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Mary's Mosaic: Entering Peter Janney's World of Fantasy
Albert Doyle Wrote:Sure,

He's cooked anyway. (To be honest with you Dawn I think I pushed Parker back further than anyone, which is a good thing)

The Mitchell Janney met was the one who was framing Crump in a CIA black op assassination. But that's another topic.

Mr. Doyle-Yates, you're the "go to" guy, re: Mitchell, at least in your own mind. My name is printed in Janney's book, so are Mark's and Jim's names. What page of the book displays your name, (Doyle, or Yates?)

On August 8, 2012, I posted these discoveries, what have you done, related to this, besides "make believe"? I know what I've been doing for more than three years, exposing nonsense. You've spent your time using a sock puppet I.D. to
directly counter my efforts. How is that working out for you?

Quote:Posted 08 August 2012
The small set of details that demolish the speculation presented by Janney and Dovey Roundtree :
Quote: Annual report to the president University. College of Engineering - 1961 - Snippet view
Spring Term only) Mr. William Mitchell (5th yr. B.M.E. Candidate. Fall Term only)
News and Notices - JStor

The Annals of Mathematical Statistics
Vol. 34, No. 3 (Sep., 1963), pp. 1133-1146
Mitchell, William L., B.M.E., (Cornell University); Graduate Student, Operations Re- search, Harvard University; 70 Perkins Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge
New York mathematical society. List of members, constitution, by-laws Mathematical Society - 1964 - Snippet view
American Mathematical Society. MISARE ... AI Math., Computation Lab., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. ... MITCHELL, WILLIAM L. I Pentagon, OR Group, Systems Dept., USADSC, Washington, D. C. l500 Arlington Blvd., Apt. l022,
Combined membership list of the American Mathematical Society and ... American Mathematical Society, Mathematical Association of America, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - 1965 - Snippet view
...... MITCHELL, WILLIAM L. I Pentagon, OR Group, Systems Dept., USADSC, Washington, D. C. 1500 Arlington Blvd., Apt. 1022, Arlington, Va. MITCHELL,
Harvard alumni directory Harvard Alumni Directory (Office), Harvard Alumni Association, Harvard University - 1965 - Snippet view
22310. Ed Adm. g25-29 AM 26, PhD 29 MltcheU, WUliam Lockwood, 1500 Arlington Blvd. , Apt. 1022, Arlington, Va. 22209.

Quote: Will Any Apologies Follow After Author Peter Janney's Long Awaited, Reluctant Admission?

Submitted by Tom Scully on Mon, 09/08/2014 - 04:34
T. Scully says:
Ralph, utter garbage from you. Janney at long last made a reluctant admission he was wrong, The premise for his
book, a story of a CIA assassin is exposed for what it is. False, inaccurate. You resent that I located the Crump trial witness who Janney was falsely accusing of murder. You did not want to know this information. Janney has never written a word about his uncle, the Time Life, Inc. board member, Rockefeller protege, Frank Pace, the chairman of General Dynamics who, with the help of Rockefeller friend Roswell Gilpatric and his law partner, Maurice Tex Moore,
Time Life Inc, publisher and brother-in-law of Henry Luce, turned over control of General Dynamics to Henry Crown and his Chicago mob associate, Patrick Hoy. Instead, Janney wrote this empty distraction of a book. Who will write about uncle Frank Pace, if not the intrepid, anti MIC, teller of truths, Peter Janney?
September 5, 2014
The Murder of Mary Pinchot Meyer
On this edition of Real Politik James is joined by Peter Janney, author of Mary's Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace.
.....In January 2014 Janney deposed William Mitchell as part of a wrongful death civil lawsuit to procure information on Mitchell's potential responsibility for Meyer's murder. "I am still in the last stages of my research that I hope will pull the pieces together that may point to the fact that [William] Mitchell had a specific role in this event on October 12, 1964. But I do want to make clear that I no longer believe that he was the actual assassin."
(Washington DC court records display the fact that on 18 Novemberm 2013 Janney dismissed his lawsuit against William L Mitchell, is which Janney had claimed Mary Meyer was his "surrogate mother: by filing a motion for dismissal with prejudice with that court. Janney's motion for dismissal was granted on 2 Dec, 2013 by Judge
Anthony C. Epstein. : )
Janney could have conceded in August, 2012, when I first presented this.:
Harvard alumni directory Alumni Directory (Office), Harvard Alumni Association, Harvard University
MltcheU, WUliam Lockwood, 1500 Arlington Blvd. , Apt. 1022, Arlington, Va. 22209. g62-63
INSTEAD, Ralph, the ethics deprived Janney has claimed in his paperback book edition that HE discovered that
Mitchell earned an MS at Harvard and has the middle name, Lockwood.
KEEP Shilling for Janney, Ralph, You are good at it, you almost had me convinced! .....

My research into Mitchell, proving that he was not "missing," but was living openly as an Associate Prof emeritus from UC Hayward, "prompted" author Janney to reissue his book with a sequal that included this page.:

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7476&stc=1]

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7473&stc=1]

Douglas Horne, who wrote a glowing review of Janney's book, Mary' Mosaic :


Douglas[/URL] 3 years ago

If you are a truly "rational voice" you will provide your real name and tell us exactly how you came by your citations. To not do so is cowardly. To continue not to do so will make readers wonder who you really represent, and really work for. Are you a third party surrogate (or a direct employee) working for the USG whose mission here is to attempt to discredit the confession of a hit-man? The readers of your book review here will not have forgotten that William L. Mitchell (or someone identifying himself as this person) confessed to author Leo Damore---William L. Mitchell himself told Damore that he was Mary Meyer's murderer. This event is well-documented in Janney's book.

Your attempt to suggest otherwise, via your citations, conveniently ignores this vital fact. Peter Janney has not identified Mitchell as Meyer's murderer "because Mitchell could not be found," as you claim; rather, he has identified Mitchell as Meyer's murderer because Mitchell confessed this to Damore. All the citations in the world will not erase this fact.

Your citations seem to me like the kind of detailed biographical information that would be maintained by the same "outfit" that would have maintained Mitchell's operational file at the Agency. Who the hell else would know these things? What ordinary reader would have the ability to look up and find the citations you so conveniently found?

If the William L. Mitchell you cite did not kill Mary Meyer in 1964, then perhaps his identity was highjacked---stolen---circa 1964, by the covert operations ("wet") arm of the Agency---and used by the hitman.

Unless you provide us with your real name and the exact means by which you came up with your citations, you will only increase everyone's suspicion of your motivations here---and your methods.

Many despicable and cold-blooded people throughout history have been well-educated. So finding a person named William L. Mitchell with three college degrees does not prove he could not have been Mary Meyer's killer. That seems like the kind of flawed "logic" an intelligence agency would use on readers in an attempt to cast doubt about the disturbing conclusions of a controversial book.

If this William L. Mitchell didn't kill Mary Meyer, why isn't he raising hell about Janney's book? We certainly haven't heard a peep from him, now, have we?

Why don't you "get real" and tell us who you are, and how you found your citations? What tools did you use? Did someone lead you to them? Did someone provide them to you? Your postings have the odor to me of a disinformation/spin operation, designed to cast doubt, and to make readers forget the basic fact that a "William L. Mitchell" confessed to murdering Mary Meyer for the CIA, to author Leo Damore. Attorney Jimmy Smith's notes of his phone call with Leo Damore prove that.

Two years ago, I received Mark's permission to disclose this.:
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7474&stc=1]
Peter Janney - 2013 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
In the springof 1993, a groundbreaking event occurred in the course ofDamore's research. It allowed him, he toldme, to finally solve themurder of ....
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7475&stc=1]

But, as Doyle-Yates and Peter Janney tell it, the facts are not obstructing their fantasy. The problem is the charismatic force of James DiEugenio and his followers, such as the boot licking sychophant, Scully.:

Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Jim Fetzer / Peter Janney
False flags (w/ Rock Cash) / New JFK Show #14

Interviewer:...Alright, Mr. Janney, it seems that the Santa Barbara conference that went on out in California has been getting attacked a lot lately. What I'd like to do is talk about sitka (CTKA ?) because our friend Mr. Philip Nelson which I did an interview and also a video with him seems to be such a credible person and the information that he brings forward seems to be very straight up and it appears that he can't get on shows, you know the normal shows like Black Op radio and it seems like the CTKA, Citizens for the Truth about the Kennedy Assassination is um....seems sometimes unfairly not allowing these books to even, only to severely criticize them when they appear, to me to be just so loaded with so much real history that's so hard for us to get. So can you comment on that?

Peter Janney: Well, this is James DiEugenio at his best or at his worst, however you want to look at it. As I've said many times, I think there is an effort out there for this guy, Mr. DiEugenio, to attempt to destroy the credibility of anyone who comes along who doesn't fall into line behind Mr. DiEugenio. I've confronted him in various articles that have been published on the web. He certainly trashed my book as he's trashed any number of books and so I make it a point to ignore people like this as best as possible. I-I don't think James DiEugenio is all he believes that he is and I have had a number of arguments with people, uh, in terms of how they just obsequiosly follow him and hang on every word, I think that's a very dangerous habit to get into.
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7477&stc=1]
For me, and I think for a lot of people who have been involved in assassination research with regard to JFK and even Robert Kennedy, one of the best books if not the best book in my opinion is James Douglass's JFK and the Unspeakable. I read that book (unintelligible interrupts) I, well what's great about it is it's extremely well researched. I have talked to Mr. Douglass on a number of occassions, I've read his book two or three times. I think he has written one of the most compelling protraits of President Kennedy and what happened during his administration and what happened at the time of hia assassination. So for anyone who is confused or feels overwhelmed by what's coming at them in terms of this dimension, I think that is the best book for anyone to read if they're, if they're really serious about understanding what happened. I really can't say more about CTKA than that. It's upsetting to me that this in fact goes on, because there are soooo many researchers who have made so many different kinds of contributions to this arena.

Interviewer: I can completely agree with you on that. In closing, what you would you say to the people that are really trying to understand the JFK Assassination, and one question I did have for you is that Mr. Phil Nelson's book seems to parallel the book you just talked about, Mr. Douglass's book, other than it was critical of JFK in a sense. It seems to me that there are certain areas you can't go to, like no criticising the Kennedys or no bashing LBJ or certain places it seems certain places it seems like you can't go. It's a two part question, what do you think about Mr. Nelson's book as far as paralleling the other and what do you think about giving some advice to people who are really trying to understand the most complex of things with more disinformation, then how do you go astray than anywhere else?

Peter Janney: Well, I've looked at Mr. Nelson's book, I haven't read it cover to cover, but I don't think LBJ was the mastermind of the JFK Assassination. The mastermind of the JFK Assassination was the national security apparatus and they had their thumb on LBJ just as much as the had their thumb on JFK, but in a different way, and what I mean by that is specifically this. LBJ knew that he was headed for jail, I mean that he was headed for ruin given what he'd been involved with in the early 1960's. He was not going to be on the democratic ticket with JFK in 1964. The CIA knew this, LBJ knew this, and basically, LBJ had one way out and that was to cooperate with the effort that was going on behind the scenes to get rid of Kennedy.
LBJ clearly played a major role in terms of not only getting the assassination set up and then the cover up that took place afterwards. But I think it is incorrect to say that he alone was the ringleader, and that's where I take exception to Mr. Nelson's effort. It just doesn't, it doesn't fit with all the other pieces of evidence that we have pulled together in the last 50 years in terms of what really happened. You know, the CIA was using LBJ, I mean basically, they had their thumb on him and he knew that, you know this was, he had no other choice of course he was, you know, psycopathic and sociopathic enough to say well, you know, this is the only way I am going to be president anyway. Uh but uh he was not the mastermind of this effort. The mastermind was of the Kennedy Assassination, of both Kennedy Assassinations as well as Martin Luther King, was the national security complex, the military, industrial, intelligence, financial, complex. The, this conglomeration of power uh, did not want to be under the thumb of any emerging Kennedy dynasty and that's what they were looking at. They were looking at four more years of JFK in 1964, with Bobby Kennedy coming in right afterwards, and the possibility of Teddy Kennedy coming in after that. So they had to cut the snake off right at the head. And that's why JFK, that's one of the big reasons.

Fetzer: (Sounds pre-recorded) Peter Janney's book is completely brilliant, its sensational and its extrememly revealing, when a entity like CTKA with uh Jim DiEugenio, Seamus Coogan, and Lisa Pease would attack some of the most important work done on the assassination in the last 20 years, including of course Phil Nelson's brilliant piece, LBJ Mastermind of JFK's Assassination, but also Peter Janney's book, Mary's Mosaic, so you have to appreciate how profoundly it exposes those who are actually also, even with the JFK Assassination community, MOCKINGBIRD PARTICIPANTS when they undertake this kind of assault. Everyone has to listen to these presentations from the Santa Barbara conference and then read the reviews that had come from CTKA and put two and two together. Draw your own conclusions but it ought to be as obvious as it could possibly be, shocking, mockingbird persists to this very day! Ends @ 1:58:25

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Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.

Messages In This Thread
Mary's Mosaic: Entering Peter Janney's World of Fantasy - by Tom Scully - 05-10-2015, 11:05 PM

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