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Paul Schrade on second gunman in RFK shooting
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Tom Bowden Wrote:I believe very much in the second gun. I am really tired of certain conspiracy theorists mudding the water with all the mish mash of brain washing and elaborate conspiracies. Quite simple, Sirhan was used because of his relationship with the polka dot lady. The lady has passed away. Until Sirhan admits his relationship, there will be not solution. The most effective conspiracies are simple and straight forward. The more elaborate one makes the assassination, the less likely a legal solution with be obtained.

It is not 'conspiracy theory'...we are talking about CONSPIRACY FACTS. I really bristle at the term 'conspiracy theorists' and suggest you re-evaluate using that here. Sirhan Sirhan definitely was subjected to mind control and he seemed to have had a few who subjected him to that which have been named. The 'Polka Dot Lady' was quite obviously part of the signal to go into post-hypnotic state [her dress and likely something she also said to him]. The conspiracies I've studied have been very elaborate and were intentionally made to be so, to make peering through the smoke or realizing there were mirrors that much more difficult. While that does, yes, complicate a 'legal solution' the real problem is there is NO DESIRE, let alone WILL on the part of the 'government' or 'prosecutors' or anyone else in 'authority' to get to the bottom of something they damn well know, or suspect, will show a high[est] level conspiracy to murder and obstruction of justice - of whole agencies of government, of whole police departments, of prosecutors, of exposing the secret governmental structures. Still waiting for a 'legal solution' on JFK - the ONLY real one [Garrison's] was subverted by CIA, FBI and many others. Ditto RFK, MLK and lots of others. It was complex and trying to wish it simple is IMHO not on target and only wishful thinking. We're in deep shit in the USA. The secret state kills anyone anytime, does back-to-back illegal wars, has a growing police-state, spies on everyone all the time electronically, maintains a permanent War OF Terror, does endless government overthrows [including our own], drug deals, illegal weapons sales, dirty-tricks, black propaganda, trickle-up theft, vote stealing, having purchased the media, politicians mostly bought, packed the Supreme Court, controls who can and can not run for office-even when office holders are but puppets in most cases, false-flag operations up the is not a simple case nor is it a simple situation in which we find ourselves.
And the reason Sirhan hasn't 'come clean' on the Polka Dot Lady is he was programmed not to remember any of that.....and they [THEY!] are not likely to let him be deprogrammed to remember that. Another layer of complexity....and there are other layers I could name and would be glad to. I could get into Pena, or the extra bullets [too many to have come from S.S.'s gun] in door frames [that were disappeared by the LAPD], or the CIA guys hanging around in the ballroom, or Cesar's gun, people who saw Sirhan Sirhan with the Polka Dot Lady many times before the assassination, and on and on and on....the complexity was/is IMMENSE - not small. And when you throw in the obvious cover-up from the get-go to the day after the cows come home, it is even more complex.
I hope Pepper is able to get some justice, but if he does it will be quite a miracle as he is up against the most powerful and secret forces in the USA. They don't want the Truth out - nor what they have REALLY been doing all along, and are intent to do with ever increasing regularity and force.

I do NOT see where simplicity comes into this at all.

My definition of a conspiracy theorist is a person who never conducts an active investigation but reads books, reports, etc then regurgitates them in whatever forum they chose. I am not calling anyone here a theorist. I have been inside Thane Cesar's house in Simi Valley, checked out his finances in county and financial records and paid a criminalist to thoroughly document his gun. I have personally seen H18602 in its original evidence bag. This came about through meetings with two different crime families in Los Angeles and Las Vegas. I spent considerable time with Adele Sirhan, Ted Charach, Lawrence Teter and Thomas Noguichi. I have communicated with Sirhan Sirhan but not since he signed on with Dr. Pepper. Yes I have read most books on the subject as well. I have copies of the FBI ballistics report and stood in the Pantry at the Ambassador Hotel. In my thirteen years as head of the Conspiracy Museum, I have heard most everybody's favorite solution. I also have my favorite one and it does not include an elaborate mind control operation.
Ahimsa….may you live in a world of non-forcefulness.

Messages In This Thread
Paul Schrade on second gunman in RFK shooting - by Tom Bowden - 10-09-2015, 07:29 PM

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