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Billy Graham, Drug Trafficking, Ebola, and the CIA?

Gray Bird 333' comes through during Ebola epidemic

Quote:Phoenix evacuated medical aid workers Dr. Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol from Liberia last month on separate 14-hour flights including fuel stops in the Azores and Maine in a specially modified 32-year-old Gulfstream III, call sign Gray Bird 333, which had once done duty with the Royal Dutch Air Force and was still painted in its gray military livery.

Quote:05-Aug-2014 G159/G Andros Town Int'l (MYAF / ASD) Palm Beach Intl (KPBI)

31-Jul-2014 GLF3/L Cartersville (KVPC) Lajes Air Base Int. (LPLA / TER)

[Image: AUTEC_Andros_Ranges_w_border.jpg]
Who is Virgil Gottfried, Director of Aviation for Samaritan's Purse? Considering he made the deal with the nonexistent James J. Kershaw for a CIA plane, and considering he's connected to N391SA, I thought I'd hone in on him.

Quote:Two of these cocaine planes - the Gulfstream II and a Beech 200 (N391SA) found in Nicaragua with the false tail number N168D - have been tied to the CIA's terrorist rendition program via their Federal Aviation Administration-issued tail numbers, according to European investigators.

As noted in this excellent blog post, Gottfried is connected to the plane through his time at Dynamic Aviation.

Apparently, Gottfried was Director of Maintenance at Dynamic when they upgraded and modified N391SA, before it was transferred to Sky Way Aircraft Inc (just like all the other CIA-turned-drug planes) and subsequently busted in Nicaragua with cocaine and AK-47s.

Gottfried also purchased the plane from CIA shell company Stevens Express Leasing, and nonexistent James Kershaw. Maybe Gottfried is just really unlucky. But if anyone at Samaritan's Purse has a spooky gov't connection, I'd bet it's him.
Dynamic Aviation, now a large federal defense contractor, recently expanded into West Africa, of all places.

Quote:Dynamic Aviation Expands into West Africa with Joint Venture in Mauritania

Aug 12 14

Dynamic Aviation recently initiated a joint venture in Mauritania, marking the company's first step into the West African market. On Aug. 3 the first aircraft, a King Air 200, arrived in country to begin operations. Dynamic Aviation will provide innovative aircraft solutions to the region with multi-mission capabilities including passenger and cargo transportation, medevac services and geophysical survey.

Dynamic used to run flights to Guyana (which borders Venezuela), but suspended operations after they repeatedly left passengers stranded at airports. Capitol News of Guyana reported:

Dynamic also operates in Afghanistan, as part of Operation Enduring Freedom.

Quote:The US Army has awarded Dynamic Aviation Group Inc a USD 22.4 million contract in support of the Communications Electronic Attack with Surveillance And Reconnaissance (CEASAR) programme, the Department of Defense (DoD) announced in late April.

Did Dynamic also take part in the CIA's extraordinary rendition program?

It can be seen here at Shannon Airport, flying from JFK to Dubrovnik, Croatia on June 5th.

Shannon is famous for hosting CIA renditions, as is Dubrovnik.

Quote:Croatian officials said a Boeing 737 said to have carried suspected terrorists did land several times at Dubrovnik, on the Adriatic coast, but could not confirm who was on board.
Dynamic was previously known as K & K Aircraft. They took military planes and modified them to operate as crop sprayers, firefighting planes, etc.

Quote:In 1967, Karl Stoltzfus, Chris's son, established K&K Aircraft, Inc. Shortly thereafter, he led the company in purchasing a fleet of Beechcraft BE-18s and Douglas DC-3s. These aircraft were tanked for aerial application, and began operating throughout the United States.

Over the years, Dynamic Aviation has continually found creative ways to meet our customer's most challenging requirements. For example, in 1992 we released our first sterile insects to control, and in some cases eradicate, various pests. Dynamic Aviation has since established an excellent reputation for quality and service, and is now recognized as the international leader of sterile insect release operating aircraft worldwide.

Virgil Gottfried in a K&K Aircraft at its home airport in Bridewater, Virginia, 1998.

[Image: 0011317.jpg]

Modifying government planes to be used as can't help but think of the US Forest Service airtanker scandal...

Did Virgil Gottfried ever work for the US Forest Service at K&K? Apparently so. They received Forest Service contracts to manage insects, mentioned here on the Forest Service website.

Quote:In November 1991, a contract for $2,000 was awarded to K&K Aircraft (Bridgewater, Virginia) to modify the flake dispensers or develop another system for use on larger aircraft.

Quote:The prototype system for dispensing flakes from large aircraft developed by K&K Aircraft needed extensive modification (e.g., to widen the effective swath and achieve a more uniform distribution of flakes across the swath), but the modification was not pursued due to anticipated limited use of large aircraft to apply Disrupt II over large areas in the next five years. As a result, dispenser development by K & K Aircraft was discontinued.

In the Forest Service's record of air accidents, we see Virgil Gottfried mentioned here:

Quote:K & K pilot Virgil Gottfried, went to the landing site to check out the aircraft and the site for a safe take-off.
Apparently there's another CIA-linked Christian missionary airline called Agape Flights. I encourage you to read this article in its entirety.

Quote:A mysterious missionary support organization flying weekly "relief flights" to Haiti from the Airport in Venice, FL. may be providing "cover" for CIA covert operations in the Caribbean, the MadCowMorningNews has learned.

Run by an ordained Southern Baptist minister, Agape Flights is a fundamentalist Christian operation which has been involved in some highly un-Christian activities, like flying shipments of food and "religious supplies" on a regular basis to a man accused of plotting a coup in Haiti after being caught importing an M-16, a Beretta, and a camouflage uniform emblazoned with the words "God's Army."

Coming on the heels of revelations of a million dollar unpaid loan to recently-deceased televangelist Jerry Falwell from Wally Hilliard, owner of terror flight school Huffman Aviation, the news marks the second time fundamentalist Christian groups have surfaced recently in unexplained operations at the Venice Airport.

For those of you who don't know, this is the same tiny Venice airport that trained Mohammed Atta. And yes, the owner of the school, Wally Hilliard, lent a million bucks to Jerry Falwell which he didn't seem too interested in getting back.

In this article, Hopsicker makes a strong case for Agape flights being a CIA front.

Quote:At the time of the crash Huisman was flying for a company called Dynamic Aviation, while still flying for Agape. If we are correct in our hypothesis, both companies work for THE Company, making them virtually interchangeable.

Huisman was the son of missionaries with the Summer Institute of Linguistics. SIL has been accused of being a tool of the CIA and oil companies, used to infiltrate and drive out native populations, and clear the way for their resources to be exploited. It was referenced for this reason in the book Confessions of an Economic Hitman.
Excellent article on Wycliffe / SIL and the CIA here:

Quote:They had heard from Latin American acquaintances that SIL was, in military fashion, a scouting party that surveyed the Amazonian hinterlands for potential sources of opposition to natural resource exploitation (read cattle ranching, clearcutting and strip mining) among native peoples and that it employed a virulent brand of Christian fundamentalism that relied on linguistics to undermine the social cohesion of aboriginal communities and accelerate their assimilation into Western culture.In addition to all this, numerous articles in the Latin American press accused SIL of being funded by the American intelligence community.

That last charge sounded particularly believable, since the authors' trip took place in the wake of recent revelations by the Church Committee of the US Senate, which investigated the activities of US intelligence agencies. It bears mentioning that Colby was by then no stranger to corporate and political intrigue. In 1974, writing as Gerard Colby Zilg, he published Dupont: Behind the Nylon Curtain, a 600+ page tome that narrated the Dupont family's corrupt history, from its profiteering on gunpowder sales to its manufacture of ozone-depleting gases.

However, don't expect to see it in bookstores. When a Dupont PR representative said the book was scurrilous and actionable, publisher Prentice Hall was intimidated into letting Dupont go out of print. (In 1984, an expanded and updated 900 page-long edition of the book was published, which included, among other things, the Dupont's little-known connection to the Nicaraguan contras. Unfortunately, it met the same fate as the previous edition.)

A Contra link to the Du Pont family? This wouldn't surprise me, considering where all these CIA-turned-drug trafficking planes are registered to...

Quote:The DC-9 was traded to SkyWay Communications Holding by duPont Investment Fund 57289, Inc in exchange for 28,000,000 shares of stock.

Quote:Wilmington Trust was founded on July 8, 1903, by T. Coleman du Pont, then the president of DuPont, to manage the growing fortune of the duPont family.

Quote:It was sold and reregistered to Wilmington Trust Company, 1100 N Market St, Wilmington, Delaware on August 18, 2006.

Do a search for rendition aircraft and "Wilmington Trust" and you'll find that they seem to be fairly common.

This article offers a clue...

Quote:The Sarasota newspaper reported that in 1994, Goss, a Connecticut "blueblood," had in fact contributed the maximum amount allowed$5,000, and that Goss had deep family ties to GOPAC's nominal founder, "Pete" DuPont, a Gingrich co-thinker who had run for the Republican Presidential nomination in 1992. DuPont's parents are Porter Goss's godparents, and "Pete's" sister, Michelle DuPont, is married to Porter's brother.

Quote:Goss's next claim to fame was a vicious attack, in 1996, on Sen. John Kerry's Senate investigation of the involvement in narcotics trafficking of the Nicaragua rebel force, known as the "Contras." The charges that Kerry had investigated, later resurfaced along with new evidence in 1996, after a series of articles in the San Jose Mercury exposed the fact that convicted California crack cocaine-traffickers had been leaders in the Nicaraguan rebel group, the FDN, and part of Ollie North's and the NSC's secret Contra support operations.

Appearing on a CNN talk show hosted by Jesse Jackson, Goss attacked Senator Kerry, and President Bill Clinton, with a vengeance, using two techniques that have become his hallmark: First, he lies that no evidence exists, when it clearly does, and second, he denounces the charges as "partisan," and "politically motivated" electioneering.

Goss claims that the Kerry report didn't show any evidence of CIA drug trafficking. We must be reading a different report. The full transcript can be found here:

So what was Goss's agenda?
As mentioned above, several of the CIA-turned-drug planes belonged to Skyway.

In the wake of 9/11, Skyway claimed they had the ability to allow cell phone calls from planes, install surveillance devices, and even allow a plane to be landed from the ground remotely.

They attracted some powerful investors (or at least they said they did) including the du Ponts.

Quote:The DC-9 was traded to SkyWay Communications Holding by duPont Investment Fund 57289, Inc in exchange for 28,000,000 shares of stock.

Unfortunately for investors, it was a "pump and dump" scheme.

Quote:But the saga of the Clearwater company combined many elements of great business theater: trendy consumer-based entertainment technology; the potential exploitation of post-Sept. 11 fear related to homeland security business; entrepreneurs who, despite warnings their company was in a development stage, attracted vulnerable investors, many of whom sunk college and life savings into the promising idea; a fleet of airplanes and Humvees, one of which was used to retain a local bankruptcy lawyer; a giant cash infusion from Arab investors that quickly went dry; a contempt of court actions against Joy Kovar, Brent Kovar's mother, for making no effort to produce relevant documents during a deposition; the interest of federal regulators and investigators for different reasons, and the involvement of U.S. senators and political cronies.

A Michael D. Farkas controlled Skyway. Mentioned here in relation to another company providing electric car charging stations.

Quote:It's not the first time a Farkas-controlled company touted its stock. In 2009, the SEC accused the principals of Skyway Global of timing stock sales from at least 2002 until 2005 to news releases that claimed President George W. Bush and others had endorsed company technology that would protect airplanes from terrorism. SEC officials called it a "pump and dump" scheme and said in a court complaint that the claims were "patently false."

In 2003, the firm shared a Miami Beach office for free with Farkas, who was also the company's majority shareholder, according to company filings.

The SEC attorney on the case said in the Tampa Bay Times that the scheme was, "preying on people's fears of 9/11." And this year, a judge fined Skyway executives and officers Brent Kovar and Glenn Kovar $3.7 million and $11.3 million, respectively.

In 2006 an airplane Skyway said it had acquired in exchange for stock was caught in Mexico with 5 1/2 tons of cocaine on board.

How connected do you have to be to get your stock scheme advertised on the news, get busted, and then get another company advertised on the news?

Michael Farkas: Chutzpah

[Image: 140430104131-bra19-michael-farkas-620xb....459&crop=1]

Quote:It's too soon to tell if his bold expansion plan will pay off, but give him points for chutzpah.

That's one way of putting it.

Quote:Based at the Clearwater-St. Petersburg International Airport, both "Cocaine One," and its twin, a second DC9 (N120NE) were being used by an operation which includes the former head of the CIA proprietary airline used to ferry TOW missiles to the Ayatollah Khomeini's regime in Iran, as part of the Iran Contra Scandal.

Adnan Khashoggi lieutenant Ramy El-Batrawi, who supplied one of the two DC9s, is the former President of an admitted CIA subsidiary airline.

Adnan Khashoggi and Ramy El-Batrawi. Where haven't I heard those names before?

Quote:But none of this does anything to explain Ramy El-Batrawi and Adnan Khashoggi's other major connection with the founder of SkyWay Aircraft, Miami attorney Michael Farkas. Their hidden connections may reveal a larger, previously secret organization.

Last month the Securities and Exchange Commission charged Khashoggi and Ramy Al Batrawi, his lieutenant for the past 20 years, with stock fraud in U.S. District Court for Central California. Both men are both currently on the lam after being accused of orchestrating a $130 million fraud, called the "Stockwalk case," involving the stock price of another firm headed by el-Batrawi called GenesisIntermedia.

GenesisIntermedia was incorporated by the long-time attorney of the man once reckoned by the U.S. Government to be the biggest drug smuggler in American history...CIA pilot Barry Seal.

Quote:Along with GenesisIntermedia, the stock of two other companies was used to generate fraudulent loans in the Stockwalk scam. One was a company called Holiday RV. Stores. The other was Imperial Credit Industries.

Michael Farkas is involved with both firms.

Holiday R.V. Stores was owned and controlled by Michael Farkas, through a holding company he founded called Atlas Recreational Holdings.

Michael Farkas and Adnan Khashoggi were partners in a $300 million scam. It was called "the largest brokerage industry failure in more than 30 years."

Michael Farkas, is also on the board of Genesis Realty, founded by Ramy El-Batrawi, a man who is clearly no piker when it comes to pilfering money from a public company.

Quote:Michael Farkas' connections to right wing Israeli political parties, and to Israeli Mossad, have already been ably covered by others. Farkas was listed in 2005 as president of Manhigut USA. This is the US branch of the Israeli Manhigut Yehudit, involved in fundraising for the radical settlers who were trying to resist the Gaza withdrawal.

Suffice it to say that he serves as the American representative of an ultra-nationalist Zionist party in Israel; he is also the American sales agent for anti-missile technology developed by Israel Aircraft Industries, and is a Director of spy technology company CCS, along with individuals with histories so colorful that, were we to start, we could go on about them all day.

Oh, maybe just one example: CCS International's Latin American sales manager, Menachem Cohen, who was convicted in 2002 for illegally exporting passive phone interception equipment to individuals in Colombia conversant with the drug trade.

Quote:Skyway Global LLC, the St. Petersburg, FL company that owned the DC-9 airline busted in Mexico carrying 5.5 tons of cocaine, made its headquarters in a 79,000 sq ft building owned by Verint Systems (NASDAQ: VRNT), a foreign tele-communications company with a contract to wiretap the U.S. for the NSA through the communication lines of Verizon, which handles almost half of all landline and cell phone calls in the U.S.

Verint's founder and CEO, Jacob "Kobi" Alexander, is a former Israeli intelligence officer who is today a fugitive from justice living in Namibia, where he has for several years been fighting extradition to the U.S.

On Verint's Board of Directors is Lieutenant General Kenneth A. Minihan, former director of the NSA, which has led to speculation that the company today is a joint NSA-Mossad operation.

James Bamford's 2008 expose of the NSA, "The Shadow Factory, The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America," unearthed disturbing facts about how America's two major telecom companies, AT & T and Verizon, had outsourced the bugging of their entire networks to what Bamford called "two mysterious companies with very troubling foreign connections."

Verint is one of those two "mysterious companies."

Verint was previously known as Comverse, and before that it was known as Tadiran.

Remember Comverse...that Israeli intelligence front that has access to all your phone calls, data, and financial information? Note that they mention the fact that Comverse was used to protect an Israeli ecstasy ring in Los Angeles. They spied on the personal calls of the FBI, DEA, Secret Service, and LAPD.
It always comes back to the same crew responsible for CIA planes, drugs, and 9/11...

Quote:A DC9 registered to a company which once used as its address the hanger of Huffman Aviation, the flight school at the Venice, FL Airport which trained both terrorist pilots who crashed planes into the World Trade Center, was caught in Campeche by the Mexican military April 10th carrying 5.5 tons of cocaine destined for the U.S.

The former rendition plane, N900SA, was co-owned by Royal Sons LLC, along with Skyway. Royal Sons once listed its address as the Huffman Aviation hangar. Quite a coincidence considering how tiny Venice Airport is.

Add to this the fact that Rudi Dekkers was busted on drug trafficking charges...

Quote:The man who ran the flight school that unwittingly trained two of the 9/11 hijackers now sits behind bars, accused of drug smuggling and offering his illicit services to an undercover federal officer.

And the fact that the owner of the school, Wallace Hilliard, was also busted on drug trafficking charges...

Affidavit and court hearing courtesy of Daniel Hopsicker:

[Image: transcript03.jpg]

And the fact that Hilliard's new partner is also a drug smuggler...

Quote:He is partners with convicted drug smuggler Philippe Gornail, who pled guilty to selling 37,000 hits of ecstasy in February 2002 in a drug case which involved a highly-publicized raid on O.J. Simpson's house in Miami by the combined forces of the FBI, DEA and Miami-Dade police.

Quote:Philippe Gornail, before his drug conviction and involvement with Wally Hilliard, operated Tropical Airways, a fly-by-night airline which offered service in Haiti until being shut down after a horrible accident in Port-au-Prince in 2005.

Quote:Gornail also faced a spot of bother in April of 2000 over allegations that Tropical Airways was flying stolen planes from former Soviet republics into Africa and then repainting them in a military-occupied zone at the old Entebbe airport in Uganda. But the trouble has apparently been taken care of, because today Tropical Airways operates all over West Africa and in the Sudan.

West Africa and drugs...again.

Quote:And Phoenix Air, Phoenix Air Group, is where Wally Hilliard got all those Jetstreams.

And as for the Navy's Key West facility, alert readers may even recall that Mohamed Atta his-ownself used to hang out there some.

Phoenix Air and Wally Hilliard, drug trafficker and 9/11 flight school owner? Somehow I'm not surprised.

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