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New York Bikers A Deep Op?
It turns out the biker gang that attacked the man in the Range Rover was infiltrated by the New York City Police. Some say that is why Police Commissioner Kelly was slow to respond in the apprehension of the attackers. Was this roving gang part of a deep operation to terrorize the American public? Interesting that the cop in question was also photographed pretending to be an Occupy protestor:

NYPD cop busted in biker beatdown also arrested during Occupy Wall Street

Prosecutors called NYPD undercover Wojciech Broszczok an 'active participant' in the beating of Alexian Lien, and that may not have been the first time Broszczok went too deep.

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[Image: bikers11n-5-web.jpg]


NYPD detective Wojciech Braszczok is arrested while undercover during Occupy Wall Street demonstration in Grand Central Terminal on Aug. 17, 2012

His arrest in a motorcycle mob attack wasn't the first time mohawked NYPD undercover Wojciech Broszczok was busted by his brothers in blue.
Photos obtained Thursday by the Daily News showed the accused biker bully in plastic wrist restraints during an Occupy Wall Street demonstration at Grand Central Terminal in August 2012.
The pics showed the bearded cop known as "Albert" getting marched through the midtown landmark.
[Image: det-wojciech-braszczok.jpg]


A mohawked Wojciech Broszczok blended in with other Occupy Wall Street protesters.

"I saw him at a lot of protests," said freelance photographer Danielle Kelly, who spent 18 months covering OWS. "He was arrested with two other people, and the charges were dropped a few hours later."
Authorities couldn't confirm that account.
Broszczok, a 10-year NYPD vet, even came to the aid of an Occupy demonstrator who suffered a broken collarbone in a Times Square scuffle with cops in the summer of 2012, according to an Occupy member.

[Image: bikers11n-3-web.jpg]


Robert Sims (right) is one of the bikers charged in beating of Alexian Lien, who was pummeled in front of his wife and child after being chased down by motorcycle gang.

"Helped me carry a comrade to safety," wrote one demonstrator on his Twitter feed.
Prosecutors charged that Broszczok, 32, didn't show the same courtesy to a Manhattan man yanked from his SUV on Sept. 29 by an angry group of bikers on the Henry Hudson Parkway near W. 178th St.
Broszczok was caught on videotape smashing a rear window of the SUV, and didn't come forward later to admit he was there, authorities said. He faces up to 25 years in prison on charges of felony assault and gang assault in the beating of Alexian Lien as the victim's wife and 2-year-old daughter watched.
[Image: braszczok.jpg]


Detective Wojciech Braszczok covers up while going to visit his Manhattan bail bondsman.

The Lien family attorney continued his silence on the attack.
"Everyone's trying to get a rise out of us or get a reaction, but . . . we agreed the best thing is to not make any comment," said lawyer Frank Panetta.
Broszczok ducked a Daily News reporter Thursday morning near his Manhattan bail bondsman's office. The undercover, in a blue flannel shirt and jeans, pulled his collar over his face and didn't speak when approached.
[Image: court-james-kuehne-motorcycles.jpg]


James Kuehne was arrested for allegedly participating in the gang assault.

Despite being married to wife, Eve, his Web activity shows the Long Island City, Queens, hound trolls for women on sites like and posts photos of bikes, cars and scantily-clad women.
The cowardly cop is one of three NYPD officers to participate in the ride that led to the attack. The News was first to report off-duty Detective Samir Gonsalves, 34, took part in the rogue ride, but not the beatdown. Sources said a cop who works in the Internal Affairs Bureau also took part in the ride. The 28-year-old officer, with five years on the force, told his supervisors he was there and will likely be disciplined, sources said.
Meanwhile, James Kuehne, a married plumber, was released on $200,000 bond Thursday a day after he was busted. Prosecutors said he was caught on video striking the driver of the SUV three times in the September attack.
"We intend to fight these charges," his lawyer, Joseph Mure, said, adding that his client came forward as soon as he learned cops were looking for him.
With Tina Moore and Rich Schapiro
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"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Life in America now has few 'real' parts to it....most of it is made up of government provocations, lies, deceits, propaganda, bankster operations, false-flag operations and their aftermaths [wars, diminished freedoms, spying on citizens]. Very sad.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Gladio comes to your neighborhood, Mr. and Mrs. America.

This is why I support the right to own firearms. The cops and criminals are in it together.
- edited -
Tracy Riddle Wrote:Gladio comes to your neighborhood, Mr. and Mrs. America.

This is why I support the right to own firearms. The cops and criminals are in it together.

This is an interesting thought Tracy. I noted (and indeed anticipated) that when handguns were banned in the UK in 1997, in the wake of the Dunblane massacre (another deep political episode btw), that only those who would have access to, and use them in the future, were the authorities and the underworld.

And so it came to pass:

Quote:Despite the handguns ban imposed under the 1997 Firearms Amendment, research carried out following the implementation of the Act saw a 40 per cent increase in the number of gun crime incidents in the UK.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:This is an interesting thought Tracy. I noted (and indeed anticipated) that when handguns were banned in the UK in 1997, in the wake of the Dunblane massacre (another deep political episode btw), that only those who would have access to, and use them in the future, were the authorities and the underworld.

And so it came to pass:

Quote:Despite the handguns ban imposed under the 1997 Firearms Amendment, research carried out following the implementation of the Act saw a 40 per cent increase in the number of gun crime incidents in the UK.

And here's a 'close-to-home' example of what the use of legal sledgehammers to crack ridiculous 'shock-horror-fear' nuts does to good salt-of-the-earth people:

Conviction for possession of an unlicensed firearm in the UK attracts a mandatory custodial sentence with hardly ANY room for Judicial discretion. In the following case, the judge stretched his discretionary powers to their absolute limit by reducing a mandatory 5 year custodial sentence to 2 years:

Graham Key was a gamekeeper who live about 8 miles from me. His widow was a work colleague of my wife. Our beloved Orwellian 'RSPCA', with it's visceral hatred of UK rural culture and quasi-police powers, suspected Mr Key of illegally killing badgers. They organised a police raid on Mr Key's home. The police discovered 2 unlicensed firearms (an old rusty and unserviceable WWII vintage rifle and an ancient Bruni semi-auto pistol) and a few rounds of ammunition, none of which was suitable for either firearm. Mr key's explanations for possession were not challenged by anyone and seem reasonable - but reasonableness cuts no ice where legal crusades are concerned.

No charges were brought on the RSPCA badger complaint but Mr Key was charged with possession under the Firearms Act and convicted - having pleaded guilty with mitigation. After sentencing, he was taken down to a holding cell where he ingested strychnine hidden in his sock and died a few hours later.

Matter of fact local newspaper reports here and here
Peter Presland

".....there is something far worse than Nazism, and that is the hubris of the Anglo-American fraternities, whose routine is to incite indigenous monsters to war, and steer the pandemonium to further their imperial aims"
Guido Preparata. Preface to 'Conjuring Hitler'[size=12][size=12]
"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied"
Claud Cockburn

Shocking abuse Peter. And no justice done.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Charlie Prima Wrote:No Deep Op. The detective was was wearing a club vest. With his OWS history, it's evident he was trying to infiltrate the motorcycle club.

Regarding the beating, that's just how motorcyclists are, hyper-sensitive and self-righteous about cars intruding on their road space. Touch one, and you're getting chased down for a beating. The cop became emotional and joined in.

I've met a LOT of undercover cops and I never met one who wasn't emotionally unstable and mildly psychotic.

There's two cops in this article and a third named Edwards who turned himself in shortly after the attack and was promptly released.

The officer in this article, Broszczok, was clearly a political infiltrator since he had infiltrated the Occupy movement. When you get that much infiltration of a marauding gang you have to ask why it wasn't stopped. The timing of the government shut-down and biker gangs showing an open presence in the streets can't be overlooked in my opinion. If you've read on this, after Bush CIA had a direct interface with the New York City Police Department Intelligence Unit. All the ingredients are there.

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