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It's not about bragging, it's about truth
Tracy Riddle Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:What's more important, the chicken, or the rooster? gave orders? I don't think that after the Bay of Pigs no one had to give any orders, if someone ordered you to jump off a bridge would you? Is someone who ordered the men to kill Kennedy more important then the ones who pulled the trigger? We think differently.

I agree that it's more important to know who organized the plot. Twenty years ago, I thought it was entirely the work of a few angry Cuban exiles and mobsters and rogue CIA people. Today, I see too many elements that point to a higher-level plot - like the security stripping in the motorcade, the military autopsy, and many other things - at least involving some of the Joint Chiefs, military intelligence, higher level CIA people. Above them, who knows?


To some degree, I agree, however, to really understand the assassination, I would ask the question, why would they need to cover it up. LBJ right from the get-go covered up the assassination as soon as the limo hit the Ford factory, and the car was stripped, all evidence was lost. The autopsy, the altered, Zfilm, X-rays, photos and so on, why was everything tapered with? When you think about it, it's a real easy answer. LBJ needed to covered this up regardless of the circumstances, but why? To avoid WWIII, invading Cuba or blaming the Russians, then all hell would break out. Even Fidel Castro gave a six hour speech the very next day that's how fast news traveled because he feared an invasion.

You see Tracy, my father worked with many men who were involved in blowing up ships, Russians freighters, and Cuban finishing boats, ships that were docked in port that would have a time delayed bomb on them so when they reached open waters, the bomb would go off, and the ship would sink. This way those who were responsible could also claim plausible deniability. There was a time my father tried to prevent a Russian ship from getting bombed. So, why was all this going on?

Because if they couldn't continue invading Cuba, and continue making runs into Cuba because the government was cracking down on them the only other way was to start a war that would drag America into with Cuba. However, Russia would have possibly gotten involved, to avoid this, a giant cover up was formed from the beginning, it had to take place, now, I wouldn't blow the Secret Service out the water, blaming the Secret Service for not doing their job, they did do their job, problem is, Kennedy wanted to be seen, he didn't want to be crowded with SS around his car, that was his choice, and certainly they're not going to be able to react faster than a speeding bullet unless their supermen, while there is some fault to a certain degree that can be blamed on the SS for their actions, I think that fully blaming them for what happened is false.

I could go into much more detail, but when some folks have their minds made up, it's not worth my time pointing out the obvious. This assassination was not an LBJ, Nixon, military industrial Complex, Kennedy's general, bankers, Jackie or Connally did it assassination. There's no need to have every top agency in the world going after Kennedy, if you think about it, it's the most simplest plot ever that unfolded with compartmentalized CIA trained assassins that where going to find away to start a war no matter what to free Cuba. And, this is the reason LBJ did not want to run a second term, and the reason they took out Nixon too when he shut-down JM/WAVE.

It's really not as complicated as everyone what's this to be. But everyone has a theory, and everyone wants to write a book on what they believed happened, or who they believed was involved. So, these folks writing these books write using their own creative writing, when I ask myself, why in God's name does everyone have to make Kennedy's assassination so complicated that there's now a million different theories.


I agree that the assassination was meant to be blamed on Cuba to trigger a new invasion - and this is the reason LBJ and the political/media Establishment covered it up, but there is a lot of evidence that people in higher places were the prime movers. You have heard of Operation Northwoods, I presume? It was a Pentagon plot (involving the CIA) to create false flag attacks to be blamed on Cuba.

1:50 PM Around this time on the day of the assassination [when Oswald is being arrested at the Texas Theater], says FBI Agent James Hosty, "I learned after the assassination from two independent sources fully armed warplanes were sent screaming toward Cuba. Just before they entered Cuban airspace, they were hastily called back...the entire US military went on alert. The Pentagon ordered us to Defense Condition 3...Def Con 3..." (Hosty, Assignment Oswald p219)

Clearly, someone in the Pentagon was sitting on go, waiting to hit Cuba before the new President could figure out what was happening, but presumably LBJ and others were able to stop it in time. The hawks had been trying to push JFK into a war with the Communist world since he took office. The US had an overwhelming superiority in ICBMs, and the national security hawks wanted to take advantage this to achieve "final victory" before the USSR caught up. 7/20/1961 at a National Security Council Meeting, the Joint Chiefs of Staff's Gen. Lemnitzer and CIA director Allen Dulles present a plan for a preemptive nuclear attack on the Soviet Union "in late 1963, preceded by a period of heightened tensions."

If you've read Vince Palamara's book, you know the myths about JFK wanting SS agents away from his car are just that - myths. The photographers' vehicle in front of the limo was cancelled at the airport that morning, the photographers having to scramble to jump into cars farther back in the motorcade.

There is so much more, all of which I've posted on this forum before. All of this was beyond the ability of Cuban exiles and rogue CIA people.

Quote:The photographers' vehicle in front of the limo was cancelled at the airport that morning, the photographers having to scramble to jump into cars farther back in the motorcade. All of this was beyond the ability of Cuban exiles and rogue CIA people

You may call it what your conscience or heart tells you. I call it, coincidence, circumstances and poor planning.

Messages In This Thread
It's not about bragging, it's about truth - by Scott Kaiser - 29-11-2015, 04:22 AM

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