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NO Evidence
It is interesting that Gil Jesus gets what seems to be an automatic 5 star review...

Gil has been posting the FBI's lies against important Conspiracy witness Carolyn Arnold...

In recent years researchers like Barry Ernest have helped uncover the fact that the official record was altered much worse than previously realized...Carolyn Arnold was one of the victims of that criminal statement alteration done by the FBI...Carolyn Arnold insisted to reporter Earl Golz that she had told FBI that she saw Oswald in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room at 12:25 in her FBI statements...Golz showed Arnold her FBI statements for the first time in 1978, 15 years after the assassination...Those statements had Arnold saying she caught a glimpse of Oswald in the Lobby out of the side of her eye at 12:15...Obviously FBI was trying to move Arnold's witnessing away from the 2nd Floor Lunch Room and down to the Lobby where it could be dismissed...

 Gil Jesus has been posting Greg Parker and ROKC's backing of the FBI's lies concerning Arnold...Jesus has been posting on JFK research sites that the FBI version is the accurate one and that Oswald was on the 1st Floor during the assassination...This flies in the face of serious new evidence discovered by this researcher that puts Oswald in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room during the assassination...

The previous Deep Politics Forum rules forbade any such backing of false claims or deception by the investigating authorities...For God's sake, backing the FBI's lies against an important Conspiracy witness???... 

Because some people automatically back the favored evidence of certain prominent researchers like Jim DiEugenio without fact-checking doesn't mean other skilled researchers should have to bear their good evidence being ignored or DPF site rules being run roughshod over...Gil is doing that because it puts him in favor with the Prayer Man gang...I believe the original purpose of the Deep Politics Forum was to have a place where issues like this could be sorted out...
(17-07-2023, 10:54 PM)Brian Doyle Wrote: It is interesting that Gil Jesus gets what seems to be an automatic 5 star review...

1. Obviously FBI was trying to move Arnold's witnessing away from the 2nd Floor Lunch Room and down to the Lobby where it could be dismissed...

2. This flies in the face of serious new evidence discovered by this researcher that puts Oswald in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room during the assassination...

3. The previous Deep Politics Forum rules forbade any such backing of false claims or deception by the investigating authorities...For God's sake, backing the FBI's lies against an important Conspiracy witness???... 
Doyle does what Doyle always does, he speculates.

1. Can wee see the evidence of that, or it that your opinion ?

2. Can we see this "new evidence" that you claim to have discovered ?

3. Deep politics forum rules also forbid attacks against another members which you constantly do.
(30-07-2023, 10:07 AM)Gil Jesus Wrote:
(17-07-2023, 10:54 PM)Brian Doyle Wrote: It is interesting that Gil Jesus gets what seems to be an automatic 5 star review...

1. Obviously FBI was trying to move Arnold's witnessing away from the 2nd Floor Lunch Room and down to the Lobby where it could be dismissed...

2. This flies in the face of serious new evidence discovered by this researcher that puts Oswald in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room during the assassination...

3. The previous Deep Politics Forum rules forbade any such backing of false claims or deception by the investigating authorities...For God's sake, backing the FBI's lies against an important Conspiracy witness???... 

" Doyle does what Doyle always does, he speculates. "

There's no speculation at all involved with that...Carolyn Arnold was quite emphatic that FBI altered her original statement that she saw Oswald in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room at 12:25 and that she never said 12:15 in the Lobby...Apparently Carolyn Arnold's word is not good enough for Gil and he prefers the Greg Parker school of research where Parker doubts the word of witnesses who have passed so far in to history that they can't defend themselves against Parker's Lone Nutter-type denial...Again - what Gil is doing here is ignoring my recent discovery of Sarah Stanton hearing Oswald say he intended to go back in to that "Break Room"...Common sense tells you Carolyn Arnold seeing Oswald in that same Break Room moments later means that this evidence is not "speculation"...All that is is a scofflaw researcher using semantics to avoid the obvious and backing the FBI and Lone Nutter interpretation of the evidence...Arnold corroborates Stanton and Stanton corroborates Arnold...So how does the internet Conspiracy research clique respond to this? They ignore it totally and pretend the most important evidence discovery since the HSCA never happened...Jim DiEugenio calls himself a main Conspiracy researcher...He has never once acknowledged or even mentioned my discovery in the 5 years since I made it...

2. Can we see this "new evidence" that you claim to have discovered ?

To anyone reading this, I have responded to Gil Jesus asking to see this new evidence repeatedly on the unmoderated "Alt.Conspiracy.JFK troll site that Gil frequents...I have answered this question and shown Gil the sources for my evidence repeatedly and he ignores it...He then pops up weeks or months later and asks to see the evidence like he is doing here...He does that because he knows he has the clique and the moderators on his side and they will let him get away with it...Gil has been told the source is my 2018 interview with Stanton's grand daughter Wanda Daniel...It was posted by Duncan MacRae on You Tube and linked...MacRae is mentally ill so I'm not sure if he deleted it...The only reason I had to go to MacRae to post it is because I was banned at the other JFK sites by moderators who were protecting their friends because I disproved the Prayer Man theory...Gil enjoys that unmoderated Alt.Conspiracy.JFK troll site because it allows his juvenile approach due to the lack of any moderation...Again - it used to be against the Deep Politics Forum rules to ignore or deny such important evidence (or give it one star)...

3. Deep politics forum rules also forbid attacks against another members which you constantly do.

The clique that is guarded by James Gordon on the Education Forum is constantly looking for excuses for their research failures and looking to blame the victim for their own wrongdoing...Instead of answering to their own wrongdoing in research they switch the subject and accuse you of only being interested in attacking people...James Gordon is a crook so he honors these cowardly attempts to blame the victim for what they are guilty of...It used to be understood that the Deep Politics Forum was created in order to counter the dubious moderation of the Education Forum...When I first joined DPF it was understood that the forum was designed as a sanctuary against the bastard moderation of the Education Forum and its damage to good research...David Josephs, Gil Jesus, and Jim DiEugenio are regular warmly-welcomed members of the Education Forum that are in good stead with Gordon...In 2016 my correct evidence that proved Prayer Man was Sarah Stanton forced the issue that certain DPF members were violating the premise of DPF being a counter to the Education Forum...The DPF rules and purpose were clearly with me since I was posting the correct evidence against an Education Forum majority but somehow I ended up being moderated...All Gil is doing here is exploiting the advantage provided him by Gordon and the clique in order to avoid the main issue that he committed a Judas-like offense by backing the FBI's lies against one of the most important Conspiracy witnesses...There was a time when Gil would be held accountable for that...My important evidence, that DPF was designed to protect, has been ignored and my posting of it has received one star ratings (which I believe is against the previous DPF site rules)...When Gordon banned me he said my banning at DPF was one of the reasons why he was banning me...This was clearly in direct violation of the written purpose of DPF...It is pretty clear that things on the Kennedy internet are run by a friendship network and not objective academic moderation...Gil is safely inside that network which is why he feels free professing an openly Lone Nutter viewpoint on Carolyn Arnold...  

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