26-08-2016, 03:48 PM
Quote:Therefore since he had been on full alert for a week, he was able to get thousands of his troops to the front within hours. This was another lie by the CIA. They had told Kennedy that, because of the element of surprise, Castro would not be able to mass a counterattack for days.
I'm not debating that the CIA lied to Kennedy, in-fact, I said they did somewhere throughout this topic. But, now lets for a moment take a look at the link I posted telling the story of more than ahalf a dozen journalist's sitting around the table with president Kennedy who heard Mr. Kennedy say himself he called off the "air-cover," he didn't say "air-attacks," he said, air-cover. That was a slip that needed to be stricken from record, then, Senator Smathers tells all the journalists that this information is to be stricken from record, but I suppose if one wants truth, out of those half a dozen or so journalists who heard Kennedy himself say he called off the "air-cover," wouldn't it make sense to track down someone who's still alive to ask him the question? How far is one willing to go for the truth? Desire...
Now, my question would be, if there is information I provided you, and that information is accurate and true, yet, it's stricken from record, then, is that information not to be accepted?
What if we were speaking about Trump? Then, would you have accepted the fact that Trump called off the air-cover by asking his advisory to call the CIA and "stand-down."
You see, just because some information is stricken from record doesn't mean it should be omitted from history, when information like this is proven, then it's imperative the whole story gets told, and yes, Hunt did spread the word that Kennedy called off the air-cover, but that information was already out as soon as July 1963. Hunt started to spread the information [after] Kennedy's assassination, that's when all the pieces of the puzzle started to come together, so my question would be, if Kennedy did cancel the air-cover, but then denies it, well, isn't he also lying to the CIA?