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From fake 2000 electoral rolls to fake 9/11 victims
Let me say that I am not investigating these claims, BUT

I believe it would be a fruitful area for research, and encourage
those who want to study it to do so. If just ONE fake victim is
found, it might open many doors.

I am particularly interested in the million dollar bribes to 911
victims families NOT TO TALK. Why was the money offered?
What were the families instructed not to say? Why was it thought
that families of victims should be compensated? This was a
strange and unprecedented GOVERNMENT response. Why?
I think this should be investigated. This has little to do with
faked names...or does it?


PS. Charles, I agree with your premise, but I think the Victims
Compensation Fund is a separate issue and possible smoking gun.

Messages In This Thread
From fake 2000 electoral rolls to fake 9/11 victims - by Jack White - 22-09-2009, 07:56 PM

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