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Kenyan Foreign Minister Confirms Mall Attack Was By Al-Qaeda
David Guyatt Wrote:It's getting curioser and curioser:

Quote:MI5 was informed of plan to attack shopping centre FOUR years ago after British terror suspect was arrested in Kenya

Kenya had been warned of an Al Shabaab attack in late September
British citizen arrested four years ago questioned about similar attack
Bilal Berjawi accused of planning to blow up Israeli-owned supermarket
The Westgate Mall, where at least 67 people died, is Israeli-owned

PUBLISHED: 00:48, 29 September 2013 | UPDATED: 10:20, 29 September 2013

A commander of the terrorist group behind the Nairobi attack was questioned by MI5 over plans to blow up a Kenyan shopping centre four years ago.

Bilal Berjawi, then a British citizen, was arrested in Kenya by counter-terrorism officers who claimed to be working on instructions from MI5.

Berjawi, who also went by the name Abu Omar, was questioned again on his return to Britain by the Security Service. At the time, he was a secret member of Al Shabaab, but MI5 and the Kenyans accused him of being a member of Al Qaeda.

According to his account, he was held in Nairobi for four days by Kenyan officers who were fed questions by MI5.
They accused him of planning to blow up an Israeli-owned supermarket in an attack sanctioned by Osama bin Laden.

The Westgate Mall, which includes a large supermarket, is Israeli-owned. Berjawi's account, if true, suggests a failure of intelligence by MI5 and the Kenyan authorities.
Security at the mall in the days leading up to the attack was lax, even despite the Kenyan authorities receiving more recent warnings of an imminent attack from the UN.
Berjawi's account was given to Cageprisoners, a British charity which campaigns against alleged mistreatment of terror suspects.

Berjawi, who is of Lebanese origin, went to Somalia and joined Al Shabaab in 2006. He returned to the UK a year later to raise funds for the terrorists.
He stayed at his family's council house in North Kensington, West London, before leaving for Kenya, where he was detained. He told Cageprisoners the Kenyans accused him of being an Al Qaeda suicide bomber who had trained in Afghanistan.
He was told: You were planning to attack a supermarket… an Israeli supermarket.' After four days, he was allowed to return to the UK, where he was met and questioned by MI5.
'He returned to Somalia in 2009 and rose to become a senior figure in the group Al Qaeda in East Africa, a radical part of Al Shabaab.
He was suspected of crossing into Uganda in 2010 where he took part in the Al Shabaab attacks at two bars as fans watched the World Cup final. The blasts killed 74.
He was stripped of his British citizenship and, according to Al Shabaab, was killed in January last year by a US drone missile.
Last night, MI5 would not say whether it knew of an attack on Westgate Mall four years ago, but a security source said: There is often terrorist chatter about targets for spectacular attacks and over the years the same targets pop up.'

Yes, Dave, but that was four long years ago...and they likely forgot!:Idea: i.e. an oversight. ::face.palm::

It seems to me that the strategy of tension to give 'rationale' for wars and imperialist expansion, control of resources and populations, et al., while not new, are really all the rage these halcyon days.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Aye Pete. From Kenya 1952, to the latest wheeze, Kenya 2013 - 6 decades of almost uninterrupted Strategy of Tension.

It is generally thought that the SoT was an American invention beginning with the Greek Junta of the late 1960s. But that's uninformed nonsense.

We Brits have been running false flag/pseudo gang operations for decades. Think Jerusalem of the 1940s, Cyprus of the 1950's, Kenya as above, Malaya of the late 1940's. I should also think that scholars could easily find many similar examples during the British Raj in India of the late 1800s.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:Aye Pete. From Kenya 1952, to the latest wheeze, Kenya 2013 - 6 decades of almost uninterrupted Strategy of Tension.

It is generally thought that the SoT was an American invention beginning with the Greek Junta of the late 1960s. But that's uninformed nonsense.

We Brits have been running false flag/pseudo gang operations for decades. Think Jerusalem of the 1940s, Cyprus of the 1950's, Kenya as above, Malaya of the late 1940's. I should also think that scholars could easily find many similar examples during the British Raj in India of the late 1800s.

Yes, agreed. Almost all students of covert operations and covert intelligence agencies etc. credit the Brits with developing the modern versions, activities - setting the standard of bad behavior, if you will. Congrats! Now everyone is copycatting your 'inventions' and 're-inventions, stratagems et al. - and some even taking it to the next higher [really lower!] level(s).:Hitler: There was even a British stamp issued showing and with wording explaining 'British bombing of Iraq'...back between the wars, if I remember correctly. So proud of it, you put it on postage. Most modern torture techniques are said to have been honed to a science in India during the Raj....not to mention false-flag and strategy of tension events. Its amazing they'll still send you tea....
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
United States Has Hidden Hand in Kenya-Somalia Crisis of Relations
By Abayomi Azikiwe. Libya 360 via 4th Media
Libya 360 via 4th Media.
Tuesday, Sep 24, 2013

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[TD]Attack on Westgate Mall in Nairobi related to White House funding of Mogadishu occupation

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[TD][Image: westgate_shopping_mall-499.JPG][/TD]
[TD]Plumes of smoke over the Westgate Mall in Nairobi during a standoff between Kenyan, Israeli and US forces against the Al-Shabaab Islamic Resistance.

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Billows of smoke emanated from the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya on the third day of a standoff between Kenyan, Israeli and United States forces (FBI) against the seizure of the facility by members of the Al-Shabaab Islamic resistance movement based in Somalia. Reports indicated that at least 62 people had been killed since the incident began on Saturday September 21.

Eyewitnesses reported that a group of armed men and women stormed the entrance of the mall during midday shooting at random and tossing hand grenades. Members of the armed group were quoted as saying that their operation was in response to the ongoing occupation by approximately 2,500 Kenyan Defense Forces (KDF) troops of southern Somalia.

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[TD][Image: Pres_Mwai_Kibai_and_PM_Raila_Odinga214.JPG][/TD]
[TD="colspan: 1"]President Mwai Kibai and Prime Minister Raila Odinga, two close allies of the United States[/TD]
Kenya, which shares a border with Somalia, entered the troubled Horn of Africa state in October 2011 in what was called Operation Linda Nchi (protect the nation in Kiswahili). The Kenyan government at that time was led by President Mwai Kibai and Prime Minister Raila Odinga, two close allies of the U.S. administration.

KDF forces bombed the strategic port city at Kismayo in the early phase of the operation. The city was a financial base for Al-Shabaab which controlled the lucrative charcoal exports from the country.

Since the intervention of Kenya into Somalia, unrest has continued in the south of the country where resistance is escalating outside Kismayo involving Al-Shabaab guerrillas who attack KDF positions on a daily basis.

Even local politicians and elders not associated with Al-Shabaab have complained about the activities of the Kenyan forces which are accused of interfering in the internal affairs of the region as well as human rights violations against civilians.

The Role of the U.S. in the Somalia Crisis

The attack on the Westgate Mall is being portrayed by the corporate and capitalist government-controlled media in the U.S. and Europe as a new episode in the so-called "war on terrorism." Yet the role of the White House through the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) goes without mention.

U.S. imperialism has been involved in attempts to influence the political situation in Somalia and the Horn of Africa for many decades.

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[TD]Mohamed Siad Barre courted by the US to invade Ethiopia in the 1970s leading Somalia into economic and political crisis for a decade.
During the late 1970s, former Somalian military leader Mohamed Siad Barre was courted by the Carter administration and convinced that an invasion of Ethiopia, then in alliance with the Soviet Union and Cuba, would result in Washington's economic and military support to the beleaguered state which had attempted to adopt a socialist-orientation in 1969.

The invasion of the Ogaden region of Ethiopia in 1978, where a large population of Somalis lived, proved to be a monumental disaster for Mogadishu. Cuban internationalist forces then in Ethiopia to assist the government of Mengistu Haile Mariam fought alongside the national army of Addis Ababa defeating Barre's forces.

This ill-advised military adventure plunged Somalia into a deeper economic and political crisis that lasted for well over a decade. By early 1991, the Barre regime had collapse leaving a vast security and political vacuum inside the country.

Later in December 1992, the administration of George H.W. Bush sent 12,000 Marines into Somalia in what was called "Operation Restore Hope." The intervention was sold to the people of the U.S. and the world as a "humanitarian mission" designed to address problems stemming from the drought and famine which had long plagued the country.

Nonetheless, by early 1993, Somalians had risen up against the intervention by the U.S., other western-imperialist states and United Nations forces occupying the nation. Dozens of Pentagon and UN troops lost their lives in a humiliating defeat that drove these military occupiers from Somalia in 1994.

Since this defeat in Somalia, the U.S. has never given up on controlling this region of Africa. With the overthrow of the socialist-oriented government of Mengistu in 1991, Washington enhanced its influence through working with the federal government in Ethiopia then headed by Meles Zenawi.

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[TD][Image: Mwai_Kibaki-GeorgeBush__October_2003-210.jpg][/TD]
[TD]President Mwai Kibai with George W. Bush in October 2003
By 2006, the U.S. "war on terrorism" was well underway with occupations taking place simultaneously in Afghanistan, Iraq and Haiti. In order to avoid the political fallout of another direct intervention, the Bush II administration encouraged Ethiopia to invade Somalia in order to displace the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) which had begun to consolidate its influence and stabilize the country after years of war and factional strife.

The main problem the U.S. had with the Islamic Courts was that it was operating outside of Washington's influence. After two years of the intervention by Ethiopia, Somalia was again facing famine with the worst humanitarian crisis in the world at that time.

Ethiopian military forces withdrew in early 2009 and sections of the Islamic Courts were won over to a Washington-backed Transitional Federal Government (TFG). A youth wing of the Islamic Courts arose known as Al-Shabaab (the youth) and began to wage war against the TFG demanding that all foreign forces be withdrawn from Somalia.

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[TD]Uganda President Yoweri Museveni allied with the US, Pentagon and CIA
Beginning in 2007, the African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM) was formed with the bulk of its forces coming from the U.S.-allied government of President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda. Fighting has continued in Somalia since this time period with periodic and direct intervention by the Pentagon and the CIA.

U.S. and British bombing operations have been carried out against alleged Al-Shabaab and Al-Qaeda bases in Somalia. The country is also a base of operations for the U.S. drone programs which extends from the Horn of Africa all the way into the Indian Ocean islands of Seychelles.

In addition, the CIA has a major field station in Mogadishu and has maintained detention facilities inside Somalia imprisoning purported suspects in the "war on terrorism." The combined AMISOM forces now consisting of some 17,500 troops, receives training and funding from Washington.

The Somalia operation of the U.S. is part and parcel of the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) which was formally started in 2008 under Bush but has been strengthened and enhanced by the Obama administration.

Kenya's intervention in southern Somalia in October 2011 had been planned for at least two years. The release of WikiLeaks cables in 2010 documented the plans and the role of the State Department.

In an article published by the Kenyan Daily Nation on December 17, 2010, it reports that

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[TD]"The cables also say the military action took years of planning and was not a spontaneous reaction to abductions conducted by the Islamist group on Kenyan soil as repeatedly stated by government officials.

"The abductions seemed to provide Kenya with a convenient excuse to launch the plan, which, officials argued, was necessary to ensure protection against threats posed by an unstable neighbor."[/TD]

This secret plan, dubbed "Jubaland Initiative," outlined the creation of an artificial state in southern Somalia in an effort to choke off Al-Shabaab from the border areas near Kenya. At a meeting in Ethiopia in January 2010, the Kenyan delegation led by the-then Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetang'ula appealed for U.S. support in the operation.

Israelis own the Westgate Shopping Mall

In addition to U.S. involvement in Somalia and Kenya, the state of Israel also has close ties with the government in Nairobi. Israeli economic interests are much in evidence in Kenya where tourism hotels and other businesses such as the Westgate shopping mall are owned by capitalists who are citizens of the Zionist state.

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[TD]The Westgate shopping mall is owned by Israelis. "One Kenyan security source, who asked not to be identified, told Reuters that the Israeli military was involved in the operation, while a private security official also said they were helping comb the mall." - Jerusalem Post

Developments in Kenya and throughout the entire region of East Africa must be viewed within the context of U.S. economic and strategic interests in partnership with its NATO allies and the state of Israel. In recent years new findings of oil and natural gas all along the coast of East Africa is of course a source of imperialist interests in the region.

At the same time flotillas of U.S. and European Union warships have been occupying the Gulf of Aden off the coast of Somalia for several years under the guise of fighting piracy.

Underlying this occupation of the Gulf of Aden is the vast economic resources that are transported through this waterway which is one of the most lucrative in the world.

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[TD]Uhuru Kenyatta, elected in March and not favored by the Obama regime.
The current government of President Uhuru Kenyatta in Nairobi was not the favored choice of the Obama administration during the elections in March. Washington supported former Prime Minister Odinga in the race and had issued veiled threats against Kenya if it did not vote the way the U.S. wanted.

Both President Kenyatta and Vice-President William Ruto are under indictment by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. Ruto requested and was granted an adjournment of his trial that was taking place at the time of the Westgate mall attack pending the outcome of the standoff.

Kenyatta and Ruto are accused of human rights violations during the course of a violent dispute over the results of the previous elections held in late 2007. Their prosecution by the ICC has been rejected by the Kenyan government as well as the entire 54-member nations of the African Union.

The ICC has been severely criticized by the African Union due to its exclusive pre-occupation with prosecuting continental leaders. Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir is also under indictment by the ICC and could be denied a visa by the State Department to attend the UN General Assembly in New York even though Washington is not a signatory to the Rome Statue that created the ICC.

(All photos and related captions were added to this article by Axis of Logic)

Mr. Abayomi Azikiwe, Editor for the Pan-African News Wire, is one of the frequent contributors for The 4th Media.

Original publication: Libya 360

Source: 4th Media[/TD]
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

Was it a Psyop? Nairobi Mall Deceit Abets Israeli-Western Pipeline Wars to Oust Asian Rivals

By Yoichi Shimatsu
Global Research, October 01, 2013
Url of this article:

The gratuitous violence and spectacular overkill by a mysterious gang of supposed "terrorists" does nothing to further the aims of either Somali nationalism or sharia law, as espoused by the original Al-Shabaab movement, which seeks the withdrawal of Kenya forces from Somalia .
As the events at the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi unfolded, it became clear that the bloody spectacle was staged by a shadowy entity, which the Kenya foreign minister described as "Al Qaeda". Her statement was based on the presence of other foreign assailants, including passport holders of the U.S. and Britain , under the command of a Western woman believed to be the so-called "White Widow".
The obvious outcome of this bloody spectacle is not Kenyan military withdrawal from Somalia as desired by Al Shabaab rebels, but quite the opposite effect of hardening support for intervention by a majority of Kenyans who were previously opposed to cross-border troop stationing. It took a televised massacre to overturn the East African public's aversion to military cooperation with former colonial masters and the Israelis.
The net effect of the conflicting reports from the mall and suspect photos raises troubling questions: What powerful elite group has the money to organize such an elaborate ruse to sway public opinion? Who can control a secret network inside the Kenyan military and the mass media? What is their motive? How do they benefit?
Primal Motives
From the onset of the police-military siege of Westgate, Israeli intelligence agencies assumed a key advisory role to the Kenyan police and directed the public-information releases, according to news reporters on the scene. As in many sensitive police-intelligence operations, information releases to the media are "strategic", a euphemism for psychological operations.
Psy-ops are aimed at controlling the options for the criminals and shaping public attitudes about the event's causes and outcomes.
Israeli experts were pre-positioned inside the mall, being in charge of the private security company whose plainclothesmen posed for "action shots". The perfectly lit photos were taken during a lengthy power blackout in the nearly windowless mall. The viewer is led to believe as in Hollywood movies that a handgun is a match against automatic rifles. A large force of Mossad agents was still stationed inside Nairobi since the investigation of a mystery fire that had destroyed the capital's Jomo Kenyatta Airport on August 8.
Nairobi , due to its logistical position and concentration of Jewish business interests, is the Israeli regional intelligence center for East Africa . Despite the 2002 terrorist attacks on an Israel plane over Kenya and hotel in Mombasa , the primary interest is not solely terrorism.
The two priorities for Israeli operations in East Africa are:
to open a second military front against Iranians, who allegedly channel aid, including weapons, to Hamas via Sudan ;
and in league with Western energy corporations to oust Asian oil companies from South Sudan by building an alternative pipeline to a proposed mega-port on Kenya's Indian Ocean coast,
Pipeline Wars
Prior to the independence of South Sudan in July 2011, the U.S. and Europe imposed sanctions against the central government in Khartoum while financing and covertly arming separatist forces in the southern districts neighboring Kenya and the Darfur region bordering Chad. The sanctions-based exclusion of Western energy corporations provided a rare opportunity for Asian oil companies to win bids for exploration rights and production in the vast reserves of southern Sudan .
The dominant foreign petroleum operators are China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), Sinopec, Petronas of Malaysia, and India 's Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC). The state companies of Egypt and Yemen also hold stakes in Sudanese oil. The exploration and extraction operations are usually run as consortiums such as Dar, Greater Nile and Sudd that include several players in partnership with Sudapet ( Sudan state oil) and, since independence Nilepet ( South Sudan ). The crude oil flows through the Greater Nile Oil Pipeline, constructed by CNPC started in the late 1980s and since expanded over a distance of 1,300 kilometers to Port Sudan on the Red Sea .
The creation of the Republic of South Sudan , with its capital Juba , was the game-changer. The Heglig and Bamboo oil fields are well inside its boundaries and the borderline Abyei reserve remains contested and is likely to be divided between the uneasy neighbors. South Sudan now controls 80 percent of Sudanese oil reserves, estimated by BP at 6.6 billion barrels. Another noteworthy point underlying Western support of the breakaway insurgencies is that the petroleum belt stretches along a northwesterly axis into the heart of the Darfur region.
Israel Makes Its Move
The Foreign Ministry in Juba posted this January 18, 2013, report on its New Delhi embassy website, titled "South Sudan signs oil deal with Israel ":
" South Sudan says it has signed an agreement with several Israeli oil companies, a potentially significant strategic move that will consolidate the Jewish state's relations with the fledgling, oil-rich East African state. South Sudan's petroleum and mining minister, Dhieu Dau, announced the oil deal last week after he returned from a visit to Israel.
It will also bolster Israeli moves to counter Iranian inroads into the Red Sea and a major gunrunning route from the Revolutionary Guards base at Bandar Abbas in the Persian Gulf to the Gaza Strip via Sudan . Sudan has become a battleground in the mostly clandestine war between Israel and the Islamic Republic, which funnels missiles and other arms for Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip through the Red Sea.
South Sudan, which became independent of Arab-ruled Sudan in July 2011 after a decades-long civil war, is locked in a frequently violent confrontation over its oil reserves with the military-run Khartoum regime, an ally of Iran , under President Omar al-Bashir."
The bilateral deal can be summarized as: Israel will form a military alliance with South Sudan against Khartoum and Tehran , to be repaid with Sudanese oil exports to be controlled by Israeli energy companies.
Infrastructure Intrigues
Although unnamed so far, the Israeli oil companies with key technologies include pipeline operator Zion Oil and exploration company Shemen Oil, which conducts drilling in the former Rothschild-owned fields on Azerbaijan 's Caspian Sea coast. Israeli companies, by themselves, lack the scale of financial and technical resources necessary for a proposed $3 billion mega-project that will include a 1,000-kilometer pipeline and railways from Juba to Lamu on the Kenya coast, along with docks for supertankers and a massive portside refinery.
The ambitious Juba-Lamu project was launched by former Kenyan President Mawai Kibaki, whose administration was beset by corruption allegations. Environmental groups have raised objections to a petroleum port and refinery near the UNESCO heritage site of Lamu Island , brushed off by officials as a small matter when billions of dollars are at stake. The Westgate Mall attack has surely convinced Kibaki's successor, President Uhuru Kenyatta, to drop any objections and go with the flow.
A top figure in East African infrastructure construction is Joseph Schwartzman, owner of the H. Young engineering company and business leader of Nairobi 's Israeli community.
Schwartzman, closely allied with business interests in South Africa and Israel , is an outspoken opponent of the Chinese role in African infrastructure projects. His neoconservative old-school instincts were expressed in a 2009 remark, reported in The Nation ( Nairobi ):
"Chinese companies' presence in Kenya is not beneficial to the country. Their presence has only one purpose: transfer of hard currency back to China ."
In an unintended way, he is correct. In contrast with more beloved homelands, Beijing has zero to gain from charitable projects like waging proxy wars and staging false-flag massacres inside shopping centers.
U.S. Leads From Behind
Israel 's African oil dreams gain muscle from the participation of heavyweights like the Vitol energy trading company, which has signed aboard for the Juba-Lamu pipeline. Despite the arms-length appearance of this Europe-based trading house, it is an asset for the American corporate-and-state power structure. The Israeli-U.S. alliance is so widely distrusted worldwide, based on a proven record of misdeeds and skullduggery, their agents have to operate under the cover of sock-puppet companies.
Vitol, the world's largest independent oil trader, is a Geneva-headquartered holding company that owns a string of oil terminals, including Rotterdam , the world center for spot-market trading. Founded in 1966 by two Dutchmen, the firm is now run by an English CEO named Ian Roper Taylor and American-born corporate president Miguel "Mike" Loya. Oxford graduate Taylor worked for Shell Oil, a firm linked with the Rothschild group, prior to joining Vitol, while Harvard MBA Loya was an executive at ExxonMobil.
Earning notoriety as the oil trader for rogue states, Vitol took a lead role in the Iraq oil-for-food deal and defied U.N. sanctions against Serbian energy imports. More recently during the Libya insurrection against the Gadhafi regime, Vitol transported the first shipment of light crude out of insurgent-controlled Tobruk, aboard a tanker that somehow managed to pass through a NATO blockade. It also delivered $1 billion in gasoline and diesel for the rebel convoys during the assault on Tripoli . None of this derring-do is remotely possible unless the company acted on orders from the CIA.
Taylor personally became embroiled in a lawsuit against a collective of Scottish artists, who accused him of being the main Tory financier of advertising campaigns and lobbyists opposed to Scotland independence. Britain 's North Sea oilfields are located in the territorial waters of Scotland . When and if independence is achieved, Shell and BP, now protected by the Crown Estate, would be forced to pay a fair price to the government of free Scotland , which would be a full EU member. For an apolitical rogue trading company, Vitol takes on many high-risk positions on behalf of the Anglo-American elite, thus acting more like a privateer than a pirate.
A Different Nigerian Fraud
Vitol's position in Africa, anchored at a refinery in Mombasa , is strengthened by a partnership with Helios Investment Partners in the joint acquisition of Shell-BP retail fuel stations across the African continent. Although only a minor consumer of the crude output from South Sudan , local filling stations are important for influencing the logistics and transportation sector, which is influential in infrastructure policy.
Ostensibly a long-awaited pan-African investment fund, Helios is just another Oreo cookie from the old bag of neocolonialist tricks. The two principals holding together this confection are Nigerians, while the sweet filling comes from Dallas , Texas . Tope Lawani and Babatunda Soyoye are both former employees of the London branch of Texas Pacific Group (tpg), headquartered in Dallas and San Francisco.
Tope and Baba were trained in takeovers and buyouts by TPG boss David Bonderman, a Los Angeles-born business attorney who studied Arabic language in Cairo . A corporate raider who targets troubled companies, Bonderman finances his hostile takeovers with help from the likes of Goldman Sachs, Carlyle and Blackstone. His acquisitions of Asian firms are done through the subsidiary Newbridge Capital. Bonderman also serves on the board of the American Himalayan Foundation, a project of Richard Blum, the husband of Senate foreign-intelligence queen Dianne Feinstein.
The Helios takeovers of African telecom firms and cell-phone networks are funded by prominent investors including Lord Jacob Rothschild, Madeleine Albright, the World Bank's IFC division and the U.S. government's Overseas Private Investment Corporation. Globalist financial power, aligned with Zionism, is being focused on a still-fledgling African economy, with all eyes now staring at the South Sudan-Kenya pipeline.
Whatever the PR hype about New Africa's potential, the underlying motivation of the U.S. foreign-policy establishment and Israeli elite is to deny African resources to the rising Asian industrial centers. Sudan offered China its first major oil exploration contract, and since then India 's state petroleum firm has teamed up with Chinese companies there. As a Muslim-predominant oil-producing country at the center of Asia, Malaysia with its technology-adept Petronas oil firm is a target of Israeli and American political subversion and even a proxy invasion.
The surest method of curtailing Asian industrial and military strength is through the "Asian premium", an added fee for every barrel of oil that passes through the Strait of Malacca . The steady stream of tankers is watched over by the Israel-U.S. agents posted in Singapore . An Israeli nuclear ally, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has quietly pushed Toyota Tsusho, the giant carmaker's holding company, to enter talks with South Sudan on the Juba-Lamu pipeline deal. (The term nuclear ally refers to the presence of Israeli technicians and security staff from Dimona at the Fukushima No.1 plant at the time of the March 2011 meltdowns.) The Zionist-neocolonialist stranglehold on Asia's energy jugular must be broken, and place to do it is Kenya.
Children of Ham
Beyond the twin objectives of countering Iran and controlling African petroleum output, Israeli policymakers harbor a third ambition of a visionary nature: to establish a Hamitic-controlled region stretching from the Horn at Somalia across Ethiopia and agriculture-rich Uganda and into the mineral resources of Central Africa.
No nation on Earth is today more race-conscious than Israel , which seeks to establish an alliance of so-called Lost Tribes and descendants of Ham, the country cousins of the Semitic people. Whenever an expansionist power conjures up ancient ancestral memories, it is a sure-fire formula for aggression and massacres. Africa , be warned.
The Old Testament myth of Noah's sons Seth, founder of the Semites; Ham, of related peoples in Africa; and Japhet in Asia is being used as a mirror image of the Aryan beliefs of another modern racial-obsessed cult. DNA studies of questionable authenticity are being used by Israeli geneticists to justify political footholds in Judeo-Christian Ethiopia and to churn out propaganda support for the "superior" herding Tutsi versus the "inferior" peasant Hutu in Rwanda and Eastern Africa. By stressing a common heritage, intelligence agents assigned to Jewish-funded charities for Somali, Iraqi and Afghan refugees in, say, Minnesota , London or Marseilles can selectively recruit naïve young Muslim immigrants for penetrating Islamist movements.
Just months before the Kenyan mall attack, according to a Guardian report by Simon Tisdall, a hardline faction led by Ahmed Abdi Godane assassinated the founders of Al Shabaab known by the noms de guerre Al-Afghani and Burhan. By design and certainly not accident, all Israelis inside the Westgate Mall were allowed to leave unharmed while even Kenyans of Muslim faith were butchered. In the Syrian conflict, too, the more brutal foreign fighters are closely cooperating with the Israeli Defense Force against moderate rivals.
The Westgate Mall hostage crisis was a overblown spectacle in the vein of "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" or a Quentin Tarantino blood-fest. The so-called White Widow, so reminiscent of Patty Hearst, is a clone of the vengeful female assassins from "Kill Bill" and "Inglorious Bastards". The initial 30 assailants are now whittled down to eight suspects, with the remainder mysteriously gone as in "Ocean's Eleven" or "Mission Impossible". The smokescreen caused by bombs that collapsed the parking garage, and the gallons of red liquid on the floors were Hollywood special effects, as if blood never coagulates nor change color. Every detail from the siege demands forensic reexamination for slip-ups in fakery. Westgate was not West End . Nairobi was a bad show, poorly scripted, sloppily directed and clumsily acted. A much more convincing performance should be expected from the CIA and Mossad. It would be a slapstick comedy if not for the fact that so many innocent bit actors were murdered in cold blood by the intelligence services.
A Hard Road to Peace
On the road to development and cooperation, the weak link has been the lack of a security arrangement between the African Union and Asia 's regional groupings, including SAARC, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and ASEAN. Western military advisory groups and intelligence agencies, which create more terrorism and conflict than they can ever suppress, must be uprooted from every inch of Africa . In their stead, competent and professional law enforcement and security forces should be financed and trained under a cross-continent program to protect the resources of Africa for the benefit of African people and to carry forth the worldwide struggle against the systemic deprivation that causes impoverishment and injustice.
Today the only viable path ahead, against the incessant wars, horrendous crimes and dirty tricks perpetrated by the Western neocolonialists and their Zionist allies, is to remain faithful to the spirit of the 1955 Bandung Conference, as reaffirmed at 2005 Bandung 2 with the drafting of the New Asian-African Strategic Partnership (NAASP). Those past promises must be transformed from mere words on paper into real deeds on the soil, seas and skies of Mother Africa.
Author: Yoichi Shimatsu, a Hong Kong-based science writer, is former editor of the Japan Times Weekly in Tokyo and earlier with the Pacific News Service in San Francisco .
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

Kenyan Intelligence Al-Shabaab Westgate Mall Attack Warnings File

The following document contains approximately two dozen situation briefings reportedly produced by Kenya's National Intelligence Service on the threat posed to the country by al-Shabaab militants. The briefings range in date from September 21, 2012 to September 13, 2013. The document was obtained and published by Al Jazeera and has been the basis for articles in the Wall Street Journal as well as local newspapers inside Kenya
[Image: KenyaShabaabFile.png]

Kenyan National Intelligence Service

  • 32 pages
  • September 21, 2012-September 13, 2013
[Image: download.jpg]
In 2011, the threat of terrorism in the country rose up drastically largely from the threat we recorded and the attacks we began experiencing. Consequently, the service initiated a security survey on key installations and shopping malls. The objective was to assess their vulnerability to terrorist attacks and make recommendations on areas to improve on. The survey was conducted and the report submitted to the Police, Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Tourism. Relevant institutions and malls were also handed over the report. Subsequent security surveys have continued to be conducted. As with regard to the Westgate Mall which was also surveyed, the following observations and recommendations were made as per the attached matrix.
Situation Report for 21.09.12 Serial No.184/2012
Two suspected Al Shabaab terrorists of Somali origin entered South Sudan through Djibouti, Eritrea and Sudan and are suspected to be currently in Uganda waiting to cross into Kenya through either Busia or Malaba border points. They are being assisted by Teskalem Teklemaryan, an Eritrean Engineer with residences in Uganda and South Sudan. The duo have purchased 1 GPMG; 4 hand grenades; 1 bullet belt; 5 AK 47 Assault Rifles; unknown number of bullet proof jackets from Joseph Lomoro, an SPLA Officer, and some maps of Nairobi city, indicating that their destination is Nairobi.
Maalim Khalid, aka Maalim Kenya, a Kenyan explosives and martial arts expert, has been identified as the architect of current terrorist attacks in the country. He is associated with attacks at Machakos Country Bus, Assanands House in Nairobi and Bellavista Club in Mombasa. He selected 20 Kenyans in 2 groups of 10, whom he trained at Marka and Barawe in driving, use of pistols, grenades, establishing and utilizing safe houses, escape and evasion tactics; and effective and secure communication. Khalid is planning terrorist attacks in Kenya, aimed at damaging the economy, assassination of political and security leaders, and attacking western interests and tourists. Elsewhere, the Al Shabaab is contemplating attacking Kenyan interests in other countries, starting with Zambia, but the timing, target and methods are still unclear. Kenyan interests anywhere in the world therefore remain the militant's potential targets of attack as the Kenya Defence Forces and AMISOM exert pressure on them, and the imminent capture of Kismayu.
Meanwhile, the following suspected Al Shabaab operatives are in Nairobi and are planning to mount suicide attacks on undisclosed date, targeting Westgate Mall and Holy Family Basilica; Sheikh Abdiwelli Mohamed, Sheikh Hussein and Sheikh Hassan. They are believed to be in possession of two suicide vests, twelve (12) hand grenades and two (2) AK 47 rifles, and have already surveyed the two targets. They are being assisted by Sheikh Hassan alias Blackie of Majengo and Omar Ahmed Ali alias Jerry who are currently staying near Mamba Petrol Station and Huruma Mosque along Juja Road.
Situation Report for 01.02.13 Serial No.023/2013
Adan Abdulahi Siad aka Ada Gamey, Amniyat Commander dispatched 25 Amniyats operatives on 23.01.13 from Bardere district in Somali, by road to Kenya to conduct grenade attacks against KDF convoys. They are scheduled to pass through Jardani, Fafadun and Damas, about 12 kilometers from El Wak and are under the leadership of Issa Ali. They are armed with AK 47 rifles, pistols and some explosives. They were using a dyna truck driven by Hassan Yare.
Some Al Shabab leaders met at Barawa in Lower Shebelle on 25.01.13 where they discussed plans to send Amniyats operatives into Kenya to conduct assassinations against Somali elders who had participated in the recent constitution process. Dahir Gamey was appointed to co-ordinate the plans.
Other reports indicate that by late December 2012, Al- Shabaab was training female operatives to engage in hijacking of aircrafts and crashing them as well as suicide bombing. Upon completion they were to be sent to western countries and to countries which had contributed troops to AMISOM.
Further to threats by Al-Shabaab militia to carry out retaliatory attacks in Kenya following the recent capture of Kolbio town, some militia's IED experts have been deployed in Mandera and Bulla Hawa towns in Somalia. The militiamen are planning to plant explosives along the routes used by security personnel and detonate hand grenades in crowded areas including social places and churches.
There are indications that Al Qaida and Al Shabaab operatives are planning to disrupt the upcoming general elections. ABUBAKAR SHARIFF aka ABU MAKABURI is in the forefront of the planning and has been gathering arms in preparation for attacks countrywide. Some of the targets mentioned include VIPS, polling stations on the Election Day and buildings such as Times Towers. Notably, Times Tower has been severally mentioned as being very busy on Mondays and Fridays, and that the security has been observed to be lax.
The envisaged modus operandi include, but is not exclusive to, Mumbai-attack style, where the operatives storm into a building with guns and grenades and probably hold hostages.
Furthermore, several operatives who had gone underground following the December operations have resurfaced and are regrouping in Nairobi and Mombasa.
Briefs to other Relevant Government Agencies and Officials
During the month of September 2013 following a noticeable rise in the level of threat, specific briefs on the threat were made to the following:
i) Briefs to National Security Council members; Briefs were made in the month of September to the following:
Cabinet Secretary, National Treasury
Cabinet Secretary, Interior
Cabinet Secretary, Foreign Affairs
Cabinet Secretary, Defence
Chief of Defence Forces (CDF)
Briefs were made to them informing them of increasing threat of terrorism and of plans to launch simultaneous attacks in Nairobi and Mombasa on 13th and 20th September, 2013.
Briefs to the National Security Advisory Committee (NSAC)
Between the month of September, 2012 and September, 2013, NSAC has been briefed on a number of occasions on the rising threat of terrorism and several recommendations made on the action which needs to be taken.
Briefs to the Cabinet Secretary, Interior and National Coordination
Several briefs have also been made to the Minister for Interior on the threat of terrorism and more detailed report on the threat was submitted on 7th June, 2013.
1. Cabinet Secretary for Interior &
Co-ordination of National Government,
Harambee Hoouse,
2. Secretary to the Cabinet,
Harambee House,
3. Principal Secretary,
Ministry of Interior &
Co-ordination of the
National Government,
4. Inspector General of Police,
Police Headquarters,
5. Director,
Criminal Investigation Department,
CID Headquarters,
6. Deputy Inspector General,
Regular Police,
National Police Service,
Vigilance House,
7. Deputy Inspector General,
Administration Police,
National Police Service,
Harambee House,

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"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
The smell of spin is present, I think.

"Foreign" forces, not simply the US. I wonder what's not being said?

Were there other foreign forces, and if so who? Kenyan forces, Israeli commando's, British SAS?

Quote:Foreign military raid al-Shabaab headquarters in Somalia, reports saySpeculation that assault was targeting militant leader Ahmed Godane, who claimed responsibility for Nairobi mall attack

Peter Beaumont and agencies, Saturday 5 October 2013 12.17 BST
Members of al-Shabaab, which was reportedly targeted in a foreign military raid on the Somali coast. Photograph: Feisal Omar/Reuters

Foreign military forces appear to have carried out a pre-dawn raid on a southern Somalian coastal town, apparently in pursuit of "a high-profile target" linked to the militant al-Shabaab group that was behind last month's Kenyan mall shootings.
The pre-dawn raid which initial but unconfirmed reports suggested may have involved US troops took place in Barawe, in the lower Shabelle region 240km south of Mogadishu. It is the same town where US Navy commandos killed a senior al-Qaida member four years ago.
The focus of the raid appears to have been a two-storey beachside house which residents say was used as a headquarters by al-Shabaab. with some troops reportedly landing by helicopter.
Radio Shabelle, in Mogadishu, reported that one al-Shabaab fighters had been killed and others were injured. Although the details were sketchy, agencies reported residents describing being awoken before early morning prayers by heavy gunfire. Other Mogadishu news sources appeared to confirm the details of the raid.
An al-Shabaab source, who spoke to Reuters, said a group of westerners had landed on a beach near Barawe and been repelled.
A Somali intelligence official said the targets of the raid were high-profile foreigners in the house and that the strike was carried out by foreign military forces. Somalia's nascent army does not have the ability to carry out a stealth night-time strike. A second intelligence official confirmed the attack. Both insisted on anonymity.
Sheikh Abdiasis Abu Musab, a spokesman for al-Shabaab's military operations, told Reuters: "Westerners in boats attacked our base at Barawe beach and one was martyred from our side. No planes or helicopters took part in the fight. The attackers left weapons, medicine and stains of blood. We chased them."
There was immediate speculation that the target was the leader of al-Shabaab, Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr, also known as Ahmed Godane, who claimed responsibility for the four-day assault on the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi two weeks ago. He said the attack, which left at least 67 people dead, was in retaliation for Kenya's military deployment inside Somalia.
"We were awoken by heavy gunfire last night, we thought an al-Shabaab base at the beach was captured," Sumira Nur told Reuters from Barawe. "We also heard sounds of shells but we do not know where they landed."
An al-Shabaab member, who gave his name as Abu Mohamed, said fighters rushed to the scene to try to capture a foreign soldier but they were not successful.

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The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
- edited -
The Kenyan Govt. just release CCT images of the 'attackers' of the mall....the images are very strange...there are only four or five shown....they seem totally relaxed moving past the cameras with their guns as if there was nothing to worry about.....the official version had 10-15 terrorists and them holding hostages - nothing of this seen. It was also reported that five attackers had been killed...but no mention if this is so or not; nor about all the missing persons - still about 30. There was some mention from some unnamed source that the attackers left [with hostages?] through a tunnel under the mall....likely the way they entered too!::lilgreenman::
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Nairobi terrorists named as police confirm 'White Widow' not among them

A small band of up to six attackers carried out the Nairobi terrorist siege, police have confirmed contradicting their earlier claims that 15 attackers were involved.

Omar Nabhan and Abu Baara al-Sudani, pictured, were confirmed as two of the attackers. Photo: (ENTERPRISE NEWSAND PICTURES)

By Harriet Alexander

3:25PM BST 05 Oct 2013

Kenyan police named four of the terrorists on Saturday. None of them were Western, contrary to their initial reports, and they were all men.

Amid the confusion of the four-day siege, Amina Mohamed, Kenya's foreign minister, said that a British woman "who has done this many times before" was among the attackers, as were "two or three" Americans.

But David Kimaiyo, the police chief, said that that information was false. He also said that Samantha Lewthwaite, the widow of the London bomber who is dubbed the "White Widow," and is wanted on terrorism charges, was not present during the Kenya attack.

"On Samantha we have also established that she was not part of the attackers in the building. There was no woman," he said.

Footage of the attack was broadcast in Kenya on Saturday morning, showing four men walking calmly through the shopping centre carrying guns.

"From what we have now that is coming out of the investigation, the number of attackers was between four to six," said Mr Kimaiyo.
"None of them managed to escape from the building after the attack," he said, implying that they were killed in the confrontation.
The attackers were named as Abu Baara al-Sudani, Omar Nabhan, Khattab al-Kene and Umayr.
Al Sudani, from Sudan, was the leader of the group inside the mall and had been trained by al Qaeda.
"He is an experienced fighter and sharpshooter," said Major Emmanuel Chirchir, spokesman for the Kenya Defence Forces.
Nabhan, a Kenyan of Arab origin, was born in Mombasa and travelled to Somalia with his uncle at the age of 16.
Al Kene is said to be Somali from the capital Mogadishu, and is linked to al Shabaab Islamist militants.
Umayr's other names, nationality and biography were "not yet identified", he added.
Somali al Shabaab militants said on Saturday Western forces had raided a coastal town under cover of darkness and killed one of their fighters. It was not clear whether the assault was related to the attack on the Kenyan mall.

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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