03-09-2015, 08:16 AM
Quote:To return to where I started, the quite extraordinary thing is that there is a near-universal recognition in wider society that the Iraq War was both completely unjustified and a dreadful strategic blunder. Yet its support is a major pre-condition for membership of the governing elite.
In other words there is a comlete and utter disconnect between the people of Britain and those who rule and hold sway. It says a lot for the real power of shadowy elite groups like the Bilderberg Conferences, the Trilateralists and Davos that have spent decades building consensus amongst the elites of Europe and the US.
Quote:That is why both the SNP and Jeremy Corbyn provide such a threat to the Establishment, through denying those attitudes. The fascinating thing is that the SNP and the Labour Party could be the only public institutions in the UK of any note with an anti-Iraq War leadership. The significance is that, in slightly different ways, both the prominence of the SNP and of Jeremy Corbyn are the result of a public revolt which the Establishment has been trying, absolutely desperately, to cut off.
And it is why, I suspect that Jeremy Corbyn will be nobbled by New Labour -- but if he wins, how Corbyn's new Labour Party will be quickly, wholly and completely sidelined by the media and the elites for evermore. You can't have real democracy in this day and age where the majority of the voting public actually hold sway. It would be a failure of all those decades of hard work by people like David Rockerfeller - and numerous others besides - to make the world in their image - and that of the long-planning Rhodes-Milner Oxford Group, who were the very first and far-sighted proponents of a new elite world that turned the clock backwards to an earlier age where the ordinary people tugged their forelocks and bowed their heads as their "betters" strutted by nose aloft.
That is to say a world that intently listens to the tiny minority of wealth, who are criminal when they want to be, lawful at other times, and who own and direct the political and actual machinery of state and totally dominate foreign policy. It is a world where bankers instigated the greatest ever banking frauds - and breath-taking wealth redistribution schemes - of world history, with not one of them having to break sweat about criminal retribution.
Oh well, down to the pub tonight for a crust of stale bread and a couple of pints of forgetfulness. And then back to collecting filth tomorrow.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14