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The Invasion of Cuba: Never the Intention of JFK Hit Sponsors
Tracy Riddle Wrote:In Hosty's book, he talks about attack planes being sent toward Cuba at the same time Oswald was being arrested, but then they were recalled. This certainly sounds like some of the plotters were standing on go ready to hit Cuba, but other people higher up put a stop to it.

It may very well be that the Castro link was a diversion to facilitate the cover-up, or maybe it was how they recruited some people in the military/CIA/Cuban exile/Organized crime communities to participate. I just don't know. But they went to a lot of trouble to frame Oswald, when they could have framed some garden-variety non-political nut with a history of mental problems.

What is his evidence for that?
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:In Hosty's book, he talks about attack planes being sent toward Cuba at the same time Oswald was being arrested, but then they were recalled. This certainly sounds like some of the plotters were standing on go ready to hit Cuba, but other people higher up put a stop to it.

It may very well be that the Castro link was a diversion to facilitate the cover-up, or maybe it was how they recruited some people in the military/CIA/Cuban exile/Organized crime communities to participate. I just don't know. But they went to a lot of trouble to frame Oswald, when they could have framed some garden-variety non-political nut with a history of mental problems.

What is his evidence for that?

The aim seems to shift from Cuba to Viet Nam once LBJ takes over.

[Image: mongoose.jpg]

[Image: nary-jcsdoc-01_0063_0003.jpg]
Too often we... enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.
John F. Kennedy
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:In Hosty's book, he talks about attack planes being sent toward Cuba at the same time Oswald was being arrested, but then they were recalled. This certainly sounds like some of the plotters were standing on go ready to hit Cuba, but other people higher up put a stop to it.

It may very well be that the Castro link was a diversion to facilitate the cover-up, or maybe it was how they recruited some people in the military/CIA/Cuban exile/Organized crime communities to participate. I just don't know. But they went to a lot of trouble to frame Oswald, when they could have framed some garden-variety non-political nut with a history of mental problems.

What is his evidence for that?

Hosty wrote: "I learned after the assassination from two independent sources fully armed warplanes were sent screaming toward Cuba. Just before they entered Cuban airspace, they were hastily called back...the entire US military went on alert. The Pentagon ordered us to Defense Condition 3...Def Con 3..." (Assignment Oswald p219)
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Don:

I am beginning to come around to your way of thinking here (and Drago's).

This stems back to Scott's ancient--and perhaps diliapidated--old Phase One Phase two paradigm.

I am beginning to think that this was fundamentally wrong. And for more than one reason.

First, in all of the material I have read in the immediate hours and days following the murder, I can detect no real effort to get an invasion of Cuba going. I mean where was the Northwoods provocation? Would that not have been the perfect thing to do here in conjunction with the JFK murder?

Second, the attempts to link Oswald with the Cuban G2 were so amateurish as to be amateur night in nature. Not one of them was ever taken seriously.

Third, where was the renewed effort afterward to revive MONGOOSE?

See, as I denote in my book Destiny Betrayed, Kennedy had essentially abandoned MONGOOSE after the Misisle Crisis. In fact, the CIA told LBJ in the summer of 1964, that it was not worth sustaining anymore and recommended it be abandoned.

This is one reason that, at the Wecht Conference, i did a one hour talk about JFK's foreign policy without ever dealing with Cuba at all! And only tangentially dealing with Vietnam. Since I have come to look at Vietnam and Cuba not in isolation, or even as paired, but as extensions of a Gestalt foreign policy view that had already been formed prior to Kennedy becoming president. And if one understands that, then everything that followed becomes of a piece with everything else.

Debra Conway wants me to repeat that talk in Dallas and I think I will.

Well, there was this:

HSCA: Were you aware of a secret cable which was sent on the night of the assassination from the Fourth Army Command in Texas to the U.S. Strike Command at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida?

MR. JONES: Yes, sir. I was aware of it. This communication was not forwarded by a military intelligence group.

HSCA: Please repeat that.

MR. JONES: The communication, the telegram to the Strike Command at MacDill Air Force Base, was not prepared by the 112 Military Intelligence Group.

HSCA: Who did prepare this communication?

MR. JONES: I do not know the individual who prepared it, but it was sent from the Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and someone on the staff prepared it. I believe the man's name is Mr. Arthur Nagel.

HSCA: Did you know whether this communication contained information indicating that Oswald had defected to Cuba in 1959?

MR. JONES: I believe I read the cable after it was prepared. We were not part of the preparation. I take no pride of authorship of it.

HSCA: Did you know whether this communication contained information stating that Oswald was a card carrying member of the Communist Party?

MR. JONES: Only after I read it.

HSCA: Would you characterize either of these items of information as being accurate or inaccurate?

MR. JONES: I do not know. The agency that supplied anyone with information that Oswald was a card carrying Communist, I certainly had no information in regard to him being a Communist, factual information.

HSCA: How about the information stating that Oswald had defected to Cuba in 1959?

MR. JONES: That information was in our file.

HSCA: You may have misunderstood me. I am referring to information that Oswald had defected to Cuba in 1959, not the Soviet Union in 1959.

MR. JONES: I was not aware of that.

HSCA: Can you possibly speculate as to why such a communication would have been sent to the U. S. Strike Force in Florida?

MR. JONES: It would only be speculation on my part. I would assume that they would fear a national emergency and they would ant to appraise this organization that was the kind of nerve center for activation and deployment of troops in case of emergency., This is the only reason that I can give as to why they would send such a cable.

HSCA: Do you know whether such a communication was sent to any other U.S. strike command base, other than MacDill Air Force Base in Florida?

MR. JONES: I am only aware of its being sent to MacDill Air Force Base.

HSCA: Would that lead you to the conclusion that from the location of the Air Base in Florida, possible activities involving Cuba were contemplated?

MR. JONES: I would not assume that, no, sir. I think that this happened to be one of the strike command headquarters that they would send it to, without any reference, or particular reason to refer to Cuba.
“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,
David Josephs Wrote:Agreed Charles... Cuba had little if anything to do with the "hit".

In July 1960 TEXTRON* buys BELL HELICOPTER after Mr Thompson, a Vice-President at THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of BOSTON meets with members of the CIA to discuss the feasibility of such a purchase.
Rubert C Thompson JR is the TEXTRON CEO (related to the Bank's Thompson??) at the time with one G. William Miller (a lawyer at Cravath, Swain and Moore: John McCloy partner) is President
Another PARTNER Roswell Gilpatrick becomes the #2 man at the Dept of Def under McNamara

*Textron founded by ROYAL LITTLE, nephew of Arthur D Little using his uncle's banking connections at the BANK OF BOSTON for the purpose of disrupting the textile industry of the american north east.

At the time, Bell was almost $100,000,000 in debt and had lost 50% of its revenue between 1953-1959.

TEXTRON had been operating as the first conglomerate with funds provided by the Bank of BOSTON with help and oversight by SUN LIFE of MONTREAL (Sun Alliance Insurance Group of London) - which has direct connections to SPONSOR-level candidates: (Rothschild/Astor/Morgan)

The high-technology branch of Textron operations
began quietly in Massachusetts in 1946 as the American
Research and Development Corporation,
a three million
dollar venture-capital firm. It was founded by the Sun
Life Assurance of London through its Boston operative.
Paul F. Clark.
president of the John Hancock Life Insurance
Company and director of First National of
, the bank whose extraordinary largess built

In early Fall 1960, PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE (a Morgan affiliate) loans TEXTRON $25 million in UNSECURED NOTES with a 6-year grace period on payments.

Using these funds, TEXTRON BUYS BELL HELICOPTER for $32 million - considered a TERRIBLE DEAL at full book value. Between 1961 and 1963 orders for BELL increase 50% - this is BEFORE LBJ reverses JFK's NSAM and escalates the war.


In July 1960 General Cabell (ring a bell?) of the CIA is attempting to get a squadren of attack helicopters being used in LAOS to Vietnam where the CIA has been messing around there since the early 50's. He calls Prouty who tells him that since the NSC has not ordered it, it can't be done unless covertly... and they wouldn't do it since they were not replacing machinery at its destination.

The "Special Group - 5412/12" is called (Dulles is chairman) who approve the covert movement of these helicopters to Vietnam.... and in turn creates a void behind these helicopters that nows needs refilling....

Bell Helicopters and their support in a location ill suited for helicopter warfare costs the US not only billion$$ in parts and purchases, but account for the majority of casualties... 50% of which are NON-BATTLE RELATED - the helicopters simply failed.

Thousand and thousands of BELL HELICOPTERS worth billion$$ to TEXTRON makes their modest $32M investment look as if they could read the future.... that they KNEW there would be a demand... and if I remember correctly there were BELL facilities in Ft Worth along with the TSX facility... thanks to McNamara and friends.

TEXTRON goes on to expand vertically and horizontally within the market. While TEXTRON was a "buy it - strip it - sell it" type of company... BELL allowed TEXTRON to enter their next round of acquisitions: defense and machine tool companies. BELL ultimately enters a variety of DEFENSE related industries bought via TEXTRON and with the capital provided and approved at the SPONSOR level of this assassination.

What we get a glimpse of here is the M.I.I.C. revolving door with strings pulled from the CFR/Int'l banker seats in the major financial centers around the world - yet all money roads lead to Rothschild (Morgan and Rockefeller two of the most visual of the Rothschild US expansion and major players in the creation of the CFR and Fed Res Bank)

One must remember that a little profit is not the point, a GOOD return is NOT THE POINT. These SPONSORS wish only to completely dominate their market and maximize their investment - no matter the consequence.

The CIA (and the related MIIC) knew in 1960 that Vietnam was not going away... the CIA had created a no win situation in the "conflict" yet a BIG WIN situation for the SPONSORS... the owners of the MIIC entities.

With his NSAM designed to bring troops/advisors home by Xmas 1963 and out of Vietnam by 1965... the Sun>Bank of BOSTON>TEXTRON>Bell players stood to lose their investment - which imo was of no concern compared to the loss of guaranteed profits in the billions once the conflict escalated.

Much like the PUT OPTIONS bought just prior to 911... the purchase of BELL would have been a catastophic loss had the war ended and JFK got his agenda going for an end to the Cold War.

This is the tip of the SPONSOR iceberg. Imagine 50 or 100 TEXTRON's funded via Sun and supported via a network of Banks, Insurance/Assurance companies, law firms, media outlets and MIIC players: the Facilitators/False Sponsors who make it APPEAR like business as usual...

Sadly, it was and continues to be. SPONSORS are never touched or really even known, by design.
Yet with entities like TEXTRON and the cast of players around them, the faint outline of the puppet masters begin to be seen...


(the source of the information originated for me in Prouty's book on JFK, CIA and Vietnam which led me to an article written by Lyndon LaRouche about TEXTRON's textile asset-stripping plan.

I then went and researched the different names and entities mentioned to find the connections between LITTLE, Bank of BOSTON, G.W. Miller, Cravath/Swain/Moore, McCloy, SUN Financial of Montreal... etc.

I realize tha LaRouches has some very different POVs on the subject... what I was more interested in were the players, and the understanding that the decision makers for the DoD, the funding BANKS, the LAW FIRMS and the related support companies all eminate from a central location.... The Rothschild/Astor/Morgan and by default Rockefeller dynasties while the actual NAMES of those making the decisions are probably never known, and never will be.


Interesting post. I think that G.M Evica was right to state that Rockefeller was essentially the Establishment front man for a plot that transcended national borders and Cold War differences. This is where the Sponsorship level of the assassination truly lies in my opinion (although it must be remembered that the individuals in question are in many ways simply the latest manifestation of a phenomenon that has been with us for millennia...)
“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,
The MacDill AFB thing has been around a long time. Like decades. And Scott used it for his whole Phase one and Phase two paradigm.

To me, if that is it, then it really is not much of a case.

Because it does not balance out what the actual effect of Mexico City was.

The effect of Mexico City was two fold:

1. It confused Hoover since the voice on the tape was not Oswald's.

2. LBJ used it to stop any kind of inquiry at all by scaring the hell out of Warren.

And there was never as I an see any counter to this.

Therefore, when you add it all up, what it comes to is that the effect is to, not get a war with Cuba, but to turn the WC into a complete whitewash. This is why I question that paradigm today.
Interesting post. I think that G.M Evica was right to state that Rockefeller was essentially the Establishment front man for a plot that transcended national borders and Cold War differences. This is where the Sponsorship level of the assassination truly lies in my opinion (although it must be remembered that the individuals in question are in many ways simply the latest manifestation of a phenomenon that has been with us for millennia...)

This is what I am beginning to lean to today. That is was not just about Cuba, not even just about Vietnam, not just about detente with USSR. But including all of that and more. That was the idea behind my talk in Pittsburgh, which i will be repeating in Dallas.

And it goes to the heart of who Kennedy really was and the battle over his image. Which is as bitterly fought over as the forensics of the JFK case. And which many people on our side do not fully understand. E.g. Anthony Summers.

Anthony Summers is now posting (at least a few recent posts) on the EF. He has made some changes to his updated, newest version of Not In Your Lifetime. All the changes seem to be what I've termed "neo-con" type thinking- moving away from evidence that supports conspiracy. I asked him a few questions, like who he believed killed JFK, and who covered it up, but he hasn't answered yet. I think he now believes Oswald shot Tippit, as he was evidently impressed by the research of Dale Myers. He also was converted on the Clinton witnesses issue by the work of one of your favorites, Patricia Lambert. None of this makes any sense- real researchers should be more sure than ever there was a powerful conspiracy.
Summers is also relying on David Blackburst, a McAdams associate.

I have the first two editions of "Conspiracy," and they were very good. He didn't speculate a lot about who was behind the assassination, but I think he once leaned toward blaming the Mob, rogue CIA people and Cuban exiles (the theory I embraced years ago).

Jim - in Talbot's Brothers, he does describe Sheridan acting on behalf of RFK (at least partly) during the Garrison investigation.
Don Jeffries Wrote:Charles is completely right here, I believe. We've been distracted by "anti-Castro" Cuban figures for far too long. If "Cuba" was an important issue for the conspirators who killed JFK, why did they abandon the whole thing afterwards? Cuba, and Castro, basically went into hibernation, in terms of American politics and American foreign policy, after JFK was assassinated.

If JFK was killed because he wouldn't overthrow or assassinate Castro, why wasn't any attempt made to oust Castro under the LBJ or Nixon administrations? If JFK was killed so that Castro would be eliminated as well, the conspirators certainly couldn't have felt they succeeded.

Agreed. When the powers that be really want someone killed it is DONE. Period.
Since Castro knew exactly what did happen that day I would love to see what he told the WC.
And how they responded.
I will bet it is similar to the Jack ruby exchanges, i.e. pretense regarding comprehension.


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