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Why didn't the hippies get into the jfk assassination ?
R.K. Locke Wrote:In the essay, the authors show--quite convincingly and using primary documents--that there are clear, verifiable links between R. Gordon Wasson/Henry Luce and the popularisation of psychedelic culture in America.

Wasson's direct boss at J. P. Morgan was Henry P. Davison Jr. Davison was a senior partner and generally regarded as Morgan's personal emissary.[20] As it turns out, it was Henry P. Davison who essentially created (or at least funded) the Time-Life magazines for J.P. Morgan in 1923. After a row with Henry Luce for publishing an article against the war for Britain in Life, Davison "became the company's first investor in Time magazine and a company director."[21]

Another J.P. Morgan partner, Dwight Morrow, also helped to finance the Time-Life start-up.

Davison kept Henry Luce in charge of the company as president, as he and Luce were both members of Yale's Skull and Bones secret society, being initiated in 1920. In 1946 Davison and Luce then made C. D. Jackson, former head of U.S. Psychological Warfare, vice-president of Time-Life. It seems to me that the entire operation at Time-Life was purely for spreading propaganda to the American public for the purposes of the intelligence community, J.P. Morgan, and the elite.


A New York investment banker, Wasson was well acquainted with the movers and shakers of the Establishment. Therefore, it was natural that he should turn to his friend Henry Luce, publisher of Life, when he needed a public forum in which to announce his discoveries.[25] ~ Graham Harvey

Is it possible that Wasson, the Vice President of J.P. Morgan and co., was no more than an enthusiastic amateur ethnomycologist with an interesting story to tell? It certainly is. But is it likely? I'm not so sure.

Is it likewise possible that the psychedelic movement and attendant counterculture was simply unforeseen "blowback" from MK-Ultra LSD experiments, or not in fact linked to it all? Again, it certainly is. But the alternative scenarios at the very least represent an intriguing and fertile avenue for further research.

There are many possibilities.

Perhaps the counterculture wasn't so much created as "seeded" by the establishment.

Try this one, in the shorthand article below about Mellon family funding and connections.

Quote:Andrew W. Mellon (1855-1937)

By Richard Sanders, Editor, Press for Conversion!

Mellon is known to have donated at least $1,000 to the American Liberty League.

Most prominent among the Mellon family supporters of the American Liberty League was Andrew Mellon. Perhaps only the son of a banker, like Andrew, could start a successful lumber business at age 17. He then work-ed in his father's bank (T. Mellon & Sons) and started building his fortune in oil, steel, shipbuilding and construction. By 1914, he was one of America's richest men. He was a trustee of the Carnegie Institute, 1924-1937, a long-time activist in the Republican party and one of its top donors.

Mellon was not fondly admired, except by the extremely rich, for his role as U.S. Secretary of the Treasury under Presidents Harding, Coolidge and Hoover (1921-1923, 1923-1929, 1929-1932). His main accomplishments were reducing taxes for the rich and cutting government spending to social programs. Sound familiar? In 1921, the Revenue Act saved corporate stockholders about $1.5 billion by eliminating the excess profits tax. As a result, U.S. Steel got $27 million and the Mellon Bank got $91,472. The biggest beneficiary was John D. Rockefeller, who received $457,000. Mellon himself got the second biggest rebate, $404,000. In 1923, the "Mellon Plan" proposed that taxes paid by the country's eltie should be reduced from 50% to 25%, while taxes paid by those with the lowest incomes would be reduced from 4% to 3%. If passed, this would have cut his own taxes by $800,000. By 1926, Mellon finally succeeded in slashing the elite's taxes and, in 1928, he got a law to cut corporate taxes even more. At that time, the top 10% received 50% of the country's total income, while the top 1% received 24%. Under Mellon, corporations got tax rebates of $6 billion, and those with incomes over $300,000 had taxes reduced by 60%. This led to increased stock market speculation and contributed to the 1929 crash. Mellon also gave secret tax cuts to huge corporations that were owned by him, his family and friends. Congress eventually demanded his impeachment, he resigned in 1932, became Hoover's Ambassador to the Court of St. James, i.e. Britain, and retired from politics the next year.

Mellon's wealth was tied up in the Mellon National Bank (one of America's largest), Carborundum (now Uni-frax, a leading industrial insulation producer), Koppers (a top global producer of naphthalene and coal tar), Gulf Oil and the Aluminum Corp. of America (ALCOA). ALCOA's trade with the Nazis, through a cartel with I.G. Farben, sabotaged U.S. military access to aluminum. In 1943, anti-fascist journalist, George Seldes, said ALCOA was "largely responsible for the fact America did not have the aluminum with which to build airplanes before and after Pearl Harbor, while Germany had an unlimited supply" (Facts and Fascism, 1943). In 1941, Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes had warned: "If America loses the war it can thank the Aluminum Corporation of America."

During WWII, Andrew's son, Paul Mellon, was station chief for the Office of Strategic Services in London and liaison to British intelligence. In Acid Dreams, M.A. Lee and B. Schlain note that "After the war, certain influential members of the Mellon family maintained close ties with the CIA. The Mellon family foundations have been used repeatedly as conduits for Agency funds."

Another Mellon family member with CIA connections was Billy Mellon-Hitchock. Known as "the Daddy Warbucks of the Counterculture," he was Timothy Leary's "Godfather." In the early 1960s, Mellon-Hitchcock financed the mass-production and distribution of LSD, which was then undergoing testing through the CIA's MK-Ultra program. Mellon-Hitchcock's funding was done through the Castle Bank of the Bahamas, an institution founded by Paul Helliwell, paymaster for the CIA's failed Bay of Pigs invasion and boss of Watergate burglar E. Howard Hunt.

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation's market value in 2003, was $3.6 billion (down from its peak of $5 billion in 2000). It disburses about $200 million per year.


David Cannadine, "About Andrew W. Mellon" and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Annual Report, 2002.

Mellon, Andrew William

Howard Zinn, People's History of the United States, 1995.

Steve Brouwer, Robbing Us Blind: The Return of the Bush Gang and the Mugging of America, 2004.

John B. Judis, The Paradox of American Democracy, 2001.

Linda Minor, Follow The Yellow Brick Road: From Harvard To Enron (2002),1,02,h...ronpt5.htm

History of the Treasury, Secretaries of the Treasury, Andrew W. Mellon

"VAST Right-Wing Conspiracy"

Source: Press for Conversion! magazine, Issue # 53, "Facing the Corporate Roots of American Fascism," March 2004.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
R.K. Locke Wrote:Perhaps the counterculture wasn't so much created as "seeded" by the establishment.

Bingo! They dumped a ton of acid through their academic contacts, so much that by mid-1965 Sandoz was forced to shut down LSD-25 production because so much of it was getting out.

But like anything related to acid -- the outcome of this institutional acid dump was utterly unpredictable.
Cliff Varnell Wrote:I understand Satanism is a self-centric philosophy. As such, it is not given to "cults" since Satanists posit the primacy of their own free will. How can one follow a "cult leader" when one's own free will is paramount?

The Church of Satan. The Temple of Set.

Both cults. Both with cult leaders.

Colonel Michael Aquino's Temple of Set even had degrees of initiation modelled after masonic levels.

The Great Beast Crowley proclaimed "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law", but fundamentally this "self-centric" freedom was for Crowley alone.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
R.K. Locke Wrote:My own beliefs would be along the lines of those expressed in the italicised section. It is becoming increasingly apparent that there are numerous potential health benefits to psilocybin mushrooms and other psychedelic drugs, above and beyond their abilities to positively alter consciousness when used responsibly. But that does not preclude them from being used as a tool of social control when combined with weaponised culture, psyops, manipulation of the education system and any number of other factors. It is not simply a case of the drugs being good or bad, and we must be wary of conflating explication with exculpation.

But LSD wasn't useful as a tool of social control.

All hell broke loose when it was first unleashed because of the massive doses people were dropping, but within a few years marketable doses became the norm. It's use has remained fairly consistent.

Next week tens of thousands of young people are going to gather in the Nevada desert at Burning Man and lots of acid will be dropped. Nobody is going to make a big deal of it.
Cliff Varnell Wrote:
R.K. Locke Wrote:My own beliefs would be along the lines of those expressed in the italicised section. It is becoming increasingly apparent that there are numerous potential health benefits to psilocybin mushrooms and other psychedelic drugs, above and beyond their abilities to positively alter consciousness when used responsibly. But that does not preclude them from being used as a tool of social control when combined with weaponised culture, psyops, manipulation of the education system and any number of other factors. It is not simply a case of the drugs being good or bad, and we must be wary of conflating explication with exculpation.

But LSD wasn't useful as a tool of social control.

All hell broke loose when it was first unleashed because of the massive doses people were dropping, but within a few years marketable doses became the norm. It's use has remained fairly consistent.

Next week tens of thousands of young people are going to gather in the Nevada desert at Burning Man and lots of acid will be dropped. Nobody is going to make a big deal of it.

Yeah - we did this on page 4 of the thread.

Charles Drago Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:The enlightenment of acid replaced by the hedonism of coke

Sometimes the deepest of deep political insights can be expressed in a single, poetic line.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Quote:But like anything related to acid -- the outcome of this institutional acid dump was utterly unpredictable.
And that's why I believe that this "acid experiment",or seeding,was a complete failure.You cannot use psychedelics for the purpose of control.It's essence is anti-control.
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:I understand Satanism is a self-centric philosophy. As such, it is not given to "cults" since Satanists posit the primacy of their own free will. How can one follow a "cult leader" when one's own free will is paramount?

The Church of Satan. The Temple of Set.

Both cults. Both with cult leaders.

Guilt-by-association smear. Please explain how one places one's own free-will as the engine of one's being and still follow a cult leader.

How does that work?

Quote:Colonel Michael Aquino's Temple of Set even had degrees of initiation modelled after masonic levels.

Satanic Panic bullshit. Who cares about Michael Aquino? Hitler this, Aquino that, a Klansman here, and a Neo-Nazi there...All guilt-by-association smears.

Same bullshit with Zappa and Morrison et al...Smear after smear with no basis...

Quote:The Great Beast Crowley proclaimed "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law", but fundamentally this "self-centric" freedom was for Crowley alone.

Really? How do you figure?

My comments refer to Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan. Please show me in the 11 Rules of Satanism the foundation for a "cult."
Keith Millea Wrote:
Quote:But like anything related to acid -- the outcome of this institutional acid dump was utterly unpredictable.
And that's why I believe that this "acid experiment",or seeding,was a complete failure.You cannot use psychedelics for the purpose of control.It's essence is anti-control.

Amen, brother Keith!
Keith Millea Wrote:
Quote:But like anything related to acid -- the outcome of this institutional acid dump was utterly unpredictable.
And that's why I believe that this "acid experiment",or seeding,was a complete failure.You cannot use psychedelics for the purpose of control.It's essence is anti-control.

Keith - yes, agreed.

I suspect we both also agree that set and setting, and the nature of your shamanic / street hustler guide, is crucial to the nature of your acid experience.

Eventually, the military worked out that hallicinogens are incapacitants, and this is how BZ was used on the battlefield.

It's no accident that MK-ULTRA's Jolly West concentrated on the creation and manipulation of dissociative states, when he wasn't discovering the lethal dose of LSD on elephants.....
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Cliff Varnell Wrote:My comments refer to Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan. Please show me in the 11 Rules of Satanism the foundation for a "cult."

Nah Ciff - you made statements about Satanism in general. You can't suddenly narrow your ground and ignore Aquino and Crowley.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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