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Morales assassins: Bolivia gang "fought in Balkans"
Well-connected dogs of war, with substantial caches of weaponry, are turning up all over South America at the moment....

Quote:"Some French dude named Laurent Bocquet (above, from his 'feibu' page, as we say down here) got arrested trying to escape Caracas, Venezuela, and get to Isla Margarita on Friday. He was nabbed along with Omar Campusano, Diomedis Campusano and Edgar Florián Sánchez (all from The Dominican Republic). All four are supposedly members of the criminal gang known as "The Internationals" (oh how subtle). So when police checked out the arrested Frenchie's house in Caracas they found:

* half a kilo of C4 explosive
* flame throwers
* 5,000 (yeah, five thousand) shotgun cartridges
* bullet-proof vests
* military uniforms
* foreign licence plates
* 3 FAL weapons
* 2 machine guns
* 3 shotguns
* telescopic sights
* etc etc

Expect Venezuelan police to be called human rights offenders for daring to arrest foreign nationals like this on their soil. I mean, the impertinence...what's half a kilo of C4 between friends anyway?

UPDATE: Venezuela's Interior Minister has given a presser this afternoon to name the group as a "terrorist organization". Minister Tareck Al Aissami also said that Bocquet is known as an expert in military matters and a sharpshooter/sniper who saw action in Europe (the exact country wasn't mentioned). Here's a quote from Al Aissami:

"We can testify that the type of armaments used by these military terrorist organizations are for actions of destabilization. With this find we have no doubt in telling the country that we have dealt a severe blow to terrorism and to those groups that try to drag Venezuela into scenes of blood and confrontation."

Quote:Venezuela says weapons cache uncovered, 4 foreigners detained in suspected terrorist cell

RACHEL JONES | Associated Press Writer
8:14 PM EDT, May 9, 2009

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuelan police uncovered a cache of weapons and explosives at a Caracas apartment and later detained four foreigners on suspicion of planning terrorist acts, authorities said Saturday.

While announcing the detentions, Justice Minister Tareck El Aissami accused foes of President Hugo Chavez of "looking for violence," although he did not link the case to the political opposition. Chavez has repeatedly charged that the opposition is plotting to assassinate him or spur his ouster.

El Aissami said a police raid Friday on an apartment near the capital's center found C-4 explosive, electric detonator systems, thousands of cartridges, and 14 rifles of different models, including five with telescopic sights, five with laser sights and one with a silencer. Documents and a computer found there were being studied, he said.

"This type of military arsenal is used for military actions and operations, with the precise objective of wiping out adversaries," he said.

Without giving any details, El Aissami said the discovery led to the detention of three citizens of the Dominican Republic — Luini Omar Campusano de la Cruz, 38; Edgar Floiran Sanchez, 29; and Diomedis Campusano Perez, 31 — and a Frenchman, Laurent Frederic Bocquet, whose age was not given.

El Aissami said Bocquet was believed to be a member of the military "of a European country" as well as "terrorist organization." He did not identify either.

Quote:Venezuelan authorities gave heavy blow to terrorism
Saturday, May 09, 2009

May 09 2009, 18:07 Caracas, 9 may (PL) The Venezuelan authorities gave a hard blow to a terrorist group that sought to drag the nation of blood and scenes of confrontation, said today the Minister for the Interior and Justice (MRIJ) Tareck The Aissami.
The Aissami statements were made at a press conference 24 hours after the Metropolitan Police seized an arsenal of weapons used for operations with precise objectives.

Among the stash of 500 grams were recorded C4 explosives, a cable segment electroconductive, 11 electrical detonators for explosives, 19 thousand 721 cartridges of various calibers, 14 rifles of various models, including five with telescopic sights and an equal number with peepholes laser with a silencer.

In addition, five 12-caliber rifles, three machine guns, four guns of various calibers, 51 cacerinas firearms of different calibers, two bulletproof vests, 11 radio transmitters, three portable radios point to point, and a radio base equipment computer.

Facsimiles were also confiscated 10 guns of various calibers, six plates of foreign registered vehicles, ammunition reloaders, a gas mask, seven cell phones, command a knife nine Packaging wildfire.

So far four people were arrested and identified as Luini Campusano Omar de la Cruz, Edgar Sanchez Floirán; Campusano Diomedis Perez, of Dominican nationality, and a French name Frederic Laurent Bocquet.

Bocquet is a trained military sniper in the area that formed part of the army of a European country not mentioned, said Aissami.

The owner of MRIJV did not rule out further arrests under the newly initiated investigations, and called terrorist organizations not to play with the hope of the people, nor with the change process in Venezuela on the path of peace and democracy.

He added that the various security agencies are deployed to stop any threat that seeks to attack the people and the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, said the Minister.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
La Prensa translated via googlish, but interesting...

Quote:Dwyer came along Révész, founder of separatist logia

Tibor Révész is the creator and supreme commander of the ultra Secuiesti Lodge. Michael Dwyer worked at a company formed to protect interests of a transnational oil company.

The newspaper Irish Times reported on Saturday April 25 that the Irish Michael Martin Dwyer came to Bolivia in the company of a Romanian citizen of Hungarian descent, whose identity could not disclose at this time, but one day after the British newspaper Sunday Times identified him as wing leader Tibor Révész, who stayed in the Hotel Asturias Santa Cruz 9 December 2008 to January 10, 2009.

The morning of April 16, a police operation in the Las Americas hotel in the capital hit eastern Eduardo Rózsa Flores (boliviano Hungarian-Croatian-), Árpád Magyarosi (Romanian-Hungarian) and Dwyer, while allowing capture alive Mario Tadic (boliviano-Croatian) and elodes Tóásó (Hungarian), accused of forming a terrorist cell.

The Hungarian Révész, born June 25, 1976, he founded in 2002 the Lodge Secuiesti (LS), a paramilitary organization that fights for the separation of Székely Land, a region inhabited by Romania the Hungarian minority.

According to their own statutes, "LS is an organization designed to train sovereign militia to defend the citizens and not to serve political purposes, which is financed by private resources."

Székely is located in the valleys and hills to the east of the Carpathians. It was an autonomous region located in Transylvania and was independent from the Middle Ages until the nineteenth century.

One of the founders of the Lodge of extreme ideology, according to Romanian Internet was Magyarosi while Rózsa Flores was a member of honor and Tóásó now detained at the prison in San Pedro, as part of their ranks .

Révész Dwyer met when both worked as private guards in the Integrated Risk Management Services (RMS-I), responsible for overseeing the construction of the Corrib gas pipeline in Ireland.

This facility has encountered strong opposition from residents who refused to have their houses are above tubes whose pressure is four times higher than that of any pipeline that would cross an area despicable.

Reports ecologists realized also that it can affect a bay where they are common sightings of whales and dolphins.

Dwyer faced with activists Révész. Although the work has not progressed, continuing protests by villagers against the initiative.

I-RMS issued a statement confirming that the Irish Dwyer was part of his private guards plant until October 20, 2008.

Dwyer and Révész practiced together airsoft, war game off a controversy a few weeks ago in the country due to Government Minister Alfredo Rada, presented a picture of the discipline of players, putting them on suspicion of belonging to rebel groups .

The leader of LS was judo champion of his country. Also possesses the degree of fourth place in kung fu and won the national championship six times the survival of this central European nation.

This specialist in martial arts training of the police received prison Hungary to become an expert trainer of dogs. She specialized in making bombs, and can provide first aid at the front of combat.

The Irish Times reported in April on a notice published in February in Révész a Hungarian legal website, which offers its team airsoft to provide safety training to executives with high risk.

The notice says that these services are now provided in places like Iraq or Afghanistan. " The training includes modules on weapons, melee combat, armored vehicles, sabotage equipment and night vision. The instructors, together, have experience in the special forces of Hungary and the French Legion.

Dwyer, as confirmed by Bernardo Montenegro, which forms the deputy opposition parliamentary commission investigating the case, was the man of confidence Rózsa.

Various websites realize that I-RMS is a company formed to protect the premises of a multinational oil exploitation in Iraq now and has the support of intelligence and espionage.

"Our site is being updated at this time. Please return soon, "is the message that is read in its official website. It is known that their owners are Terry Downes and James Farrell, a former Army Irish Guards, a unit that coordinates with forces of other powers.

At present it is assumed that Révész is in Ireland.

The prosecutor Marcelo Soza carrying a firearm

The prosecutor investigating the case of alleged terrorist outbreak in the city of Santa Cruz, Marcelo Soza, for security reasons carries a firearm, as shown by the television media. The authority justified the use of the weapon, because you fear that there people who want to attack his integrity.

"Obviously, I have received threats that I recorded on my cell phone, is something that should be used all the tax (...) (Porto the gun) just in case, for safety, you never know," said the representative of the Ministry Public paceño in a brief statement to the media.

The fiscal targets of terrorism is harsh criticism from business and political organizations in Santa Cruz. Soza called to testify, including 20 businessmen, officials and leaders of Santa Cruz, including the prefect Ruben Costas, the former ruler of the Committee for Santa Cruz Branko Marinkovic and executive rancher Guido Nayar.

On Wednesday, Soza decided not to provide further details on the progress of investigations in the case handled. However, after days reappeared to deny accusations aired in parliament against opponents such as Senator Walter Guiteras (PODEMOS), and dismiss the role of certain media.

Guiteras Soza demanded Thursday that reveals the name of the authority of government that ordered him to execute a "witch hunt" in search of and involved in terrorism to discredit statements of alleged witnesses to businessmen and civic, as Marinkovic, Nayar and Mauritius Roca, president of the Agricultural Chamber of the East, and accused him of being implicated in cases of rape and fraud.

Tóásó and can be interrogated

The chairman of the multi-party commission of Representatives, responsible for investigating the activities of the alleged terrorist cell in Bolivia, César Navarro, a member of the Movimiento Al Socialismo (MAS), reported yesterday that you have an interpreter to help make appropriate representations to the Hungarian elodes Tóásó, arrested in Santa Cruz after the police operation which ended at dawn on April 16 with the life of Eduardo Rózsa and two other foreigners.

"On Monday we will make the statement Tóásó because we get a translator in Hungarian, was difficult because very few in Bolivia, but the defense must also beware not to an interpreter for the translation." She is a woman who works as a tour guide and to help members to know if the police obtained the statement in English language, after the arrest of the European citizen is detained in prison in San Pedro de the city of La Paz, reflects perfectly what he meant.

Elodes Tóásó (28) was apprehended along with the boliviano Ramiro Francisco Astorga Tadic (51) Las Americas hotel in Santa Cruz, after an elite group of National Police killed Árpád Magyarosi (Romanian), Michael Dwyer (24 , Irish), plus Rózsa, implicated in alleged acts of terrorism on Bolivian soil.

Seventh Court of Criminal Instruction found, two days after the fact, preventive detention in the prison of San Pedro of both defendants for the crime of terrorism.

Navarro said Monday that the committee also take the statement Vargas Ignacio Villa, known within the alleged subversive organization as "El Viejo" and the witness who is "key" of the Prosecution to disrupt the group and presented irregular VIDEO taken from a cell phone with those involved.

In that recording is seen as Rózsa regret not having known that the entire government and parliamentary supporters participated in a meeting headed by President Evo Morales in the Titicaca; images that are used in a television ad for the government to prove the existence of a plot to assassinate the president.

The deputies explained that regardless of the prosecution to make statements "El Viejo", the special committee will interview him to get own findings that contribute to research on this topic, although it is known that the health of the witness is very damaged.


Elodes Tóásó gave his statement to the Prosecutor of La Paz on Thursday, April 16. Finished giving his testimony in 1840. He did so in the presence of the Hungarian Honorary Consul Andrew Bartos, the defense counsel and Wilma Argote English translator Andres Melendrez.

He arrived in Bolivia at the invitation of Eduardo Rózsa Flores, who asked him to assist him in developing websites, which is his specialty.

However, he said he never received payment for their services, but when he was hungry or need, Rózsa Flores gave him five Bolivians.

The passages of arrival, food and lodging were paid by Rózsa.

Recalled during his testimony, having listened to mention "Luke" and "Superman," the lawyers and Pereyra Alejandro Melgar Hugo Antonio Acha Melgar, who are currently outside the country.

Said to have seen "El Viejo", whose name unknown, whom he described as an "old man, gray hair, small, skinny and white mustache."

His work as a specialist in computer science were to draw points on a map of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, which Rózsa him on a USB device, and coordinated the installation of internet in the booth Cotas in the field of Fair Exhibition Santa Cruz.

Rózsa revealed that he met five years ago during the presentation of a book written by ex-military boliviano Hungarian-Croatian.

He commented that over the past few days was a very nervous Rózsa, which changed its character. "We had a friendship. When you needed something, we called and asked us to do. My impression is that all used the same. "
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Excellent find Jan. They're like a plague aren't they? I wonder if this Laurent Bocquet used to do security work for a certain security company too? Also if the European country he did military training in was Croatia or Kosovo?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:The notice says that these services are now provided in places like Iraq or Afghanistan. " The training includes modules on weapons, melee combat, armored vehicles, sabotage equipment and night vision. The instructors, together, have experience in the special forces of Hungary and the French Legion.


Quote:Various websites realize that I-RMS is a company formed to protect the premises of a multinational oil exploitation in Iraq now and has the support of intelligence and espionage.


Quote:"Our site is being updated at this time. Please return soon, "is the message that is read in its official website. It is known that their owners are Terry Downes and James Farrell, a former Army Irish Guards, a unit that coordinates with forces of other powers.

(my bolding). irish Guards. Active in Afghanistan and Iraq. Phew, this is starting to increasingly sound like an MI6 arms length operation...

The British Army's Guard's regiments are traditional recruiting grounds for spooks. The following is from a quick (by no means exhaustive) round of Googling:

Quote:Kroll Associates, arguably the world's best-known firm of corporate investigators, currently does not employ former spies. Jules Kroll founded the company in New York in 1972, and opened a London office in the former headquarters of MI6 in 1986. Patrick Grayson, an ex-Irish Guards officer who was in military intelligence, was appointed managing director and later deputy chairman. In recent years, key personnel have defected, a number of them after a failed management buy-out. Some believed Kroll had grown too large, or attracted too much attention for its publicity-shy clients. Grayson left and joined Michael Oatley, another former spy and ex-Kroll man, in setting up Ciex in 1994, a 'boutique' intelligence firm. The name is pronounced 'CX', the code name given to secret intelligence reports sent by MI5 and MI6 to Whitehall.


The beow extract is from a story about the trial of Simon Mann and his involvement in a Mark Thatcher coup in Equatorial Africa:

Quote:The attorney general also claimed the main conspirators included Calil, Mark Thatcher, the British businessmen Greg Wales and David Tremain and Nigel Morgan, a former intelligence officer with the Irish Guards now living in South Africa. Calil had put in $2m (£1m).


Quote:Except it all went pear-shaped: South African, Zimbabwean and EG intelligence all knew about the plan, and it’s suspected so did MI6. Mann’s main pack of dogs of war were captured in Harare, whilst a forward group, including South African Nick du Toit, formerly of 32 Battalion, was arrested in EG capital Malabo.

Ex-SAS soldier Simon Mann has extensive previous in the field of ‘private military operations’, having been involved in the setting up of companies such as South African mercenary company Executive Outcomes and the British-registered Sandline International (most famous for its gun-toting asset stripping in places like Sierra Leone and Bougainville).


Quote:The rest of what we know about the background of Maundy Gregory comes from himself and the papers and CVs he wrote later in life and their veracity is questionable. According to Gregory, Vernon Kell, head of MI5, recruited him in 1909 as a spy, possibly due to his connections in London nightlife. His main task was to compile dossiers of foreign spies living in London. Later Sidney Reilly would have recruited him for the recently formed MI6. He later used these claims to state that he collected money for the fight against Bolshevism. Officially he was just a private in the Irish Guards. It was possibly at this time that Gregory became known to Basil Thomson, the Assistant Commissioner of Scotland Yard's CID. This relationship would last for several years.

(my bolding)
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
It is striking that when a mercenary/lethal black ops outfit attracts too much attention, it simply disincorporates or rebrands, and many of its directors end up on the board of a brand new (for tax and company law purposes) corporate entity.

MPRI attracted a lot of attention for its involvement in Croatian ethnic cleansing of Serbs in the Krajina slaughter - aka Op Storm - and has morphed through several identities, including L-3.

Blackwater accidentally revealed their deep black Manchurian Global identity when they were rebranded...

Sorry - Xi/Xe. :vroam:
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Interesting letter:

Quote:Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Integrity of IRMS staff at Corrib at issue

SIR - In last week’s letter relating to your paper’s reporting of Micheal Dwyer’s killing in Bolivia, Brendan Cafferty described Michael Dwyer’s killing as an “execution”. There is no evidence to back up this assertion.

Secondly Brendan had a problem with your paper highlighting that Mr Dwyer worked as a security guard for Shell in North Mayo. However the Western People is quite correct to do so. Among those arrested and killed with Dwyer in Bolivia were members of an ethnic Hungarian paramilitary group, Szekler Legion, who openly promote neo-fascism and race hate. Magyarosi Arpak was killed while Elot Toazo has been arrested.

It raises serious questions about the integrity of some of the people IRMS and Shell are employing as security in Mayo and whether IRMS or Shell knew that these people were extremists when they employed them. The Gardai must investigate closely any possible links between Shell, IRMS and the mercenaries killed and arrested in Bolivia.

We should remember that Dwyer lived it up for about three months in these people’s company and that of Eduardo Rozsa Flores, who in his own words, had travelled to Bolivia to take up arms against the democratically elected government of Bolivia. Contrary to Brendan’s suggestion, these men whom Dwyer was with, were heavily armed at the time of their arrest and killing. Flores was a notorious right wing mercenary with very close links to neo-Nazi movements in Hungary and worldwide. He led a militia in the Balkans war in the 1990’s which led to accusations of atrocities carried out by him and his unit. Flores’ aim was to destabilise Bolivia and force the secession of Santa Cruz from Bolivia to ensure that the wealth of Bolivia’s natural resources would be retained by the wealthy descendants of white settlers and not shared with the indigenous majority. Brendan should check out the calibre of Flores before jumping to conclusions about these killings.

The democratically elected government of Bolivia has every right to defend itself from mercenaries and terrorists such as Flores. The fact that Dywer may have been Irish would not excuse him if indeed he were involved in Flores’ terrorism and mercenary activities.

Yours sincerely

Brian Walsh
Co Sligo
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Below is unsourced & unverified:

Quote:More of the Irish connection.
Revesz Tibor,(IRMS employee), Nagy Lajos Tamás (Hungary) (possibly an Irish licensed security guard) and Ivan Pistovcák (Slovak) (Irish Licensed security guard Location Tipperary) stayed with Eduardo Rózsa Flores in the Asturias hotel in Santa Cruz between December 10 and January 9, according to Congressman Peter Maldonado, National Unity, while Luis Alberto Hurtado Vaca paid for his lodging.

With them, the cell led by Rózsa, died the morning of April 16, had ten men, five of whom can not be found: the three who left the country and also Daniel Gaspar and Hungarian Gabor Dudog. (These are reported in the Hungarian media to have worked as security guards in Ireland). Some of the five that were not captured are believed to be still working in Ireland.
(probably for IRMS)

The majority of the cell members Including Mike Dwyer worked in Security in Ireland. Probably for IRMS. It is the Irish Government that shoulld be giving explpanations to Bolivia.

Elod Toaso in his statement said that Mike accompanied Flores in planting the explosives. That is concrete evidence not hearsay.


The following on the I-RMS/Hungarian far right/Szekler Legion connection is from the Irish Times:

Quote:The man who travelled from Ireland to Bolivia with Mike Dwyer, and who is believed to have introduced the Irishman to the main target of last week’s fatal police raid in Santa Cruz, is a former soldier with a long history in private security and body guard work.

According to a copy of his CV, which has been obtained by The Irish Times , he is a former member of the Hungarian army, has worked as a body guard, security guard dog handler, and has trained in close quarter combat, aircraft combat and bomb search and disposal.

He also worked for the Council of Europe and Hungarian Justice Ministry.

The 32-year-old Hungarian of Romanian extraction worked for I-RMS in Ireland, the same security firm that Mike Dwyer worked for last year on Shell’s controversial Corrib gas pipeline landfall site in Co Mayo.

Mr Dwyer travelled with the 32-year-old – along with another Hungarian and a Polish man – from Ireland to Bolivia last November. Mr Dwyer had told his parents in Tipperary he was going there to do a bodyguard course after he and his former colleagues lost their jobs with I-RMS when their contracts expired last October.

The 32-year-old Hungarian who travelled with Mr Dwyer knew Eduardo Rozsa Flores, the 49-year-old shot dead with Mr Dwyer in a Santa Cruz hotel last Thursday week. The Hungarian, who cannot be named at this time, is believed to have introduced Mr Dwyer to Flores.

The Hungarian and the other two men who travelled with Mr Dwyer to Bolivia returned to Ireland early because the bodyguard course they had gone to take part in fell through. Mr Dywer stayed on with Flores and was eventually killed with him.

The Hungarian and Flores have both been linked to the Szekler Legion, which wants autonomy for Hungarians in Romania. The Bolivians have said Flores was the leader of a group of mercenaries in Santa Cruz and that he was planning to kill president Evo Morales.

An unsigned posting on the Szekler Legion website last October called for people to send their CVs to a stated email address if they believed they could assisted an unnamed man – now believed to be Flores – in the protection of his “homeland” Santa Cruz Dela Sierra.

“Anyone who feels that they, are technically, physically prepared to give assistance to send a professional curriculum vitae with useful information and experience to (e-mail address).”

In an interview recorded before he left Hungary for Bolivia last autumn, Flores said unnamed figures had asked him to come back to his birthplace, Santa Cruz, to help stem what he called a surge of violence from pro-government militias against critics of Mr Morales.

While the Hungarian man who knew both Flores and Mr Dwyer is believed to have introduced them in Bolivia there is no suggestion he was involved in any politically motivated armed plot with Flores. He had returned to Ireland last December, four months before the events of last Thursday week.

Given Flores’s last TV interview it does appear the Bolivians had grounds to suspect Flores of politically motivated unlawful activity in their country. However, no evidence has emerged suggesting Mr Dwyer knew what Flores was involved in.

Friends of Mr Dwyer have dismissed suggestions he would be involved in any armed plot in Bolivia saying he was not remotely interested in politics. They have also completely dismissed suggestions the college graduate and former pub bouncer was a mercenary.

The 32-year-Hungarian who links Flores and Mr Dwyer is still living in Ireland. He did not return phone calls from The Irish Times this week.

According to his CV, as well as his background in the Hungarian army and private security in Hungary, he also worked as a journalist, a “troop leader” for the Council of Europe Youth Centre and held an unspecified position in the Hungarian Justice Ministry.

His CV says he speaks English, Romanian and French and lists his hobbies as touring, mountaineering and photography. His CV also indicates that, like Mr Dwyer, he was involved with an airsoft team. Airsoft is a form of mock combat using replica guns.

In February he posted a message on a Hungarian site offering, lawful and formal, training in Hungary to his airsoft team in "high risk executive protection" services.

The posting says such services are “provided, these days, in countries such as Iraq or Afghanistan”. The training included modules on weapons, hand to hand combat and armoured vehicles, sabotage, night vision gear and “the local potential enemy and his favourite (modus operandi)”.

“The base of the course and the instructors are the experts from the Hungarian special forces, Hungarian anti-terrorism forces and French Foreign Legion,” the posting says.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
The link below has a photo of Tibor Revesz:

Quote:Revesz is described as the 'the supreme commander and chief ideologue' of the Szekler Legion. The commentator then mentions a newer suspect, Ivan Pistovcak. Like Dwyer and Revesz, Pistovcak's name does indeed appear on the list of security operatives licensed by the Irish Private Security Authority.

Below is Revesz's CV rescued by caching software. The reference to his I-RMS employment has apparently been removed since the Bolivian fiasco:

Quote:Previous work relationships:
Firm: Rank: Star at: Until:

Security Officer I-RMS 25.03.2008. -
Private entrepreneur On my own 20.07.2006. 19.02.2008
Brithish American Tobacco Security Guard 01.04.2006. 20.07.2006.
Renegades Private Agency Security advisor - Founder 01.01.2004. 01.04.2006.
Council of Europe, Youth Centre Troop leader 15.05.2002. 01.01.2004.
Work abroad(CH, F, E, etc…) Various calibration 15.05.1999. 15.05.2002.
Hunguard Private Force Instructor-boss 18.01.1999. 15.05.1999.
Ministry of Justice Instructor-leader 15.08.1996. 18.01.1999.
Ronin Security Armed guard with dog 06.06.1996. 15.08.1996.
Hungarian Army Soldier 15.02.1995. 31.01.1996.
SecurIntell Guard with dog 25.05.1994. 14.02.1995.
Quattro Security Armed guard with dog 28.04.1994. 28.05.1994.

More unverified but interesting speculation found in cyberspace:

Quote:My understanding is that Mike worked for IRMS up till the 20th October. The date he travelled to Bolivia along with Tibor Revesz and others.
This is prior to Tibor's recruitment ads on the internet. Tibor returned to ireland and went back to work for IRMS (?). He returned to Bolivia over the Xmas. Staying in the same hotel as the group were eventually shot in.
He certainly didnt remain there. Tibor is certainly a central figure.

The reason the SWAT team raided the hotel was because the group had gone from talking about action to actually planting a bomb. The Bomb they planted was a false flag operation targeting a member of the opposition - The Cardinal. (Only minor damage was done). Their plan seemed to be to forment civil war.
IRMS are losing money on a cost plus operation. Is the profit being taken in a diferent country?

Quote:on the week Evo Morales was first elected army cheifs in Bolivia called in the CIA and had them dismantle Bolivias entire stock of anti air craft missiles , an act of treason. The highest levels of the army were officered by right wing whites and many were deeply hostile to a left wing Indian president
since then venezuela has been offering a great deal of military assistance and assisting in the Bolivian armys transformation just as it transformed its own army that previously couldnt be rusted . No national governemnt should be relying upon a peasant militia to defend the country . Thats the national armys job . The task is to ensure the national army actually does that job .
Its also clear the US sponsored violence was specifically intended to provoke a response . Morales acted wisely in my opinion by not dancing to his enemys tune and taking the very obvious bait . As can be seen from recent events in Bolivia with right wing plans to assassinate right wingers and cause chaos its very prudent not to act too quickly but to wait your moment
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Murkier and murkier:

Quote:Guedes confessed having sold arms to Eduardo Rózsa

Juan Carlos Guedes, unionist arrested in Santa Cruz on Tuesday, he confessed having sold arms to Eduardo Rózsa and told him that he used to assassinate the mayor of Santa Cruz, Ruben Costas, she served as a martyr who live, "because not doing anything, "Fides radio reported. The apprehension that was allowed to have contact with the press also reported that Hugo Acha participated in meetings with Rosza.

Or more colourfully:

Quote:Juan Carlos Gueder of the Unión Juvenil Cruceñista (the controversial activist wing of the Pro-Santa Cruz Committee) has apparently confessed to supplying Flores with guns, which were to be used to assassinate Santa Cruz prefect Ruben Costas! Costas was to be a “martyr” to the separatist cause (”because he wasn’t doing anything”).


Especially if there's a Gladio-style Strategy of Tension agenda....
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

SMOMier & SMOMier.

Do pass the Paperclips....

Photo below is of:
Quote:Edit Denes (L), sister of Hungarian alleged 'terrorist suspect' detained in Bolivia Eloed Toaso, is seen next to Foreign Minister Andras Karoly Nagy of the Federation of Autonomous Priories of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta (KMFAP), in KMFAP European Headquarters in Budapest, Hungary, 26 April 2009. Foreign Minister Nagy announced that in the fulfillment of its Humanitarian Mission KMFAP would make international efforts to raise funds to cover the attorney's fee of USD 15,000 as well as to provide medical aid for Toaso. Suspect of a killing attempt against President of Bolivia Evo Morales, Toaso is deteained in a prison in La Paz, Bolivia, after he was arrested and three of his mates were killed by Bolivian police in a so-called anti-terrorist operation in Santa Cruz, Bolivia on 17 April 2009

Attached Files
.jpg   Edit_Denes_sister_of_Hungarian_a-44386.largeslideshow.jpg (Size: 70.98 KB / Downloads: 2)
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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