26-07-2015, 06:24 AM
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:I think it was because of the title.
Yeah, but how did she find that book in those piles? Two posts back, I proved that author Henry Hurt's father-in-law was the brother of Freeport Sulphur's Langbourne Williams and Bush's best friend Gerry Bemiss's father Sam of Richmond, VA and Kennebunkport, ME was Williams's first cousin.
1. Robert Hurt: b. 16 Jun 1969 New York, NY; U.S. Representative from VA ®
2. Henry Charles Hurt, Jr.: editor of Reader's Digest; m. 2 Oct 1968 Rapidan, VA
[Danville Register (Danville, VA), 4 Oct 1968: "The marriage of Miss Margaret Nolting Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Dandridge Williams of The Campbell Field,' Rapidan, to Henry Charles Hurt Jr., son of M. and Mrs. Henry Charles Hurt of Chatham, took place Wednesday, Oct. 2…in Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Rapidan…"]
There were 180 million residents in the USA in 1960. Jock Whitney owned 80 percent of Freeport's stock shares. He grants lifelong residency on his LI estate to Bonesman Tex McCrary and McCrary's wife, Jinx. Jinx's aunt, her mother's sister, is the mother of Miss Priscilla's closest friend, Jane Macatee Davidson. McCrary's brother turned down his Bones tap, but he married D. Stewart Iglehart's (President of WR Grace) daughter.
Tex McCrary's niece, the daughter of his brother Douglas McCrary and Stewart Igelhart's (Bonesman and Tex's close friend) sister, Wendy, married CIA agent Henry Reynolds Breck in 1973. :
Quote:....Other coincidences are that in 1964, Anthony A. Lapham married Burk Bingham, cousin of Jock Whitney. Henry R. Breck was not a member of Lapham's wedding party; not unusual since Breck and Lapham had not attended prep school (Groton v. Phillips Andover) college (Harvard v. Yale) or law school together (Oxford v. Georgetown).
However, by 1973, as you can read in the article image of the wedding of Douglas A. McCrary's daughter Wendy and Henry R. Breck, Breck had become so close to Lapham that Breck is the godfather of Lapham's son, Nicholas, and Anthony Lapham is Breck's best man.
The two men did not serve in the same branch of the military and the CIA's descriptions of their careers do not overlap, up to 1973, in any way......
The Very Best Men: Four Who Dared: The Early Years of the CIA - Page 91
Evan Thomas - 1996 - Preview - More editions
"The Brits were the most bloodthirsty of all," said Henry Breck, Groton '54, a CIA case officer in India in the 1960s. "Of course, if you're in a real war you must fight hard and the upper classes fight the hardest. They have the most to lose.
Henry Breck s the godfather of bonesman Lewis Lapham's grandson. Lapham's son, Anthony was best man in Breck's wedding. Anthony Lapham's wife Burks' father was bonesman Harry Payne Bingham.
Anthony A. Lapham was sponsored by bonesman David C. Acheson and then by bonesman George HW Bush.:
Complete Oral History Package (930 KB) - Dcchs.org
DAVID C. ACHESON. First Interview - January 27, 2010....
The incestuous connections and the unlimited private wealth and access and influence to and over political power (policy and accountability) may explain a string of these mysteries. Maybe even why Edward Thompson of Reader's Digest ran Epstein and Hurt, while the son of Thompson's father's assistant at Life Magazine and in USAAF Intel duting WWII, Maitland Eddy, ended up hiring Robert E. Webster, and why Katherine Ford informed the FBI that Marina claimed she met LHO after he breezed into Moscow as a participant in the Science Exhibition. At the center of almost all Bush "events" are Jock Whitney or Godfrey Rockefeller, both Freeport directors, both Scroll & Key, which is how I came to post in your thread here in the first place.
Harvard endowment fund invested heavily in Harken energy, propping up Alan Quasha who bought worthless Spectrum 7 from GW Bush. Godfrey's son-in-law Robert G Stone, Jr. took the criticism for the Harvard fund's violation of its own investment guidelines. Robert and Marion Rockefeller's daughter married William HG Fitzgerald's son.
Oliver W Hammond was an usher in Fitzgerald's 1943 wedding, and Ernie Byfield, Jr. was best man. Hammond was an Arab Shield director, with Jack Chrichton. Hammond, his accounting partner, George Day (they wrote the book on the oil depletion allowance) took turns with Stewart Dyckman, serving as presidents of Dallas's small Harvard club.:
Below is a thumbnail of an image file attachment. The image file is of the 1939 Citizenship Naturalization document of George A. Bouhe. It includes the names, addresses and signatures of two sponsors of Bouhe, Stewart Dyckman and Alexander Daniloff. Stewart Dyckman's parents were Willaim A. Dyckman, son of William H. and Naomi Dyckman of Orange, NJ, and Clare M. Stewart, daughter of Douglas Stewart of Ottawa, CA, and granddaughter of a Nova Scotia lumber baron from Scotland. The W.A. Dyckman house is preserved in Dallas.
I expect that Bouhe went to Dallas at the behest of Stewart Dyckman.
New York Times - Oct 31, 1960
SEA CLIFF, L, I., Oct. 30u Alexander Daniloff of 48 Littleworth Lane, a translator at the United Nations for the last twelve years, died yesterday in the Community ...
Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.