11-09-2015, 04:16 PM
I agree...let truth prevail.
As I stated Sirhan was motivated by jealously and it was taken advantage of by the people you see as programming him. One should look at Sirhan's background and upbringing. Specifically the Palestinian thought process. I have some experience in the use of mind programming as I was an active participant in sleep teaching during college and later on involved with new drug submissions to the FDA. I was at Sandoz the day LSD was not approved by the FDA. My primary problem with programming as discussed in this forum is the time lapse between then and now. Sirhan's memory should have reset in this timeframe.
I would also add that I had in depth discussions with many people and not just a meeting at some lecture. I spent many hours with Adele and other family members.
I would hope that Dr. Pepper is successful in getting a new trial and do not chose to introduce anything at this point to jeopardize his chances. If he fails, I will be in touch with Sirhan again.
I have documented my thoughts and they will be available at the right time.
Let truth prevail.
As I stated Sirhan was motivated by jealously and it was taken advantage of by the people you see as programming him. One should look at Sirhan's background and upbringing. Specifically the Palestinian thought process. I have some experience in the use of mind programming as I was an active participant in sleep teaching during college and later on involved with new drug submissions to the FDA. I was at Sandoz the day LSD was not approved by the FDA. My primary problem with programming as discussed in this forum is the time lapse between then and now. Sirhan's memory should have reset in this timeframe.
I would also add that I had in depth discussions with many people and not just a meeting at some lecture. I spent many hours with Adele and other family members.
I would hope that Dr. Pepper is successful in getting a new trial and do not chose to introduce anything at this point to jeopardize his chances. If he fails, I will be in touch with Sirhan again.
I have documented my thoughts and they will be available at the right time.
Let truth prevail.
Ahimsa….may you live in a world of non-forcefulness.