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John Hankey and pals up to old tricks?
Well I have taken a self enforced hiatus from JFK related stuff for sometime. However, someone has apparently found my moonlighting job lol

More about that bullshit soon enough.

Here is some background.

I have recently been bombarded by a one Gary King. He wanted me to participate in a debate with John Hankey. I have been excessively busy with my own work, and have had to leave JFK on the back burner. To say I am not in the mood at the present, is something of an understatement.

Anyhow, Mr King was determined to make the debate about my take down of Hankey. Now this presents a rather worrying problem. Hankey is the one that has to answer the questions put to him, that is not my role. It was his allegations which got him in trouble in the first place. I pointed this out to Mr King, alongside a whole heap of questions concerning Hankey's crud! Crud which Hankey has never, ever answered. I stated to Mr King that should the debate proceed, it needed to be done in a formal manner with times, moderation, questions, rebuttal etc, not some free for all where Hankey could lie.

I also said I was very busy and would like to do the debate later on in the year (I really would like to debate Mr Hankey). However, Mr King and Hankey knew what a moderated and sensible debate would mean. Thus King was insistent and impatient, indeed he blew up my inbox telling me of his great disappointment (the guy couldn't wait a couple of months?). He then suggested that he would use an old BOR interview with Jim, which he would let Hankey respond to.

When Jim and I heard this we were pissing ourselves laughing. Jim didn't give his permission nor did Len let them use it. This sort of thing was in the plans all along. Hankey and King wanted either a pointless, hack and slash style argument or an excuse to get back at Jim and I. Thus it was interesting to come across this entry here at Zoominfo.

Apparently I am the 'Director' of the Central Intelligence Agency. I even have my own email, and you can get me on the phone (just leave a message with Jim, Jan or Magda my PA's).

I sent this message to Zoominfo. and as yet they have done nothing.

"To Whom It May Concern

Zoominfo is a fantastic site. However, there is some illegal and highly libellous information about me. I have never ever been a CIA agent, nor a contract agent. Let alone the Director of the CIA. I live in New Zealand, indeed it is where I was born. I ask for information about those on this site, who have made up these malicious and unfounded lies.

I ask you do this because I have lawyers in the U.S that will serve Zoominfo, with a defamation and libel suit. You have two options, please reveal the identities of the individuals who have distributed this false claim. The next option is to remove this content and the guilty parties from your contributors.

I await your reply. I do not want to partake in legal action. However, I shall should my concerns not be met."

As of yet I have had no reply, thus I look forward to some recompense. Jim and I from here on in won't take any of this type of BS. Chances are King and Hankey may not have put this up. However, Hankey has publically accused us on the air as being associated with the agency. There are also a number of fools Jim, and I have hacked off over our time together. No one has targetted the CIA more than CTKA. Indeed, if I was on Zoominfo it should be in reference to my CTKA work. Whats also funny is how if you type in Seamus Coogan John Hankey, this crud comes up on the first Google search page. Ironic considering when you type in John Hankey, my review is the first thing one see's.

Jim and I genuinely have lawyers in the US that will take this crap on. If anybody would like to email Zoominfo, with a complaint and save Jim and I some time and legal fees. Please give these turkeys a reminder.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
let us know what happens.

As you know, Hankey called me a CIA agent on the air.
Congratulations on the promotions, guys. Spy

Maybe now we can get some leaks of JFK-related documents instead of State Dept e-mail gossip. :o
Tracy Riddle Wrote:Congratulations on the promotions, guys. Spy

Maybe now we can get some leaks of JFK-related documents instead of State Dept e-mail gossip. :o

Lol, cheers Tracy! I still haven't heard from Zoominfo by the way.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
It is down but not forgotten. For posterity I had kept this little gem as a JPeg, when Zoominfo deemed me the director of the CIA. I don't even think Jim has had that dubious honour.

Attached Files
.jpg   CIA Seamus.JPG (Size: 112.06 KB / Downloads: 10)
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"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
Like Seamus would ever get a job with the CIA. Even working for the Agency requires at least a basic level of education. Plus his being a Kiwi would make "bring your partner to work day" difficult because Langley HQ is not equipped to accommodate sheep. :moon2: (love you really uncle Seamus)
CD was right the first time. You are evil Hay pure evil lol!
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
Where were the spooks when some terrorists blew up the Rainbow Warrior in Auckland, Kiwiland?


"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Well, shifting gears a bit:

Is it not interesting that Hankey ended up with Fetzer's band out in Santa Barbara for the 50th?

I mean, how can a professor buy into Hankey's anything but academic work?

As I said, I think that was happened to Jim was really kind of sad and a waste really.
Just think if all the time and energy researchers spent fighting with each other was devoted to solving the case. Hmmm, we might have cracked it decades ago. Along with RFK, MLK and many others. Hell, we might even be able to break out of our little circle and reach the uneducated masses and re-write the established history.

But no, I guess we won't do that. Remember, this is not about us, or our little egos and agendas. Do we want to tell our grandchildren that we might have been able to build a more honest and just society for them, but we spent too much time on internet forums calling each other names?

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