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The Splintering Frame
David Guyatt Wrote:
Stan Wilbourne Wrote:To be clear: I do not feel my belief is relevant to anything. And, I would never attempt to convince anyone into my slanted view of perception.

My story is just like any other story. It arrives at a dead end, in the repeated nested loop of self, inside the frame which I have personalized into meaning.

To get back to the initial premise of this thread: I sense the boundaries of my own prison (the frame) and wonder how it came to be and why. Is the program spontaneous, or is there an organized force behind it? Both? And, is it possible to live without this frame, without circumference? Those questions are more meaningful to me than anything about the World Teacher or the Kennedy assassination.

Great questions Stan, really meaningful. I share the same sort of imperatives as you, albeit in a slightly different framework.

One of the things about Kristamurti that struck me forcefully, some 40 years ago now, was a statement he made to the effect that he had spent some years studying, and wrapped inside, each of the world's major religions, and having done this concluded that at their deepest point they converged; essentially they became the same. Rather, I think like a dozen different climbing routes up the same mountain. The topography is completely different for each route, dangers occur at different points, and rest camps at others, but ultimately all climbers arrive at the same summit. This always struck me as being immensely important insight.

During the course of my life, from quite a young age, I set out and studied comparative religions plus several different schools of thought and practice, too. I've had several teachers, three fantastic one (all of them women by the way) plus a couple of Guru's too [oddly, all men :-)]. These days I have no time for Guru's. For me it was a phase I had to go through to reach a certain point.

I now know there is only one genuine and enduring teacher, and it is that one that sits in the Self, and has always been there, ever present and patiently waiting for the penny to drop. The penny drops upward. But the road is down, down, down...

So in answer to your question, at least from my perspective anyway, I say yes, there is an organised force. IT though, is not entirely conscious either, and needs us mere mortals to become conscious in order for IT to become more and more conscious. The converse is also true obviously. WE have a vital role to play in the scheme of things.

These are deep, deep matters and you and I, and any others who are interested too, could well discuss this further say, in the Alchemy folder. I won't be able to take part in anything other than a partial way until September, but I would certainly leap at the chance of doing so once I'm back.


My first post here; "long time lurker first time poster".

Thanks David for this lovely summary. Resonates with me, and not what I expected to find while researching the events of 11/22/63.
Michael Cross Wrote:My first post here; "long time lurker first time poster".

Thanks David for this lovely summary. Resonates with me, and not what I expected to find while researching the events of 11/22/63.
Welcome to the DPF Michael! I am pleased you are enjoying this thread as much as I am.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Michael Cross Wrote:My first post here; "long time lurker first time poster".

Thanks David for this lovely summary. Resonates with me, and not what I expected to find while researching the events of 11/22/63.

Let me add my welcome to Magda's, Michael.

Yes, it's a somewhat strange place to find this sort of - i have to say intriguing - discussion, and I'm sure Stan will join me in saying it's been enjoyable for us too. Thanks.

The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
The 11 Sephiroth or Kabbalistic Spheres of the Tree of Life: Kether, Binah, Chokmah, Daath, Geburah, Chesed, Tiphareth, Hod, Netzach, Yesod, Malkuth.

There are 22 Connections between the different Sephiroth in the Tree of Life which are said to represent the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet.

Of what significance might 11-22 be in the assassination of the president.

Is there a 33 or 32 associated with Dallas.

Latitude 32.7828° N.

Some historical color:

Clement V, initially incensed at this flagrant disregard for his authority nonetheless relented and on November 22, 1307, issued a papal decree, ordering all monarchs of the Christian faith to arrest all Templars and confiscate their lands in the name of the Pope and the Church.[SUP][27][/SUP] The order went out to England, Iberia, Germany, Italy and Cyprus. The leader, Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay, and Hughes de Pairaud, a Templar, referred to in various documents as "the visitor of France", and was the collector of all of the royal revenues of France owing to the Order, as well as many other Templars in France were arrested.[SUP][28][/SUP]
Philip used his ministers and agents Guillaume de Nogaret and Enguerrand de Marigny who collected a list of charges against the Templars. Other witnesses were said to have been made up of expelled Templar members, previously removed for their misdeeds. Under the orders of the French king, they were arrested and severely tortured.[SUP][29][/SUP]

Some additional context:

Unknown to some people, before King Philip IV of France persecuted the Knights Templar in 1307, he already condemned the Jews in his kingdom to banishment just a year before that, and took forcible possession of their property, real and personal. It was on July 22, 1306, the day after Tisha B'Av, a Jewish fast day, that the Jews were arrested. In prison they received notice that they had been sentenced to exile; that, abandoning their goods and credits, and taking only the clothes which they had on their backs and the sum of 12 sous tournois each, they would have to quit the kingdom within one month.

Phil's footnote:

I would posit the intricately written assassination protocol was overlaid with a Masonic patina, in a manner consistent with the nuanced bouquet of other typically enumerated false sponsors.

This does not exclude a very real significance to be found in the symbolism and numerology of the event.

The vortex includes, violently, with a sucking hiss.


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Some 15 years ago now, Phil an old and pleasant English gentleman, now deceased, wrote a privately published book called "The Obeisance of Australia". It was about the ousting of Gough Whitlam - Australia's legally and democratically elected Prime MInister - by representatives of the British crown at the insistence of the CIA.

The author, who's name was Peter, diligently researched how this came about and found that it was a plot carried out by the fraternity of Freemasons - not to mention members of the Knights of St. John - properly known as:

The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of JerusalemWhich is an English, as opposed to Catholic, knightly Order btw, and which remains headquartered at St. John's Gate in Clerkenwell, London. That part of London is quite fascinating and has a really ancient history that dates back to the Holy Wars, and was an area frequented by knights returning from Jerusalem and the holy lands.

Further, and coincidental, research revealed, the author claimed, that this Order were deeply involved in the assassination of JFK, via their representative office then located in (from memory) Houston, Texas.

I have reason to believe that all the main Chivalric Orders are, at their upper levels, deeply involved in Qabalistic occultism and political manipulation.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

There is a son of one of our favorite Chinese grocery customers with the coincidental name Saint John.

I have his ebook here printed out. There isn't a page 1122, but there is a 122, with Lucien Sarti.

As a French king arrested and tortured them, would they use a French assassin.

Oui might not be surprised by anything they do; or pretend to do.
Phil Dragoo Wrote:David

There is a son of one of our favorite Chinese grocery customers with the coincidental name Saint John.

I have his ebook here printed out. There isn't a page 1122, but there is a 122, with Lucien Sarti.

As a French king arrested and tortured them, would they use a French assassin.

Oui might not be surprised by anything they do; or pretend to do.

Phil, somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind I seem to remember a movie that involved a French Connection to JFK, but could easily be conflating this distant memory with something else.

I really am not at all knowledgeable about JFK, but I can see how, once a decision had been taken to get rid of him, involved members of a secret society might easily have complied with that directive, but also included a deeper occult meaning to suit their own purposes.

This certainly seems to have been the case, for example, with the case of the prostitutes killed in the Jack the Ripper story, where they were killed and then their bodies transported to chosen locations and left - usually with Masonic messages etc. According to some, the bodies were then left in different parts of London in order to resemble an earthly pattern of a distant star system (AS Above - So Below). I've seen the evidence they presented to support this argument, and it looked very good to me.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

The repetition of November 22 from the 1307 order of King Philip of France to the public execution of the American president suggests someone wished an echo from the Knights Templar.

Saint John recurs in the son of one no doubt close to the libretto.

The Hunt of Red November on his deathbed deflected blame from his Company to LBJand to a French gunman on the Grassy Knoll:

Is this a hydra-headed lie?

LBJ didn't order this murder. And perhaps a French gunman figured, but I would now recommend Seamus Coogan's entertaining and enlightening review of JFK: The French Connection by Peter Kross.

Seamus faults Kross for a gumbo of Rivele at the expense of a serious research effort regarding Souetre-Mertz-Roux. In sum, Kross is as unhelpful a fog as Waldron-Hartmann.

And this would suit E. Howard Hunt down to the ground, would it not.

A smoky musket on the Grassy Knoll with a deathbed allusion to a mysterious French criminal killed by Mexican police.

Dulles was at work early on planting the lone-assassin myth with the Robert J. Donovan book, bolstered by the December 14 Saturday Evening Post article by former president Eisenhower claiming

the facts are that four of thirty-six Presidents have been assassinated, and a President in office and a President-elect have been targets of assassination attempts. These acts all had one thing in common: they were the work of crackpots, of people with delusions arising from imagined wrongs or festering hatreds

A dense negative template: using Vidal's jaundiced view of Hunt, and our own weariness of cliché, it wasn't LBJ and it wasn't a Communist, wasn't a French gunman, and wasn't Blakey's mob, or some mixed-media mess of the Hartmann-Waldron cauldron.

Is the frame splintering? Did not the murdered president threaten to splinter CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.

But, as we learn, CIA is a statutory creation from a 1947/1949 hoodwinking of Harry Truman. Moreover, it is largely a creation of Allen Dulles as a representative of the guild serving as sword and shield of the cabal.

A cabal above Cold Waror War on Terror, Drugs, Climate Phrenology, et alwhich has fostered Gladio and the strategy of tension, the odd theater or school or workplace mass shooting, a train wreck here, a plane crash there, a ship grounding, a tower falling.

These are the fires they burn to drive the tiger.

Bay of Pigs was a provocation: JFK fired Dulles, who collaborated with Hunt on a play in one act which premiered in Dallas.

As Seamus notes, Craig Roberts evinces the focus necessary to accomplish the temple shot. (We might find a temple shot symbolic and why not.) Hathcock in his paragraph to his friend alludes to this, while his one interview is an urging to focus.

All the elements of the assassination and its "investigations" are marshaled to prevent our focus.

The lesson of Unspeakable, Last Investigation, Breach of Trust, Destiny Betrayed, A Certain Arrogance is to focus.

Dulles faults JFK for thinking "he was a god"again, this is Dulles, always lying, as Angleton always lied, chronic and habitual liars, pathological liars, not even very good at times.

Shall they determine our "frame"no, and, no.

French connection? Well and sure; it's the Dulles/Gladio doctrine, L'etat c'est moi.
[Quote from Phil above]
"The lesson of Unspeakable, Last Investigation, Breach of Trust, Destiny Betrayed, A Certain Arrogance is to focus.

Dulles faults JFK for thinking "he was a god"again, this is Dulles, always lying, as Angleton always lied, chronic and habitual liars, pathological liars, not even very good at times.

Shall they determine our "frame"no, and, no.

French connection? Well and sure; it's the Dulles/Gladio doctrine, L'etat c'est moi."
[End Quote from Phil above]

Focus, the truth lives and the BS sinks to the bottom of the water.

Waldron-Hartmann's work deserves that fate, but they are not alone.
Belin's "You Are The Jury" too.
And on and on.

Only truth passes the smell test in this age of assassinations.
FOCUS... determine our own "frame".
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Phil, the Knights Templar have long interested me and I would have no problem believing that they - or some of them - were involved and would wish to demonstrate some symbolism in the act.

Curiously enough, 700 years to the day after their persecution began in 1307, the Pope gave them an apology. This is noticeable for one particular reason, in my mind anyway. Two years earlier a spokesman for the Templars, from Hertford, north of London, issued what amounted to a threat to the Vatican to apologise on the 700th anniversary, or face unspecified consequences. The vatican apologised.

Of course the date of their arrest was Friday 13th October 1307 - probably the origin of the FRiday 13th myth.

the 22nd November 1307 date was, as you know, the day the Pope, Clement V issued the papal bull, Nova Templarae, the announcement of a new templar order.

Whether this has any relevance I know not. Probably not, except to show that they have considerable clout.

I suppose also, who better, symbolically speaking, to kill a catholic president, than a banished and bloody catholic order.

But as I keep saying, my knowledge on JFK is abysmally poor...
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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