13-05-2016, 04:59 PM
Mark Lane was the individual who most inspired me to become involved in researching the JFK assassination. I joined his Citizens Committee of Inquiry as a teenager, and the afternoon I spent in his office in late 1976, which included a long conversation with him that revolved around one of the most popular entertainers of the time, young Freddie Prinze, is recounted in full in my book.
Mark Lane was one of the last of the original band of critics. I think Vincent Salandria may well be the last surviving one. I'm sure he couldn't have been too happy with the state of the critical community in general. Needless to say, Mark Lane would never have become a neo-con. He was a purist, and one of the few remaining civil libertarians left in this country.
Mark Lane was one of the last of the original band of critics. I think Vincent Salandria may well be the last surviving one. I'm sure he couldn't have been too happy with the state of the critical community in general. Needless to say, Mark Lane would never have become a neo-con. He was a purist, and one of the few remaining civil libertarians left in this country.