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US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder
9:50pm, BBC1 The Apprentice' (I like this prog quite a lot, so it gets the ref treatment much & often); "volatile" from wallthump', No.18;

1) I've sat thru' about 100 individual pain refs' so far this evening, to shoulder, arm, ankles, left flank, many neuralgics dull & sharp, long & short, to the back of my head/top of neck;
2) Maybe 50 auditory effects, within which there may be staccato auditories-in-one, not including the background radio-frequency hissing tinnitus/white noise';
3) About 20 knocks & thumps from 18-side;

-these with just a verbal or two back at them from me (in my own home) and I'm "volatile"…

They just make-up this shit as they go; the whole program' includes very heavy doses of piss-taking, taunting, deliberate lies, goading & the rest of it with a specific intent of causing a reaction that the shitehounds can then point to and say "See! we told you he was A-B-C (I dunno, unstable?)". This has included very many taunts about mum dieing & "stroke(s)" & "incinerated" & "ashes" & much much more and I'm "volatile", for posting 2-fingers to these wretched stridulating fartleberries, those matted, compacted, dangling, hoary shitballs in-a-stiff-breeze. Petulant dickheads.

The day before, Wed26Oct'16, c.10:46pm, I got "we in the US are a pillar of civility" by 3x's slow & deliberate twitches to my right leg, just above the knee, slightly inboard standard (I get loads of "US/Bobama" etc etc refs., (interesting thing about those kinaesthetic anchoring's of messages', they apparently work best if they're applied to a unique' place the rear of my right leg, the lower thigh, behind just above the knee that's where I get maybe 45% of them, & those single muscle twitches' feel exactly like a light tap'. Had those for absolutely donkeys-); also ref'ed was "very secretive" & "tells lies";

1) That "pillar of civility" is simply a pisstake but it's US'-centric, which they advertise strongly. I'm not quite sure about the psychology here, but I find that quite irritating, from torture-murdering primitive shitheads;
2) The "very secretive" is direct from the chatlogs; I've always valued my privacy, to the extent that mum would pisstake about me being "very secretive" which wasn't really true as such, but again It was supposed to be so Eaassyyy provides an excellent launching pad for the program', in that they entirely destroy your' privacy, and loose no opportunity to advertise the fact, in real-time, constantly, for over 5yrs & ongoing. The shitehounds will've convinced themselves tho', that it's sooo true, because it fits with their artificial narrative that they can spin to dolts a tissue of diahorrea.
3) "tells lies"; that same fabric as conjoured by the under-arm & back-spattered diahorrea-chucking chimps; simply not true:

Last night, to the start of Sky Press Preview, I got an auditory as "& Jenny Kleeman" was announced as being a guest; according to the shitehounds, I'm an anti-Semitic misogynist per se, actual & unadulterated; Jenny Kleeman is a) a woman, & as she said on same prog a few months ago-, b) Jewish, so I really should have it in for her, but she's top class, a good brain & I like her very much & have done for years. The shitehounds know this full well, & as I took it, "Jenny Kleeman" is a word/reference, that's simply been added to the ref-list for the aptly-trained monkeys to jerk to.

And I'm "volatile" & even I'm embarrassed by the shitehounds.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."

Messages In This Thread
US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder - by Michael Barwell - 28-10-2016, 04:48 PM

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