03-11-2015, 05:28 PM
Quote:I don't want to quibble, but your description of the eclipse is inaccurate. The moon never "passes beyond the Sun."
Obviously this was supposed to be beyond the Earth... my bad.
As for your other observations... I ask you to so the same thing... take the huge image of the BYP I posted and draw in the post's shadow where you think it should be given Oswald's shadow.
That it faces back towards his shadow at such a steep angle suggests to me the shadow of the post was caused by a different light source.
Same with the3 stairs and everything else to the left of the post in that image.
Simple question... the shadow of the garage on his left casts a shadow in exactly the same line as Oswald... yet appears to converge with the post shadow very quickly.
In your explanation of astronomical distances, should we see two objects so close to gether producing shadows which converge so quickly? a 50mm lens at a distance of 10 feet or so?
What I would like you to do, is please use the large BYP I posted earlier and draw in the post's shadow as you think it SHOULD be... in this image it appears to converge with Oswald just beyond the picket fence which is not possible given the distances unless a portion of the image was added at a different time.
These objects are less than 5 feet apart Drew. It the arc difference at that distance is indistinguishable from parallel, why do they converge so quickly?
The "Post Shadow" with the black line if indicating the direction of the shadow while the grey arrow points to the shadow itself. You can also see the shadow of the post even further to the left being more in line iwth the post than with Oswald.. everything to the left of the post... that post may have been the suture point.
This image is now even more important to me than before... look at the "cut line" of the image and where they are.The post and the side of the garage...
Look at how skewed Oswald is when put back into the image. The image with the cut-out and the image with Oswald in the same position also helps prove that Oswald was added to a blank BYP photo.
Notice too there is no shadow on the ground behind the cutout of Oswald. The EXACT BYP background image (as I showed in one of the gifs) was used.
That gif where Oswald disappears and nothing in the background moves... coupled with these images of 1) foreknowledge of an aimage which is unknown to the public for 14 years,
2) the shadows falling outside these two white parallel lines do not match the shadows within these lines and 3) when pasting the cutout back in - it doesn't work.
So how about you and Ray taking a step back and focusing on the prize here. If you can prove that a 50mm camera from that distance would cast those differently angled shadows, please prove it.
"Almost" parallel is the same as "almost" pregnant. there is no such thing. It's an "on or off" state of being. RR tracks are parallel, beams of sunlight are "almost" parallel...
which in turn create shadows on a flat surface that are "almost" parallel.. and will converge back at the source of light... .00004 of an arc minute or a light year, the distance only amplifies the "almost" part of parallel
You are not trying to argue the images are authentic are you?
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter