26-03-2016, 02:29 AM
Well...what a tangled mess this has become. Not that I'm complaining. So far I've got strong links to the Savings & Loan scandal, Iran-contra, and JFK assassination. There is a direct connection back to the old "anti-communist" groups and The Gehlen Organization. I've been primarily focusing on the right-wing neocons, since I started with Trump, but even so, the Clintons still surface from time to time.
Considering the sheer scope of this, the only way I'm going to be able to demonstrate it coherently is to make a Mark Lombardi style relationship map or chart. Something like Muckety or similar would be nice, so other people could add to it and view it. For now, I'm just going to plot the major players and fill in the details as I have time. Probably won't post much on this thread anymore, as it's too convoluted and there are already enough leads to see what I'm getting at. If anyone has suggestions for software or a website to make a relationship map, that'd be great. I'm trying a few and none of them really suit my needs.
Considering the sheer scope of this, the only way I'm going to be able to demonstrate it coherently is to make a Mark Lombardi style relationship map or chart. Something like Muckety or similar would be nice, so other people could add to it and view it. For now, I'm just going to plot the major players and fill in the details as I have time. Probably won't post much on this thread anymore, as it's too convoluted and there are already enough leads to see what I'm getting at. If anyone has suggestions for software or a website to make a relationship map, that'd be great. I'm trying a few and none of them really suit my needs.