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Breaking: Explosion Reported at Boston Marathon's Finish Line
Lauren Johnson Wrote:David said with regard to the video Tsarnaev talking with his niece:
Quote:Well hell, someone that young shouldn't be standing trial and facing a death penalty!

But even more, the account of Tsarnaev of speaking with a thick accent in court does not match with the slight accent of the voice on this video.
People whose first language isn't English will revert to their original language under extreme panic, dementia and under the influence of mind altering drugs. How much so will depend on the individual and length of time English has been used etc. To me it shows that he is being completely drugged to the eye balls.. I doubt he is needing big amounts of pain killers all this time later for any injuries he sustained which looked relatively minor any way if he could walk etc If he had operations on his neck to repair the damage done there that would not account for any accent. Might make talking a bit more difficult mechanically but not influence one language over another as that is more brain stuff. Different languages reside in different parts of the brain.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
If this was some sort of drill or op with patsies... best not to let them speak... It would be interesting to actually hear what these guys had to say and how they got to be where they were. Likely would not happen. Could they have killed the last fella and this is an actor who will get life in a super and disappear forever?

FBI Bars Fla. from Releasing Todashev Autopsy

By Maria Sacchetti / Boston GlobeJuly 23rd, 2013inShare
[Image: dt_common_streams_StreamServer.jpg?w=307&h=200&crop=1]

A Florida medical examiner's office said Tuesday that the FBI has ordered the office not to release its autopsy report of a Chechen man fatally shot by a Boston FBI agent in May because of the federal agency's active internal investigation into his death.

The medical examiner's office said it completed the autopsy report on Ibragim Todashev, a friend of suspected Boston Marathon bomber, on July 8 and that the report was "ready for release." The agent shot and killed Todashev on May 22 in his Orlando apartment during an interrogation related to the Boston Marathon bombings.
"The FBI has informed this office that the case is still under active investigation and thus not to release the document," Tony Miranda, forensic records coordinator for Orange and Osceola counties in Orlando, said in a letter to the media today. Miranda said state law bars his office from releasing the report if an criminal investigation is ongoing.
The FBI and the Justice Department are conducting an internal inquiry into the shooting, but critics have called for an independent inquiry, questioning the blanket of secrecy surrounding the case.
The FBI and the Massachusetts State Police sought out Todashev after the Marathon bombings, but have refused to release details of the shooting. Media reports have provided conflicting accounts: Some said Todashev attacked the agent with a blade during an interrogation, while others said Todashev was unarmed. Another said he lunged at the agent with a metal pole or a broomstick.
The medical examiner's office said it would check with the FBI every month for permission to release the autopsy report, and that such delays most frequently happen with homicide cases.
According to media reports, Todashev was about to sign a confession implicating himself and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who is now dead, in the 2011 slayings of three men in Waltham. Instead, Todashev lunged at the agent, who was injured, according to reports. The agent shot Todashev multiple times, according to family members who released photos of Todashev's dead body as part of their call for an inquiry into his death.
Family members and advocacy groups have questioned the media accounts, pointing out that Todashev had repeatedly cooperated with the FBI and had been weakened by recent knee surgery.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations and the ACLU have called for independent inquiries into the shooting.
The council said in a letter to the Department of Justice, which oversees the FBI and is participating in the internal inquiry, that FBI agents had approached Todashev in an aggressive manner. In one instance, the council said, six law enforcement agents drew their guns and pushed Todashev to the ground.
Todashev, a 27-year-old ethnic Chechen like Tsarnaev, came to America in 2008 to study English and won asylum that year from his native Russia. He lived in Allston and Cambridge before moving south to Florida.
A mixed martial arts fighter, Todashev was arrested in 2010 in Boston for a road-rage incident and again in Florida weeks before he was killed for allegedly beating a man in a fight over a parking space.
According to CAIR in Florida, which is conducting its own investigation into Todashev's slaying, Todashev had spoken to the FBI at least three times at their offices after the Marathon bombings. Family and friends have said he postponed a trip home to Chechnya to speak with the FBI the night of May 21, staying up with them past midnight until he was killed.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Richard Raznikov's series "The Case is Not Closed" (12 parts so far)
Tracy Riddle Wrote:Richard Raznikov's series "The Case is Not Closed" (12 parts so far)

Thanks for that. A very good review of the damning evidence...and more parts to come! I highly suggest all to read this.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
The final chapter:

Dear Readers: This is the final installment in the series, Boston: The Case Is Not Closed.'

I've written major pieces before concerning what seemed like critical matters, but in each case I've had an enormous reservoir of information, much of it reliable, from which to draw. I can tell you how the Kennedys were killed and by whom with some degree of assurance because I spent about twenty years obsessively pursuing the subject. If you are obsessed by anything for a long time, you will at a minimum have a really big bag of stuff.

Boston is still too new, too unsettled. In gathering material, I pulled from the web more than a hundred articles, video and audio tapes, opinion pieces, and news columns, from which I extracted 85 pages of notes. For the most part, this column is a collection and a synthesis. I do not know what happened, but there are troubling possibilities.
14. What Might Have Happened.
There's something wrong with the official account, and there are disturbing signs, the sort of unhappy signs an experienced researcher will spot when somebody is trying to fix-up a story.
Most disturbing is the background and intelligence connections of Ruslan Tsarni and his former father-in-law, especially when superimposed over FBI claims about Tamerlan and his 2012 visit to Russia. The FBI says that it didn't follow up on its interest in Tamerlan, that the Russians never told them what their suspicions were based on, and that he was off their radar as of 2013. I find that very hard to believe.
First, the FBI would never simply let it go if a source declined to explain what it meant, and the Russian intelligence services would never pass along a warning without the details. Never. Second, FBI practice is that persons of interest are not simply dropped but are surveilled ever after; that is because the Bureau has the ability to do so and the technology to support it. Third, there are times when the FBI will back off a suspect: when asked to do so by another U.S. intelligence agency.

It is also noteworthy that the FBI, of all governmental agencies requested, has refused to testify before a House committee which is investigating what happened. From the AP wire:
"WASHINGTON - The chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday lambasted the Federal Bureau of Investigation for what he called attempts to "stonewall" congressional investigations of the events leading up to the Boston Marathon bombings...
""The FBI has refused to appear, and continues to refuse this committee's appropriate requests for information and documents crucial to our investigation into what happened in Boston," (Rep. Michael) McCaul said... "The information requested by this Committee belongs to the American people. It does not belong solely to the FBI, and I sincerely hope they do not intend to stonewall our inquiry into how this happened."
If Izvestia is right it claims there are documents which prove it Tamerlan attended a training seminar in the summer of 2012 run by a CIA front. If the CIA was making use of him it would not be unusual for it to ask another agency to give it room.

Tamerlan was a perfect target for intelligence recruitment. A Chechen native who spoke fluent Russian, an athlete, and a man with a grievance his exclusion from high-level competition for reasons he no doubt felt were unfair he fit the profile, as several former intelligence officers have observed.
What if the CIA or FBI, for that matter recruited Tamerlan, told him that they could solve his problems with INS and make it possible for him to qualify for the Olympics? All he had to do was help them with a little bit of spying in Russia, attend a meeting, connect with a suspect or a prospective recruit. Back in the U.S., the carrot is still being dangled but maybe a little further ahead. This time, he is brought into one of the numerous FBI terrorist sting' operations. Buy some powder, take these backpacks to Copley Square.
They could have been instructed to show up and leave the backpacks; the photo which seems to show Dzhokhar leaving and still carrying a backpack could mean that he forgot or disobeyed.
What if some FBI agents thought it was just another sting and it wasn't? What if the CIA hijacked the FBI's operation and turned it live?

Two bombs exploded in Copley Square but between one and three other bombs were found, and the brothers did not bring them. In whose backpacks did they arrive?

What if Tamerlan had confided in his gym friend, Todarev, that he was doing work for the FBI or CIA, and Todarev said as much while being questioned? What if the FBI merely suspected that he knew? There had to be some reason why the FBI's Boston special agent sent everyone else from the room, then executed the witness, which is certainly what happened.
The brothers, three days after the bombing, tried to run, but they were seriously ill-prepared. One gun, no cash, Dhzokhar's Honda. Are these the master terrorists who eluded hundreds of security personnel and cops at the Marathon, fooled the dogs, avoided being seen by rooftop observers? Or are they patsies, cut loose and running?
The Boston Marathon bombing produced the most drastic military presence on American streets since the Revolutionary War. A major American city was effectively shut down. There's a reason why this had not happened before: it was illegal. And despite the militarization of urban police forces, there was still a significant distinction between the two: police forces are civilian and they are accountable to civilians. The military is accountable to no one.
Shortly after Boston, the U.S. military did something quite remarkable and alarming: it granted itself authority over civil disturbances. There has been no notice taken of this in the mainstream media, nor on Capitol Hill. But it happened.

By making a few seemingly small changes, little noticed at the time, to a regulation in the U.S. Code titled "Defense Support of Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies" the military has quietly granted itself the ability to police the streets without obtaining prior local or state consent, upending a precedent that has been in place for more than two centuries.

The most objectionable aspect of the regulatory change is the inclusion of vague language that permits military intervention in the event of "civil disturbances." Now, according to Bruce Afran, a Rutgers constitutional law professor who is helping to lead the lawsuit against the NDAA's burial of habeas corpus, the rule can only be changed by Congress or the courts. We've already had ample evidence of how well these institutions protect our civil liberties.
"Remember, the police operate under civilian control," Afran says. "They are used to thinking in a civilian way so the comparison that they may have some assault weapons doesn't change this in any way. And they can be removed from power. You can't remove the military from power."
The Marathon bombing has been very convenient for people interested in further eroding the rights of citizens. With the corrupt assistance of the mass media, the U.S. government has successfully propagandized a majority into believing the hallucination that total surveillance "protects" them from "terrorists." The citizens of Boston, who were forced to stay indoors but to open their homes to search by heavily-armed government agents, were so mesmerized by the lies that rather than protest this invasion of their rights and property they issued messages of fawning appreciation to their captors. The newspapers in Boston were full of them.

The small changes' unilaterally made by the military to their own rules effectively wipe out civilian authority over police functions in the event of "disturbances."
The origin of the Boston bombing may be clouded at this point, but one thing is certain: the remaining defendant will not use the occasion of his trial to protest his innocence, even if that's so. Doubters are referred to the guilty plea entered by an innocent James Earl Ray.
When the authorities and your own attorney explain that they have plenty of evidence, even if they made it up, and that your resistance to pleading guilty will land you in the gas chamber, you will make the deal.
Boston was convenient for people who want to impose tighter controls over the American population. For that reason alone it is worth a skeptical view. Given the disturbing anomalies, the obvious lies, and the questions which seem to elude comforting answers, and despite the ready willingness of seemingly everyone in politics and in the media to convict Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his dead brother of the crime, this case is not closed.
Are you proposing that the main purpose of Boston was to establish the use of the US Military inside the US? And further to test marshall law?

So if this IS true... what is the end game here? It's not as if the people resist the policies of the MIC or the NSS. The few protests have no effect.

Snowdon and Manning seemed to have touched a nerve in exposing government atrocities in a way that all manner of protests for years have not been able to do. It seems perhaps that charismatic personalies or identifyable ones have more power than all the letters to the editors and street protests and left web sites combined.

The FBI will never let these trials go forward or witnesses speak. Ever.
Strategy of tension.

Look it up.

Of course, this post will be buried with the rest of my offerings presented over the past 48 hours.

And since my "partners" are the only people likely to read this ...

... then read this:

Shit or get off the pot.


Your Credibility
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:Are you proposing that the main purpose of Boston was to establish the use of the US Military inside the US? And further to test marshall law?

Jeffrey, you'd have to ask the author, since I didn't write that.

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