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Dartmouth Study of Backyard Photo supposedly confirms authenticity
Tom Scully Wrote:David,

You declare what you have proved. Who have you proved it, to? I am not comparing you to Fetzer, but
what are your boundaries, vs. Fetzers? You attempt to type what I do with one broad brush. I disagree because I examine the flaws and I confine myself to exploiting them with facts. Janney wrote a book in which he claimed his CIA assassin was missing since 1965. I dismantled that claim without the technique you assigned as my method.

My boundaries are well defined. I cannot be compared to Fetzer. I revised my last post before I read your newer one. I added an example of my approach to pushing back against the official claims of the 9/11 tower collapses.

If your BYP authenticity claims in either of your last two posts were as you seem to think they are, "done deals" I would not have replied to you. There are several things in your last post that I do not expect you can prove. I've taken considerable effort to make it much less likely that anything in my last two posts is as vulnerable. You posted as if you can prove autopsy or BYP photos were faked, but proved to who and where?

David Josephs Wrote:.... like the autopsy photos - they themselves are not faked but actual photos of faked results. ..... ...........

Tell ya what Tom.... you present the info how you want to and I'll do what I want. As for comparisons to others, I'll let you ride that merry-go-round. Your ongoing obtuse presentation of even further obtuse connections creates eye-glaze the moment your name appears at the top of a post. Then we wade thru your sources and suppositions of nefarious third-cousin and "his brother-in-law's sister's husband's doctor" connections and all we are left with is you identifying the dots while offering little if anything to connect them.

Are you plainly stating that the Dartmouth analysis is suspect purely due to the relationships you offered, or not? If so... prove them. If not, why do you leave so much out?
Your quoted reply to "Craig" is a rant about potential connections and possible reasons for behavior... but you offer no proof beyond stating the relationship.

That's not complete by any stretch. As for 911... the nano-thermite results, 1-3% by volume in the dust of the impossibly collapsed buildings is pretty good proof
The BBC announcing the fallen building while we stare at it in the background is another pretty good indication of advanced knowledge (that and about 100 other things)

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7574&stc=1]

But none of that is the point.

If you think what I posted about the BYP is incorrect, PROVE IT Tom and stop telling me how to present my work.

Quote:There are several things in your last post that I do not expect you can prove.

Like what Tom? Be specific... use some words

Quote:I've taken considerable effort to make it much less likely that anything in my last two posts is as vulnerable. You posted as if you can prove autopsy or BYP photos were faked, but proved to who and where?

Everything in your post is vulnerable since you offer nothing to connect anything together.

With regards to your "$22 million" - connect the work's BYP conclusions to the endowment originator beyond your ability to spout some "facts" in background.
That you are arguing with Lamson is the first mistake, one I've made too often and stopped a few years ago... But your linked thread and posts do not PROVE the connection - they only illustrate the potential of one.

Just posting that this man has a grant from the FBI does not make his analysis wrong - only suspect. To prove he is wrong we need more than your feeling there is an agenda involved.

Do you see what I'm saying or not Tom? I PROVE things that you don't actually disprove but only question.
You, on the other hand, PROVE next to nothing other than your amazing ability to find info and connections that SUGGEST but do not prove.

When we add Spencer and Knudsen to the equation the authenticity of the autopsy photos is questioned with direct first hand evidence, not your suppositions

It is only when we follow and authenticate the evidence do we find PROOF. The Evidence IS the Conspiracy. the Connections only makes it more believeable


Attached Files
.jpg   BBC says Salomon Bros Bldg has fallen while showing image of the standing building - 911.jpg (Size: 286.99 KB / Downloads: 36)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

Messages In This Thread
Dartmouth Study of Backyard Photo supposedly confirms authenticity - by David Josephs - 20-10-2015, 09:28 PM

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