabist and Salafist radical clerics financed by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the emirates of Sharjah and Ras al Khaimah. Dagestan is cited in a June 8, 2009 embassy Moscow cable as Russia's «weakest link» in the Caucasus region.A Confidential September 16, 2009 cable from the U.S. embassy in Moscow indicates that Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Philip Gordon was urged to push the concept that the Ramzan Kadyrov government in Chechnya had «neither control nor stability». The NGO Caucasian Knot told Gordon at a meeting at the U.S. embassy that «foreign fighters» were joining a jihad in the region and that there was a «Hobson's Choice» between «terrorists» and «corrupt local government». Apparently, the Obama administration decided, likely with the strong support of then deputy national security adviser and current CIA director John O. Brennan, a confirmed Saudiphile and a participant in the Hadj pilgrimage to Mecca, opted for the terrorists.Other leaked Confidential cables provide in-depth details on U.S., British, and Norwegian support for exiled «Chechen-Ichkeria» leader Akhmed Zakayev, a close friend of the late exiled Russo-Israeli tycoon Boris Berezovsky. A July 29, 2009 Confidential cable from the U.S. embassy in Oslo quotes the head of the Russian section at the Norwegian Foreign Ministry, Odd Skagestad, as telling the American embassy there that Zakayev was the «legitimate representative of not just the Chechen exile community, but of Chechens in Chechnya», although he added that «Zakayev is on various INTERPOL lists» for suspected terrorist links. Skagestad stated the Norwegian PST, Norway's FBI, ignored INTERPOL arrest warrants and permitted Zakayev to visit Norway from his place of exile in London. The Oslo embassy also stated that the Norwegian head of the «Chechnya Peace Forum», Ivar Amundsen, was very «tight lipped» about his activities and that he was a close friend of the late renegade ex-Russian intelligence officer Alexander Litvinenko. Zakayev has also received significant support from the governments of Denmark, Finland, and the Czech Republic, where there are active Chechen exile community. The Kavkaz Center, which runs a pro-Caucasus Emirate website, provides an important public relations service for Emirate leader Doku Umarov's terrorist cells in southern Russia…Ruslan Zaindi Tsarnaev, the Maryland-based uncle of suspected bombers Tamerlan and Dzokhar Dudayev, established the Congress of Chechen International Organizations, Incorporated, in Maryland on August 17, 1995 and in the District of Columbia on September 22, 1995. The Maryland entity's status was forfeited and is not in good standing, likely because of delinquency in filing required fees and forms. The District of Columbia corporate entity was active for 17 years and seven months. Interestingly, the DC corporate status was revoked at around the time of the Boston Marathon bombings. Ruslan Tsarnaev, also known as Ruslan Tsarni, a graduate of Duke University Law School in North Carolina, worked for USAID in Kazakhstan and other countries in preparing them for vulture capitalist enterprises such as derivative financing and hedge funds.The Maryland address for the Congress of Chechen International Organizations is listed in Maryland corporate records as 11114 Whisperwood Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20852, which is the address for Graham E. Fuller.Fuller is a former Russian-speaking CIA official, including station chief in Kabul and vice-chair of the National Intelligence Council during the 1980s Iran-contra scandal, with which Fuller was heavily involved. Fuller has been active in events sponsored by the Jamestown Foundation, including keynoting an October 29, 2008 conference titled «Turkey & the Caucasus after Georgia».Fuller's daughter, Samantha Ankara Fuller, is a UK and US dual national who is listed as a director of Insource Energy, Ltd. of the UK, a firm owned by Carbon Trust, a not-for-profit company «with the mission to accelerate the move to a low carbon economy». According to the Bank of England's Prudential Regulation Authority's Financial Services Register, Samantha Ankara Fuller's previous name was Mrs. Samantha Ankara Tsarnaev. She was the wife of Ruslan Tsarnaev and ex-aunt of the two accused Boston Marathon bombers. At the time of her marriage to Ruslan Tsarnaev, Fuller was an investment adviser to Dresdner Bank, J P Morgan Ltd. in the UK, J P Morgan Securities, and J P Morgan Chase Bank, according to the UK Financial Services Register.Ruslan Tsarnaev is the vice president for business development and corporate secretary for Big Sky Energy Corporation, headquartered in Calgary, Canada with the headquarters of its Big Sky Group holding company located in Little Rock, Arkansas.North Carolina court records indicate that the Tsarnaevs were married in North Carolina in 1995, the year Ruslan established the Congress of Chechen International Organizations in Washington, DC and Maryland, and divorced in 1999. The divorce was granted in Orange County, North Carolina.It is noteworthy that the Washington DC corporate registration agent for the Congress of Chechen International Organizations is Prentice-Hall. Prentice-Hall is owned by Pearson, the publishing and educational firm based in London that owns the Financial Times and fifty percent of The Economist Group. In 1986, the Economist Group bought the New York-based Business International Corporation (BIC), the CIA front company for which Barack Obama, Jr. served as an employee from 1983 to 1984, and folded it into the Economist Intelligence Unit.The other uncle of the alleged Boston bombers, Alvi S. Tsaranev of Silver Spring, Maryland, not far from his brother Ruslan's home, is apparently affiliated with another Chechen exile organization, the United States-Chechen Republic Alliance Inc., with an address of 8920 Walden Road, Silver Spring, Maryland 20901-3823. The address is also that of Alvi S. Tsarnaev. The registered officer for the organization is listed U.S. Internal Revenue Service filings as Lyoma Usmanov. The organization is registered as a charitable organization engaged in «International Economic Development».In the book, Power and Purpose: U.S. Policy Toward Russia after the Cold War, by James M. Goldgeier and Michael McFaul, the latter the present activist and neo-conservative U.S. ambassador to Russia who has directly intervened in Russian politics to seek the ouster of President Vladimir Putin from power and stir up secessionist, religious, and political extremists throughout the Russian Federation. According to this book, former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brezezinki was Usmanov's sponsor in the United States: «Brzezinski helped to establish and finance Chechen representation in the United States headed by Usmanov».Another U.S.-based group that has championed the Chechen movement, regardless of the presence of terrorist entities, is the American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus (ACPC), formerly known as the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya. The ACPC was founded in 1999 by Freedom House, a Cold War right-wing group that has been financed by the National Endowment for Democracy and USAID-funded groups. The ACPC has defended the political asylum in the U.S. of former Chechen Foreign Minister Ilyas Akhmadov, accused of past terrorist links. The ACPC and Freedom House work with the Jamestown Foundation, founded in 1984 by CIA director William Casey, along with high-ranking intelligence defectors from the Soviet Union, Romania, Poland, and Czechoslovakia.An October 17, 2008 Sensitive cable from the U.S. embassy in Moscow outlines the priorities for USAID and NGOs in their operations in the North Caucasus. The cable states that the North Caucasus Program was active in North Ossetia and Kabardino-Balkaria and was working with local NGOs. The cable states explicitly that USAID's mission in the North Caucasus was to «advance critical U.S. interests». USAID-specified «hot zones» included Chechnya, Ingushetia, and the Elbruz region of Kabardino-Balkaria. The USAID North Caucasus Program focused on four key regions: Chechnya, Ingushetia, North Ossetia, and Dagestan, plus Krasnodarsky Krai, Adygea Republic, Karachay-Cherkessia, Stavropolsky Krai, and Kabardino-Balkarskaya Republic.USAID's network of NGOs in the region are identified in the cable. They are: International Rescue Committee (IRC), World Vision, Keystone, IREX, Children's Fund of North Ossetia (CFNO), Russian Microfinance Center, UNICEF, ACDI/VOCA, Southern Regional Resource Center (SRAC), Center for Fiscal Policy (CFP), Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), Institute for Urban Economics, «Faith, Hope and Love (FHL), International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC), and the Fund for Sustainable Development (FSD). Many of these groups have close links with the CIA and/or Soros, particularly World Vision and IRC.The interests who are linked to the Boston Marathon and terrorism in Russia run the gamut from Soros-funded NGOs, to CIA front companies and non-official cover (NOC) agents, foreign intelligence services, and Western energy companies.[/TD]
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:No idea if this is relevant or not but it is interesting:
Quote:CONFIRMED (from Brass CheckTV): Katherine Russell (alleged bomber's wife) is granddaughter of Richard Warren Russell, Skull and Bones member and entrepreneur in the energy industry.

Russell's obituary lists Warren King Russell II as son - and that's Katherine's emergency room doctor father.

That means wife had family spook connections as well as husband Tamerlan (Uncle Rusla). And both had fast, dramatic and uncharacteristic conversions to a perverted form of Islam favored by the gangster family that runs Saudi Arabia and works hand in hand with our spooks.

What does a massive coincidence like this mean?

You tell me. All I can do is report the stuff no one else seems to be able to get around to. (Nice in-depth front page article today Washington Post on the "mystery" of Tamerlan that breathes a hint of none of this.)

Katherine reportedly wanted to join the Peace Corps. Maybe she actually joined the agency the Peace Corps is a cover for. Who knows? I sure don't, but it's odd.

Just like with Oswald, the [at first blush] nobody[ies] have family and friends in HIGH places in spookdom. I imagine in both the recent case, as with the first, they may have been 'operative' but NOT to commit a crime - but to be set up as patsies for 'higher' aims - as laid out quite nicely, if in general terms, by Edmonds. I would imagine there was some very specific geopolitical goal behind this - along with the general strategy of tension/terror we have seen all to much of. What exactly it is will likely become apparent shortly. Some of the educated guesses put out so far likely cover it. Unllike Dallas, in which most thinking people did not question the 'events' until years later, this fairytale is unraveling at lightning speed and will be a big problem for TPTB unless they can completely control the media - both MSM [easy] and citizen investigators/journalists [increasingly difficult to impossible]. I don't see how there could be a fair trail of the younger brother that wouldn't exhonerate him and his brother and embarras the Government and its 'agents' - therefore, I'd expect there to be no fair trial or no trial at all....they will either have him slip on a banana peel and die [or some such] - or they will force him to plead guilty to something that spares his life, but keeps him in a maximum security prison forever. Justice, American style.

As for the Peace Corps, most of the volunteers have a good heart and no interest in being spies, but despite a promise to Shriver upon its creation, that is NEVER be used for covert operations, it has been a few false volunteers who are really doing intelligence work - wittingly or not. So from both sides of the couples family we have heavy spook connections. Interesting. I'm sure it is just coincidence.:joystick:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
N.B. - while I don't agree with the conclusion in the article below as to the likely guilt of the Boston Bombers, the article still has merit, IMHO - in that even those who do see the brothers as likely guilty are questioning its use to further the oncoming Police State America! - P.L.

Heading towards a police state: Destroying Ourselves
By Dan DeWalt
OpEdNews Op Eds 4/27/2013
By Dan DeWalt

Has the "land of the free and home of the brave" decided to roll over in fear and concede defeat to terrorism?

George Bush's "war on terror," supinely backed by a cowed Congress of Democrats and Republicans, re-introduced torture to the American playbook, finished what Bill Clinton started in taking away our right to habeus corpus, made illegal wiretapping routine and built a culture of fear in our national psyche in order to keep us from rising up against these assaults on our Constitution. Barack Obama has continued these practices and gone further with his obsession with drone attacks worldwide, including strikes that murder American citizens without even bothering with indictments, let alone trials, and with his further expansion of wiretaps, secret government and police spying and repression of Constitutionally protected protest.

Now, in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing and subsequent manhunt, we're being told that there are a couple of new aspects to this "new normal" that we'll just have to get used to. Functional martial law--the shutting down of an entire metropolitan region -- has now happened without even an official declaration from the governor or the president. Our 4th Amendment right protecting us from unwarranted search and seizure no longer has any meaning if the powers that be deem it inconvenient. And the right to be told that we can remain silent rather than incriminate ourselves under interrogation is now optional, again at the discretion of the police authorities.

Let's examine these two new nails in the Constitution's coffin. During the manhunt, Boston and federal authorities, backed by National Guard troops and possibly private mercenaries (who were observed, though never officially acknowledged, working at the scene of the marathon), locked down the city, ordering residents to stay inside while police officers ignored the fourth amendment and entered any house at will in their search.

It is argued by government officials and an eager-to-cooperate corporate media that the bombingwas an extraordinary event requiring special measures. Sure, an allegedly dangerous man was on the loose. Yet many an armed and dangerous man has been on the loose before, and we have never before seen fit to jettison constitutional rights during the capture process. (Only recently a far more dangerous man, a rogue LAPD cop and military veteran trained in the use of dangerous weapons had announced his intention to murder many police and political figures and was on the loose, but there was no martial law declared during that manhunt.)

Now that the second Boston bombing suspect has been captured, we are told that he was intentionally deprived of his Miranda rights to remain silent and have an attorney present before he was questioned -- for 16 hours -- by a crack FBI interrogation team while under sedation and in serious condition locked to a hospital bed.

This wholesale violation of his basic Constitutional right against self-incrimination was based on an already flimsy "national security" executive order signed in secret in 2010 by Obama -- an order which unconstitutionally permits ignoring the Miranda warning if society is deemed to be in imminent danger. Legality of that order aside, in the Boston case, however, the very fact that authorities waited patiently for the suspect to regain consciousness and some level of coherence gives the lie to the notion that anything other than a constitutional breach occurred, even assuming the executive order were valid.

Video and eyewitness evidence [much dubious and contadictory - P.L.] has already given prosecutors a mountain of evidence that should be sufficient to pursue [or fake - P.L.] a case against the alleged bomber. If they simply wanted to get information from him to protect the public regarding possible confederates or other planned bombings, they could have let him have a lawyer, pointed out him the strength of the case against him and offered him some limited immunity in terms of a reduced charge or a dropping of any capital charge, if he agreed to tell them all there was to learn.

So why the rush to suspend our constitutional rights? For that matter, why is this mass killing even being labeled an act of terrorism, while the Aurora Colorado mass killing, which also featured an apartment full of explosives and even more innocents killed, is still referred to only as a criminal act? Why is murder by bomb called terrorism, while murder by gun seems to be just an unfortunate aspect of America's tradition of violent behavior? Is it the fact that the Boston bombers have an alleged Islamic association that brands them terrorists? If James Holmes (the Aurora shooter) were a Moslem, would he now be labeled a terrorist as well?

The shock of events in Boston may have made it easier for the public to acquiesce to the loss of their liberties for the moment, but the civil liberty erosions that ensued will not be a one-time event. History shows Boston will just be another step in the inevitable one-way slide that we are taking as a nation towards authoritarian government, where arbitrary decisions about our supposed welfare are made without the benefit of law, the Constitution or our own input.

Perhaps many of us have been convinced, thanks to corporate media propaganda and the rantings of political charlatans, that American fascism would be a benevolent fascism, but that is an extremely risky bet to make and one that we will certainly regret in the future. Other countries seem to be able to cope with terror attacks without discarding their established rule of law. Germany withstood the Baader-Meinhoff gang, Italy the Red Brigades, and Spain its Basque separatist violence.

Surely the American people could to continue to live under the legal system that has served us since our inception -- a system in which police confronted acts of violence as a policing matter not as hyped-up supposedly mortal threats to our nation. Surely we are capable of understanding that while we enjoyed a long period when terrorism was mostly something that happened elsewhere, it has now caught up to us and will be with us in some form from now on -- just another threat like the spasms of psycho-violence which plague us.

Indeed, a Washington Post poll taken after the Boston attack shows that a majority of Americans are not altering their daily routines to avoid terrorism. The poll also shows that we don't have much faith in the government to prevent such events, or with the way the government is hacking away at our civil liberties, with a plurality of respondents saying that they think the government has gone overboard in undermining civil liberties in the name of combating terrorism.

It is only Official America that has decided to take draconian steps to curtail our liberties in the name of safety. It's Official America that makes the ludicrous assertion that our soil can be kept absolutely safe and secure from ever suffering such attacks. It is Official America that is so eager to grant unprecedented power to police and national security officials over our lives at the expense of our republic's founding and guiding principals in the name of achieving this unachievable goal. It is Official America that is engineering our demise as a free republic and leading us in their brave new police-state world.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Rogers' comment came as US media reported that Russian authorities secretly wiretapped the mother of the brothers and recorded her discussing jihad in vague terms during a 2011 telephone conversation.

"Discussing jihad in vague terms", is like discussing what to watch on TV in vague terms.

Quote:Evil bomber: Are you going to watch "America's Got Jihad" on the TV tonight?

Evil Mother: "Amderica's Got Jihad", that crap! Not a chance. I'd rather toss a rock through the screen.

Is that vague enough for everybody? Meaningless isn't it, and obviously used only to paint the mother into a role.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Magda Hassan Wrote:Graham Fuller: Edmonds' State Secrets Privilege, FBI Gladio-B Target, Handler-Sponsor of Turkey's Imam Gulen[Image: 0427_fuller.png]A major break in the Boston Terror CIA Connection took place last night when I came across a post outing CIA Operative Graham Fuller as the father of the woman married to Boston terror suspect's infamous uncle Ruslan Tsarni. Further confirmation of this bombshell was received via mainstream reporter Laura Rozen here. Let me first provide a few excerpts from the original reporting site (a real alternative media):

Curiously, the Daily Mail , a mainstream British national newspaper ran with this story too.

I wonder why?
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:Graham Fuller: Edmonds' State Secrets Privilege, FBI Gladio-B Target, Handler-Sponsor of Turkey's Imam Gulen[Image: 0427_fuller.png]A major break in the Boston Terror CIA Connection took place last night when I came across a post outing CIA Operative Graham Fuller as the father of the woman married to Boston terror suspect's infamous uncle Ruslan Tsarni. Further confirmation of this bombshell was received via mainstream reporter Laura Rozen here. Let me first provide a few excerpts from the original reporting site (a real alternative media):

Curiously, the Daily Mail , a mainstream British national newspaper ran with this story too.

I wonder why?

It is intriguing.

Of course the HateMail neglected to mention Gladio or Gladio-B.

That would be too much....
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
David Guyatt Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Rogers' comment came as US media reported that Russian authorities secretly wiretapped the mother of the brothers and recorded her discussing jihad in vague terms during a 2011 telephone conversation.

"Discussing jihad in vague terms", is like discussing what to watch on TV in vague terms.

Quote:Evil bomber: Are you going to watch "America's Got Jihad" on the TV tonight?

Evil Mother: "Amderica's Got Jihad", that crap! Not a chance. I'd rather toss a rock through the screen.

Is that vague enough for everybody? Meaningless isn't it, and obviously used only to paint the mother into a role.

Go Man Go!....our very own D.G. knows how to make one laugh and be polically correct [as opposed to 'polically correct'] at the same time!:gossip: You nailed that one down. Next!....... Problem, only is, that so many are still fooled when they hear this pychobabble...although less and less with every'll be a 'squeaker' IMHO whether [majority] humanity prevails over [minority] greed.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Misha' Speaks: An Interview with the Alleged Boston Bomber's Svengali'

Christian Caryl

As the investigation of the Boston Marathon bombings continues, one of the more clouded aspects is the tale of "Misha," a mysterious US-based Islamist who has been accused by members of the Tsarnaev family of radicalizing Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the elder of the two alleged bombers. "It started in 2009. And it started right there, in Cambridge," Tamerlan's uncle, Ruslan Tsarni, told CNN after the attacks. "This person just took his brain. He just brainwashed him completely." These accusations set off a frenzied search for what some reports have called an Islamic Svengali, and over the past few days, the FBI has said it has located and has been talking to "Misha," though his identity has remained unknown.
Today I was able to meet "Misha," whose real name is Mikhail Allakhverdov. Having been referred by a family in Boston that was close to the Tsarnaevs, I found Allakhverdov at his home in Rhode Island, in a lower middle class neighborhood, where he lives in modest, tidy apartment with his elderly parents. He confirmed he was a convert to Islam and that he had known Tamerlan Tsarnaev, but he flatly denied any part in the bombings. "I wasn't his teacher. If I had been his teacher, I would have made sure he never did anything like this," Allakhverdov said.
A thirty-nine-year-old man of Armenian-Ukrainian descent, Allakhverdov is of medium height and has a thin, reddish-blond beard. When I arrived he was wearing a green and white short-sleeve football jersey and pajama pants. Along with his parents, his American girlfriend was there, and we sat together in a tiny living room that abuts the family kitchen.
Allakhverdov said he had known Tamerlan in Boston, where he lived until about three years ago, and has not had any contact with him since. He declined to describe the nature of his acquaintance with Tamerlan or the Tsarnaev family, but said he had never met the family members who are now accusing him of radicalizing Tamerlan. He also confirmed he had been interviewed by the FBI and that he has cooperated with the investigation:
I've been cooperating entirely with the FBI. I gave them my computer and my phone and everything I wanted to show I haven't done anything. And they said they are about to return them to me. And the agents who talked told me they are about to close my case.
An FBI spokesman in Boston declined to comment on an ongoing case. Allakhverdov's statements, however, seemed to bear out recent reports that the FBI have not found any connection between "Misha" and the bomb plot.
One question is why members of the Tsarnaev family have made accusations about Allakhverdov. A close friend of the family in Boston said that Misha was not known to have visited Tamerlan at home. I interviewed Allakhverdov in Russian and it seems likely that in whatever contact the two men had, they would have spoken Russian.
In many ways, Allakhverdov's parents seem typical former-Soviet émigrés who had embraced middle class life in the United States. His father is an Armenian Christian and his mother is an ethnic Ukrainian. The family had lived in Baku, Azerbaijan, but had left in the early 1990s for the United States to escape growing persecution of Armenian Christians there. The family was welcoming to me but very nervous. "We love this country. We never expected anything like this to happen to us," his father said.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
THE FBI has found female DNA on at least one of the Boston Marathon bombs, but they have not determined whose it is or if they had a female accomplice.

The presence of genetic material does not necessarily mean a woman helped build the pressure-cooker bombs, said the law enforcement official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The genetic material could have come from a woman who was in the room where the devices were built, or from a cashier at a store where one of the bomb parts was purchased, the official said.

The test results have prompted investigators to look more closely at women who may have had contact with the alleged bombers, Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his younger brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Katherine Russell, right, wife of Boston Marathon bomber suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, leaves the law office of DeLuca and Weizenbaum with Amato DeLuca. (AP Photo/Stew Milne)

Investigators are collecting DNA samples from some women who were close to the pair to provide a comparison.

On Monday, investigators visited the Rhode Island home of the family of Katherine Russell, the widow of the elder brother, who was killed in a shoot-out with police on April 19. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was wounded but captured, and faces federal charges of using a weapon of mass destruction.

Fox News has released an image of what appears to be an exploded backpack at the scene of the Boston bombings.

The news comes as the Muslim convert who is thought to have brainwashed the Boston bomber suspects has spoken out, denying any involvement in the murderous attacks.

Known as Misha, whose real name is Mikhail Allakhverdov, broke his silence from his home in Rhode Island, as investigators search the globe for a third man who allegedly trained brothers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev married and had a daughter in the US, according to his aunt. Picture: AP/Julia Malakie

He confirmed he had been interviewed by the FBI and cooperated with the investigation.

"I've been cooperating entirely with the FBI. I gave them my computer and my phone and everything I wanted to show I haven't done anything. And they said they are about to return them to me," he said.

"And the agents who talked told me they are about to close my case."

Allakhverdov, who has been acccused by members of the Tsarnaev family of being behind the marathon attacks which killed three and injured over 250 people, said he was not their "teacher".

Christian Caryl from the New York Review of Books found Allakhverdov, and interviewed him in Russian.

He is currently living with his parents.

He said he was a convert to Islam and did know Tamerlan, after they met in 2009 in Boston.

"I wasn't his teacher. If I had been his teacher, I would have made sure he never did anything like this," Allakhverdov told the New York Review of Books.

People in hazardous materials suits investigate the scene at the first bombing on Boylston Street in Boston.

Allakhverdov, 39, is of Armenian-Ukranian descent.

Like Tamerlan, he has an American girlfriend. But they live with his elderly parents.

He did not explain his relationship with Tamerlan and would not say why they stopped talking to each other.

He denied claims he had met Tamerlan's family - which contradicts their claims that he would be seen discussing Islam with the elder Tsarnaev brother late at night at the family's kitchen table.

An FBI spokesman in Boston said 'Misha' is not thought to be connected to the bombings.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev (black hat) and his brother Dzhokhar (white hat) at the Boston Marathon. Picture: Bob Leonard/AP

Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed in a police shootout four days after the bombings on April 15th.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was charged last Monday with using a weapon of mass destruction to kill, and he could face the death penalty if convicted. Dzhokhar, 19, was sent to the Federal Medical Centre Devens, near Boston.

This comes as FBI agents question members of the mosque where one of the suspected Boston bombers attended services.

Tamerlan was still going to prayer services at a Cambridge, Massachusetts, mosque just weeks before the bombing.

Mosque spokesman Yusuf Vali told NBC News the 26-year-old had previously caused disturbances there, and imams had threatened to ban him following a confrontation during a prayer service.

Mr Vali told NBC News that as soon as they learned of Tamerlan's alleged involvement "we immediately called law enforcement and said: "Listen, we've got folks who knew him and if you need any information, we're here."'

The latest developments in the investigation come after a Boston psychiatrist said he wanted to examine the brain of slain marathon bomb suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev to look for evidence that his boxing career may have left him brain damaged and possibly prone to depression and aggression.

An FBI investigator walks down a fire truck escalator with a bag from a building at the corner of Boylston Street and Fairfield Street , Wednesday, April 17, 2013, in Boston. Investigators in white jumpsuits fanned out across the streets, rooftops and awnings around the blast site in search of clues on Wednesday. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

Dr Michael Craig Miller claims his brain could hold important clues.

In an opinion piece published in the Boston Globe, Miller argued that neuroscientists should be given the chance to examine Tsarnaev's brain.

"This suspect's brain may teach us a small but important bit about the biology of violence," he wrote.

Read more:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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