13-09-2009, 10:35 PM
Excellent piece on where we really are in America. Only complaint is that it does not take into account the fact that Obama picked up exactly where Bush left off. Then all these right wing waccos who never blamed Bush for a thing suddenly blamed the entire mess on the White House. Rush and his ilk blame the economic collapse, the mortgage crises, jobs lost and the spirialing debt entirely on Obama. And their equally wacco listeners reapeat this mantra.
It's also hard to fight against such utter stupidity. Mob mentality with the media lapping it up. Violence equals ratings.
We're in the perfect setting for the production of the first true lone nut.
It's also hard to fight against such utter stupidity. Mob mentality with the media lapping it up. Violence equals ratings.
We're in the perfect setting for the production of the first true lone nut.