13-04-2016, 08:06 AM
Peter Lemkin Wrote:LR Trotter Wrote:This thread is scary. It should make all readers kinda wonder about how much issue related satire is taken seriously! In all likelihood a mathematician, or at least someone mathematically smarter than I, with a little research just might be able to show some disturbing numbers.
More disturbing is how much issue-related false news and/or propaganda, slanted/biased reporting (and non-reporting) is taken seriously. It is also more pervasive - in fact, it dominates totally the MSM in the USA and much of the World. False and false-flag journalism is the dominant 'diet' of 'news' for all too many people - and they have little idea how far from reality it is, nor who is paying for it and why.
Indeed. Take the recent Panama Paper where the Guardian (amongst others) lambasted Putin on day one even though his name hadn't appeared in any of the 11.5 million documents (Revealed: the $2 billion offshore trail that leads to Vladimir Putin). Whereas 441 American "names" that did appear in the documents weren't published for "privacy" reasons. If ever there is a clear definition of perfidious reporting based on hypocrisy and double standards, that was it. But sadly, there is so much of it now, that digesting these media lies and spin forms part of our daily diet.
It ensures that we read newspapers and monitor the news on our TV's with considerable care - and find other trusted sources of news to inform us.
The good thing at the Panama Papers story is that it has been thoroughly and convincingly debunked so quickly. The bad thing is that the powers that be don't care. They're using this story to get up a head of steam to close all offshore tax havens (except the ones in the domestic USA because they support the US dollar) and also to usher in a "global tax" (Christine LaGarde comments on a UN global tax body).
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14