04-09-2009, 01:47 AM
Interestingly, Anderson also teaches a course on 'Conspiracies' at Harvard extension.
Quote:Page 1 Harvard University
SSCI E-132
William Henry Anderson
Spring 2009
(617) 492-8090 William James Hall 1
Mondays 7:35-9:35 PM
COURSE OBJECTIVE: Conspiracy is a frequently employed explanation for observed
phenomena in the realms of political, economic, and social behavior. This course will
examine the psychology underlying this perspective, including the origins, development,
and consequences of conspiracies, both real and imagined. Psychobiological,
anthropological, and historical approaches will be considered. We will give special
attention to study of the psychology of small groups. Students will become familiar with
the common features and patterns of hypothetical conspiracies, with the goal that
enhanced capacity for critical discernment will be developed.
1. Reading Assignments: See Bibliography.
2. Midterm Examination: March 2, 2009. It will cover the first four lectures
and the corresponding reading. (One hour)
3. Paper: Undergraduate papers are optional, may be of any length, and
may be submitted at any time before the final examination. Graduate
credit requires a 15-20 page paper with an extensive bibliography. It is
absolutely positively due on or before May 4, 2009. Papers should reflect
serious consideration of a real or hypothetical conspiracy. Opinion and
argument should be supported by evidence.
4. Final Examination: May 18, 2008. (Two hours). It will cover the whole
course, both lectures and readings. Emphasis will be on the second half.
5. Classroom participation: Pertinent comments are always appreciated.
Attendance is not formally taken, but is expected, absent unusual
Both the Midterm and Final Examinations will consist of essay questions. Books, notes,
and references may be consulted during the examinations. You may bring in a previously
prepared, typed, question and answer of your own design as a substitute for one of the
questions in either or both examinations.
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Mondays 7:35-9:35 PM William H. Anderson
William James 1 Spring 2009
January 26 Cognitive dimorphisms. The several modes of thought. Logical fallacies
and the scientific method. Geographical and cultural considerations in
patterns of thought.
February 2 The psychopathology of the paranoid perspective. Biological, social,
and cultural considerations. Temporal lobe damage.
February 9 The psychology of small groups. Socially constructed reality. Cognitive
distortions. Overvalued ideas. The millennial perspective. Cui bono?
February 16 Holiday
February 23 The contagion of ideas. Dynamics of infectious and ideational
epidemics. The spreading of memes. Causality, chance, bias, and
March 2 MIDTERM EXAMINATION: (One hour, 7:35-8:35 PM)
The psychology and utility of humor.
March 9 Real conspiracy: the Lincoln assassination.
March 16 Real conspiracy: the Bolshevik coup.
March 23 Holiday
March 30 Dubious religious conspiracies: Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Holocaust denial. The Knights Templar. The Priory of Sion.
The Bible code.
Page 3
April 6 Dubious extraterrestrial conspiracies: The UFO cover-up. The Roswell
crash. Area 51. The Men in Black. The Philadelphia Experiment.
Crop circles. Reptilian Shapeshifters.
April 13 Dubious political conspiracies: The Freemasons. The New World Order.
The Council on Foreign Relations. The Illuminati.
April 20 Dubious medical conspiracies: The HIV epidemic. The Tuskegee study.
Cancer cures. The polio epidemic.
April 27 Dubious secret societies: The Bohemian Grove. Skull and Bones.
The Thule Society. Satanic ritual abuse. The Vril Society.
May 4 Comparison and contrast of the real and the dubious. Distinguishing
features of bogus theories. GRADUATE PAPERS DUE.
May 11 Summary and conclusions. The duty to think clearly. The secret of
May 18 FINAL EXAMINATION (two hours). Optional undergraduate papers
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Richard III
The Manchurian Candidate
Arlington Road
Page 4
Barkun, M. A Culture of Conspiracy, 2003. Berkeley:
University of California Press.
Burnett, T. Conspiracy Encyclopedia, 2005. Penguin Group (USA).
Hodapp, C. and A. von Kannon. Conspiracy Theories & Secret Societies
for Dummies, 2008. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Vankin, J. and J. Whalen. The 80 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time,
2004. New York: Citadel Press.
Clancy, S. Abducted, 2005. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Cohn, N. Warrant for Genocide, 1996. London: Serif Publishing
Gladwell, M. The Tipping Point, 2000. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.
Hofstadter, R. The Paranoid Style in American Politics, 1963. Cambridge:
Harvard University Press.
Kaufman, M. American Brutus: John Wilkes Booth and the Lincoln
Conspiracies, 2004. New York: Random House.
Oakley, B. Evil Genes. 2007. New York: Prometheus Books
Pipes, D. Conspiracy, 1997. New York: Free Press.
Surowiecki, J. The Wisdom of Crowds, 2004. New York: Random House.
Ulam, A. The Bolsheviks, 1998. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Page 5
Beck, A. Prisoners of Hate, 2000. New York: Perennial Press.
Boese, A. A Museum of Hoaxes, 2002. New York: Penguin Books.
Cohn, N. The Pursuit of the Millennium, 1970. New York: Oxford.
Coleman, J. Conspirators Hierarchy, 1992. Carson City: America West.
Daraul, A. A History of Secret Societies, 1994. New York: Citadel Press.
Dozier, R. Why We Hate, 2002. New York: Contemporary Books.
Dunbar, D. and B. Reagan. Debunking 9/11 myths. 2006. New York:
Hearst Books.
Hoffer, E. The True Believer, 1996. New York: Harper Rowe.
Howard, M. The Occult Conspiracy, 1989. Rochester, VT:
Destiny Books.
Mesulam, M. Principles of Behavioral Neurology, 2000. New York:
Nisbett, R. The Geography of Thought, 2003. New York: Free Press.
Pipes, D. The Hidden Hand, 1998. New York: St. Martin’s Griffen.
Read, P. The Templars, 1999. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books.
Sauder, R. Underground Bases and Tunnels. 1995. Abingdon, VA:
Dracon Press.
Schama, S. Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution, 1989.
New York: Vintage Books.
Smith, J. HAARP: the Ultimate Weapon of Conspiracy, 1998.
Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press.
Sowell, T. A Conflict of Visions, 1987. New York: Morrow.
Whyte, J. Crimes Against Logic, 2005. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Wood, R. Majic Eyes Only: Earth’s Encounters with Extraterrestrial
Technology. 2005. Broomfield, CO: Wood Enterprises
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.