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US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder
Doctors doc 20Oct2016
I've got a very sore shoulder, getting sorer over 6months. I mentioned it to a retired Doctor (proper); he told me what it was (forgotten), but that it was common, easy to fix, but would get worse if left untreated.

I went to the GP's, got an X-ray & heard nothing, so popped back into the GP's who said the X-ray had been clear (girl at reception); I said it's not clear & made another appointment with a Dr. Rudd (both those Dr's aren't my usual he seems to have left).

The appointment was a bit odd; my log entry for that day goes:

"8Oct2016; Doctors: that trip to the GP's was slightly odd instant [N] service'; he met me @ the door, seemed a bit hesitant (shiny?) and leant very close, and lightly touched my right knee a couple of times". ([N]' is neuralgic pulse; the actual date of the appointment was probably the day before - the delay is me cogitating).

I'd no sooner sat in the waiting room that my name had popped-up on the screen with the room number, and his name wasn't actually on the door. I'd presumed he was new & learning the ropes as I'd noticed a kind of preoccupied' aspect to his manner, or perhaps a bad multi-tasker, but there had been no other task.. Bit detached' perhaps. After the check, he'd been leaning right into me/body space, kinda looking quite intently at me, but with that detached' or preoccupied' pick-up I was getting from him; spoke softly but direct with eye-contact and had lightly touched/tapped my knee a couple of times. I'd thought it that odd to mention in my log.

Anyway, he'd set me up for self ref'ing to the physio at the local hospital after suggesting I start taking Ibu [oh, as I'm typing this up, a swift hi-pitch tone there to the right ear]. I'm not one for pills & had anyway just read about Ibu & the increased risk of heart attacks, so I'm not too fond of the idea of aiding & abetting shitehoundery in any way, and the pain I'm getting is fleeting when I've moved the arm outside of it's narrow comfort zone, not constant, so I'd rejected that. In NuT, as I've said, the Dr there had given me a bucket-full of Ibu & Co-prox for the agonies of synthetic neuralgia torture, so again, I'm disinclined.

Anyway, I was reading this book on neuro-linguistic programming last night; "anchor(s)" is a ref I've had many times (as I mentioned unwittingly on DPF yesterday), & there's a curious coincidence there:

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8623&stc=1]

I have half a notion that much of what I loosely term refs/references', is in fact NLP, which at least would explain why I got quite a strong reaction from the shitehounds when I took to thinking & saying "Everything you say is shit" - noise & pain apophenics', very much in the sense of petulance throwing toys out of their prams, something that's very common with these wretched people.

I can't remember the precise point that he'd touched my knee, but it may have been during persuading me to take Ibu and he did, persuade me to take it. Tho' I'd also been saying to him, that I thought the shoulder need remedial attention, & that it wasn't a case for physio I'd repeated this several times. The shitehounds would be happy as Larry to see my shoulder/arm loose function & become ever-more painful I've had so many refs to these things, limb-loss' & "paralysed", thousands, & they enjoy watching their victims die literally, and re-running the recordings of it from the cortical modem effect (I've had refs to "Every minute of the rest of your life, recorded", "You'll never walk alone"), so this would be small beer to them. Proviso here I'm not accusing this Dr. Rudd' of willingly & knowingly doing this with clarity of intent, rather, if it's nevertheless so, the shitehounds have their narrative networks [oh!- instant siren 4:32pm], & with no counter-narrative, what they say, stands. And on that point, I'm getting "No-one will believe you"; this has got to be about their direct & hard invasive mind capabilities they're liars & frauds, quite literally & hard', inside the mind. They've gone to an awful lot of effort to schiz- train', afear, traumatise, indoctrinate & literally brainwash me into adopting a set of false & alien beliefs & attitudes so much effort, so much effort.

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
And another curious thing; after this post:

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8624&stc=1]

...whilst I was walking home along Stanhope Road, a fella, walking towards me, stopped about 20-30tards or so & stood to the side of the pavement, chatting on his 'phone. I had my own 'phones on & heard nish, but as I passed, I'd noticed he was wearing a military-style green jacket, but the other thing was the NATO left arm patch; no l[oh, click to left ear], no letters, but the emblem was quite accurate, if not, precise. Seemed a bit twitchy.

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
And something else: last night (19Oct'16) to Star Trek, No.18 was plain to hear, coincident 2x's to "cloak(ing device)", 2nd time at 6:42pm - I'd let the first go, despite it being a very old reference indeed. Looking back thru' my notes, I'd noticed that on 28Sept'16, I'd had it from No.18 too 9:57pm, from 'Grand Designs' (itself is being ref'ed these days) - it was noise ref'ed by 18, and, according to my log, "followed in the next couple of minutes by about 8-10 slight but sharp pains to ankle scars left (side)". This is standard operating shitehound, to 'maser' my scars from their last circle jerk fest.

In NuT, they gave the "invisibility cloak"-thing the workout. I kinda suspect that some of the effects that I noted at the time were real, what I'd called a 'point effect', a noise from 'nowhere', suspended in mid air; also, books & etc. tipping/falling-over for no reason. They'd tried to pin the blame on an "acrobatic Bulgarian dwarf, in an invisibility suit, who gets-inside your flat when you open the front door".

I actually did go looking for the little shit, one night, but only to demonstrate that it was bullshit. That's when they started blowing skunk-weed smoke-smell into the flat thru' the letter box, & via next door, into the airing/storage cupboard, becasue I'd said that skunkweed causes psychosis, & unlike hash, isn't such a good idea for the govt. to decriminalise.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
RE: yesterdays post (above): the condition may be rotator cuff' injury for which the correct tests were done in the GP's for which as a first step, physio is perfectly reasonable.

The knee touching tho' is an odd one; many of the muscle-twitch referencing effects are a single twitch, feeling very similar to a light tap', very similar to what was happening in the GP's, & very much including to the same precise spot. It's very much as tho' an rod-like object, rather larger than a pencil, is dropped end-on, from about 3inches/8cm, a light tap. I stand by what I've written.

I've mentioned how sharp maser(?)'-type pains were directed at my left arm, very frequently for a long time a while ago, leaving it feeling very sore & stiff; I'me getting pains to my left shoulder & upper arm now, to aggravate the ordinary' [oooh, neuralgic pain sets-in to top front right of my head there] pain of my left shoulder; these are much less sharp' & hot than what I assumed to be masers', at a midpoint between an ache & a pain, but are quite frequent now, as of the last couple of weeks, used to reference whatever it is that the shitehounds would have me recognise as part of their toileting of themselves, as part of their scheme. This may account for some of the pain now being down into the left bicep, almost to the inside of the elbow, which is quite a long way from the shoulder.

Speaking of scalpels, I got a txt from the DWP yesterday, about having an interview that day, in Selly Oak, Birmingham… Used to be a large military hospital there, that's how I'd known the name of the place with a bit of a prompt.

I had several(?) hectic dream choreographies last night/this morning; one was as per another home invasion/flight-fight-type. At one point, someone was dropping a scalpel with a pointy blade, from a couple/few inches, directly [siren] onto the midpoint (bridge? ooold ref) of my nose maybe 10 times or so. The feel of the blood running was quite palpable. The type of scalpel is one that the shitehounds know I've had (many years ago, for plaggy model-making, & I've looked for it in obscure tool-box's several times).

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8629&stc=1]

I've been musing the tap'-thing a bit, & this is very closely consistent with those musings.

These are the times that I heard No.18 yesterday evening (ie. immediately after the library) & night:

6:27pm tv, "many ppl had their vehicles requisitioned" immediate thump. This is the standard "car" which I was getting years before this started overtly, from Ben', such as GTA's ghost car, & YT Newfoundland accent saying "car". Proof positive to me that this is a set-up, long planned; in 2011, soon after this started, they put-on the tv (easy trick, radio too), a maniacal gobshite US street hip-hop-style culture talking (white) mad scientist'-type, really giving it gyp, "Yeahhh? You Want Some?"-type, saying "Damn right I'll plant evidence etc etc etc"; this was to stress/confront/show-off, I suppose. Anyway, now, I get "evidence". They just talk shite at every opportunity.

Another thump' in seconds from 18 as I wrote in my log that it's just the "aptly-trained monkeys easy theme for talking shite".

6:41pm, Star Trek, Kirk smooches with an Injun' squaw. Also ref'ed 20minutes earlier, but I'd let it pass.

742pm, C4News, "..a Royal pardon..", 18 & a siren follows.

The shitehounds're really into this new Trump thing of saying he'll recognise the result of the "election" (pat-shitehound narrative bollocks there), but only if he wins. I get "Trump" all the time, so it's not unexpected. What is a bit weird, is the shitehounds justifying the unjustifiable, on the narrative of "democracy/elected/voted".

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Neuro-linguistic Programming, Shapiro, M., Ch.3, Isn't It Manipulative?', Rapport'; "It is about getting others to accept our suggestions, follow our instructions, respond to our requests or consider our ideas… Within NLP, the skill of rapport is a very important tool. Just like the other tools, a screwdriver or hammer for instance, NLP can be used to build & create or to damage & take things apart. It all depends on your intention as you use the tool."

Essential NLP', Bavister & Vickers, Ch.11, Rapport', "It allows you to influence others to see things your way... Only a small part of human communication is achieved through what we actually say. The rest is non-verbal… People sometimes express concerns that rapport techniques are manipulative…"

This is very much what the shitehounds are doing, to the extent that I think these techniques are likely to be the majority of the influencing/schiz- training'/indoctrinations that I've had for over 5yrs & am still getting very very frequently hundreds of times/day.

Shitehound Rapport' referencing/cues/style/
Accusatory; insulting; threatening of illness, injury, a resumption of the synthetic neuralgia torture, madness/insanity & death by any & every means; sneering; goading; taunting; a dictatorial tone; confusatory/contradictory; lecturing'; & by the stressing e-caffeines with simultaneous dream choreography & oodles of sirens at command' wake-up, afearing tactics & intent.

These messagings' are multi-source auditory effects; short & long, sharp & acheing pain; muscle twitches as per a tap' anchor' to unique' parts of the body, such as the rear, lower left thigh, or the lower thigh front right as the Dr was recently doing, or the long & sharp pain to the inside of my left ear that I'm getting now & practically woke to for a minute or so or the stressing heart-shots; both single' and long-track. Direct-to-mind synthetic telepathy verbalisations (literally voices inside my head) & cognitive whispers' being a technique I used to get a lot of, but haven't had (in verbalised form' since Nov2013 - a sneering "Powerrrr!"). My neighbours, both in Newcastle (No.23, The Pines, Park Rd) & in Darlington (No.18, Eskdale St.) are very much a part of this programming' scheme, as in both cases, the relevant police forces are fully aware.
I'm unwillingly at the focus of a conversation' I've been subjected to, as per the captive audience, for over 5yrs, one that I'm entirely immersed in, in my home, on the street, inside my mind by hard' science, implants & radio-frequencies (cortical modem effect).

Police train to spot coercive or controlling behaviour - 21 September 2016 - "Three unnamed police forces in England and Wales are taking part in a pilot scheme following the study. [would love to know which]
Coercive or controlling behaviour became a criminal offence last year.
David Tucker, the college's lead for crime and criminal justice, said: "We know in some cases of coercive control that violence is threatened in combination with surveillance and other tactics of intimidation which allow perpetrators to exert almost complete control over a victim's life without recourse to physical violence. [like 180days continuous of excruciating-to-agonising pain, or poisoning, or obviously & deliberately bumping into you' on the street then apologising' or kicking doors open in your face]."

Police support victims of coercive control - 21 September 2016 - - "Victims of coercive control are the focus of a new police pilot being run by the College of Policing to support officers to spot the signs of someone who is being controlled by their partner.
Coercive control may be the most high risk form of domestic abuse where perpetrators exert almost complete control over a victim's life, leading to greater long-term physical and psychological injury."

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8631&stc=1]

Like the Daily Telegraph report, it's all just so much toilet paper. They've been trying to corrode' my mind, train' me into being a paranoid schizo-, traumatise & afear me, & indoctrinate me into a set of beliefs & a moral' stance that I find as repugnant as the arrogant, torture-happy all-black & jackbooted sado-narcissistic & stridulating onanists & circle-jerks of the cyber-einsatz caliphate are themselves.

Fuck that for a game of Shitehoundery.

I like EMB - deffo "Hurrah" for her.

I'm getting shiiitloads of death-threats atm.

There was a 'msg' that went over my head a few days ago - "He knows what you did", & it's true - I do, 'king fraudulent charlatans & wannabe superheros-in-a-pyromaniacal-fireman mode: give 'em a uniform an' they thinks they're 'itler.

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Sat22Oct'16: since mum died, "mum/mother" has become a very-,& predictably frequent reference everysingle time there's the opportunity; +2minuteslater after writing that, 3:25am "there's just no right present for MothersDay"; yesterday, it was "No living relatives", another/the same frequent ref.(& for writing these things in my log, I got a neuralgic to 1" above the right ear for several minutes). These things are usually by auditory orneuralgic no identifiable source, in other words.

20minutes of looking thru' one of the neuro-linguistic programming books I have from the library, I collect a list of refs I've had: SatirsCategories'; Virginia; Leveller(s); Rapport/rapport; Mirroring;Anchor(s); filter; Milton; Frames; Metaphor;Ecology; change; Bandler; Grinder; Fritz + Perls;Erickson; Norman Vincent Peale. NLP is usually about convergence' I gather, I've get'/have had, divergence'; map.Names of people seems to be high on reffront psychologists; I've not gone outof my way to collate these, but Watson​ has been frequent, presumably from the Little Albert' grotesque experiments,with a side-line of computing a happy coincidence.

Sat on the pot, voiding myself, on Sunday morning, 4am,reading the paper, I got an auditory to the article below: (that "sat on thepot" bit's not showing-off or being funny; the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] cop who came round in NuT, I'd asked "How is it that they can (reference/bang on the wall/floor/ceiling) at the precise moment Iwipe my arse?" this is their tactics at play "privacy" they knew from the chatlogs that I just kinda like my privacy [oh, neuralgic pulsing there to the right temple]; they had it all with this program, it was fail safe for the opportunist convenience shitbag lightweight amateur incompetent fraudulent charlatans it was supposed to be so eeaassyy.) - I'm being 'threatened' there, with a civil claim, y'see.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8637&stc=1]

I've just been looking for the date that I'd written about No.18 laughing in a sneering & goading way to "Protected by the law", a few months ago (mentioned by me on DPF 19Jan'16), & I came across this againConfusedee below,

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8638&stc=1]

… which tallies closely with a ref I had just a few days ago; paraphrasing- "Has been complaining about the government for more than 10yrs" and for what it's worth, all thru' typing that last bit (I'm slow), I was suddenly getting staccato clicking to my right ear. It seems to be the case- &, course, I'm setting myself up here in saying it, that the shitehounds have finally twigged that their program' of ye minde kontrol' really is dust around their ankles. My having just said that, it's certain to mean that these profoundly psychotic adult babies are going to throw their toys out the pram and [oh, siren 4:37pm that'll be them now, masquerading as coppers in very real jackboots] I'll be getting gyp for that sooner or later.

These days, and for the last few weeks, I'm waking to the sounds of sirens, then falling asleep, then waking to more sirens, & on,& on, etc. I suspect that mightbe NLP' too, certainly it's conditioning. Sometimes it's with whispers' & other direct-to-mind drop-ins too. It's very de rigueur atm. I think I'm right in saying, that if the e-caffeine's not too strong & long, I just fart androll-over, as much as my poorly shoulder allows, & bid thepersonimpersonator(s) "Bollocks".

Speaking of their "masks", V-Vendetta was on the telly a couple of weeks ago. The EPG (telly prog guide) said it was "About a man who stands up to an oppressive government". I have problems with that "man" (too many associated bullshits), but it's kinda funny how Narrative Networks work - I get "V" aallll the time from the shitehounds.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8639&stc=1]

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
I said yesterday that I'd be paying for the post; sorta, in a lite' way, I did those neuralgic shots usually to my head, as I woke from a catnap around midnight, BBC4 on the Cockleshell Heroes "canoes", I started getting those same shots to my left pod which continued throughout the night for another 7hrs, including to being in bed trying to sleep; quite painful I suppose, like you'd' been kicked in them the day before, for 5-10seconds each time, maybe 50 or so individual pain sessions/long pulses'. Had those before, but only individual ones. Along with those, quite paroxyc' long bouts of multiple neuralgics & maser' shots to the head, lasting for quite a long time each time, almost constant really, but changing by type & degree. And lots of auditories. Quite busy.

3:10am, "You don't realise what a friend he is he's got your best interests at heart", MAE ref'ed. This is a common theme amongst the miasma; counting all refs, maybe one of this type every couple of thousand refs a little fishy amidst the fetor.

c.3:30am, "not eligible"; I get a lot of this type; "Corbyn's not fit to be Prime Minister" was another, cos, like "Trump", I get "Corbyn", &, er, apparently I'm not fit to [click, right ear], be PM, which leaves me feeling disconsolate. Same, I get isolated'-type refs, & "friends", or rather, "No friends", like the "No living relatives" I mentioned yesterday. I was reading a book, Ghost Force', Connor, K., last night and saw this below, that "feeling of utter isolation & alienation"-theme is VERY strong on reffront.:

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8640&stc=1]

As for the current reffront, the shitehounds seem to be simply flailing away in the dark like utter maniacal loonatics' these days, anything & everything, looking for some sort of purchase. To coin a phrase from Airplane' "he's all over the place, what an asshole". No.18's "Not one of us" from last year is the same thing really, but I'd shoot myself (or similar) if in any way, shape or form, I was to be even ever-so marginally associated with these wretched people. I don't much like the way Churchill's billed as some sort of super-blokie he did & said & proposed some stupid stuff, but as for his fortitude & resilience & the rest of it I'll take him, which the shitehounds are entirely unable to, despite their interminable bollocksy balderdash to the contrary.
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8641&stc=1]

I'm also getting "letter wasn't sent"-refs. I assume that I'm to think this is of the letter I recently sent to Northumbria police, about how come you missed all this stuff out of your records of my contacts with you'. Sent it to them via Darlington police station too, like you can - so it won't get lost in the post, like. Am planning a trip to NuT to see the PCC anyway, & drop-off at Durham to see theirs too:
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8642&stc=1]

9:17pm, "The letter goes no further for now at least", right thumb twitch, last night. & at 9pm, 1x click to right ear to "We're in a golden age of hoaxes" (RT?), echoing the "Golden age of spying/espionage", from the 3some at the Home Affairs Select Committee, a couple of years ago.

That "canoes" thing, regular, started around Autumn2012, when a lad tried to get to France in a stolen(?) canoe.

I wrote in my log this morning, 7:26am, that I'm getting "lets go explore" in conversation with a good bloke I know, & a siren immediately went-off outside, 3x howls'. Just for the bollocks of it, I gave it "Yeah, an' you can go take a flying shit too", & it went-off again. Same ol' same ol' wipin' yer arse on the orthodox protocols of statute, why don't you. "Pratt". Siren.

"Syria/Mali(ffs)/Your own rifle/ We'll train you how to use it".

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
It was recommended to me recently, that I stop giving the shitehounds gyp and then they might get bored & fuck off. I pointed-out that a lot of what I get seems to be by AI bot auditory refs from a ref-list (& maybe neuralgics too, which would be an interesting one one or more linked-up AI torture bots), & that consequently a lot of the program' is effectively fire & forget, & that laying-off for a while will consequently have precisely fuck-all effect. I got a ref from tv last night, can't remember the word, but I got it twice in about 60seconds. I know the shitehounds are profoundly retarded, but it's this sort of thing and the instantaneousness of the refs (I'm moderately sure that my tv feed is/has been at times, on a slight delay just enough for a concentrating monkey ("four-hour shifts") to thereby make refs even a fraction of a second sooner than the reference as it happens).

I got "impartially & objectively" today at 2:28pm from RT via auditory. This is standard; ages ago I'd asked the walls "Is this personal", to which I got "NONONONONONO..". The last such response to the same Q, was "Yes". So fuck em then. But in NuT, I'd been given a flat I'd not asked for (3[SUP]rd[/SUP] floor, so not as easy to pop food out the window for stray cats I'd wanted the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] (in US, the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP]). Thing is, that the flat had been rigged with devices to make noise, specifically thinking of the bath, where I got the sound of an electrical discharge under my arse one night, & I'm pretty sure things that made tap/ping' noises were in the skirting board & window frame. So, that would be how "impartial & objective" the shitwhores & shitehounds are - & that's without a plethora of other influencing psyche/cyber & direct to mind I remember this quite clearly, fucking frauds.

Last night I got a ref to "Anywhere in the world", RT-Kaiser Report, 4:40am. -"Eat shit".

I'd been musing on the idea of maybe getting a motorbike recently; soon after, the shitehounds started ref'ing "motorbike"; completely deranged & flailing madly like they think this is going to be a positive influence'…. It's not necessarily like I'm definitely NOT going to get a motorbike now that would be retarded of me, but… >groans<… fucking retards.

OCT 25, 2016 @ 12:44 PM - MIT's Nightmare Machine Shows How Artificial Intelligence Could be Used To Manipulate Us -


Immediately after that conversation about AI bots, BBC txt was running 2x articles on AI bots… neither of which was the one above.
I guess something along this line will be in the dream choreographies tonight, or tomorrow, & as I'm browsing thru' these, I'm getting a light sharp pain to my left ankle.

(I might sound a tad rude & insulting at times, but this is called reactance & goon-baiting; plus, to equate that with a program of torture-murder such as I'm describing would be insanity writ large, so I can't appologise for the written word or the directed sentiment behind it).

Last night, I didn't get a single bollock-shot (see the post above). I did however, get more shots to the precise point that my shoulder hurts than I've had before - precisely to the point of pain, by a very large margin, particularly to BBC 'The Brain: A Secret History' - .
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
9:50pm, BBC1 The Apprentice' (I like this prog quite a lot, so it gets the ref treatment much & often); "volatile" from wallthump', No.18;

1) I've sat thru' about 100 individual pain refs' so far this evening, to shoulder, arm, ankles, left flank, many neuralgics dull & sharp, long & short, to the back of my head/top of neck;
2) Maybe 50 auditory effects, within which there may be staccato auditories-in-one, not including the background radio-frequency hissing tinnitus/white noise';
3) About 20 knocks & thumps from 18-side;

-these with just a verbal or two back at them from me (in my own home) and I'm "volatile"…

They just make-up this shit as they go; the whole program' includes very heavy doses of piss-taking, taunting, deliberate lies, goading & the rest of it with a specific intent of causing a reaction that the shitehounds can then point to and say "See! we told you he was A-B-C (I dunno, unstable?)". This has included very many taunts about mum dieing & "stroke(s)" & "incinerated" & "ashes" & much much more and I'm "volatile", for posting 2-fingers to these wretched stridulating fartleberries, those matted, compacted, dangling, hoary shitballs in-a-stiff-breeze. Petulant dickheads.

The day before, Wed26Oct'16, c.10:46pm, I got "we in the US are a pillar of civility" by 3x's slow & deliberate twitches to my right leg, just above the knee, slightly inboard standard (I get loads of "US/Bobama" etc etc refs., (interesting thing about those kinaesthetic anchoring's of messages', they apparently work best if they're applied to a unique' place the rear of my right leg, the lower thigh, behind just above the knee that's where I get maybe 45% of them, & those single muscle twitches' feel exactly like a light tap'. Had those for absolutely donkeys-); also ref'ed was "very secretive" & "tells lies";

1) That "pillar of civility" is simply a pisstake but it's US'-centric, which they advertise strongly. I'm not quite sure about the psychology here, but I find that quite irritating, from torture-murdering primitive shitheads;
2) The "very secretive" is direct from the chatlogs; I've always valued my privacy, to the extent that mum would pisstake about me being "very secretive" which wasn't really true as such, but again It was supposed to be so Eaassyyy provides an excellent launching pad for the program', in that they entirely destroy your' privacy, and loose no opportunity to advertise the fact, in real-time, constantly, for over 5yrs & ongoing. The shitehounds will've convinced themselves tho', that it's sooo true, because it fits with their artificial narrative that they can spin to dolts a tissue of diahorrea.
3) "tells lies"; that same fabric as conjoured by the under-arm & back-spattered diahorrea-chucking chimps; simply not true:

Last night, to the start of Sky Press Preview, I got an auditory as "& Jenny Kleeman" was announced as being a guest; according to the shitehounds, I'm an anti-Semitic misogynist per se, actual & unadulterated; Jenny Kleeman is a) a woman, & as she said on same prog a few months ago-, b) Jewish, so I really should have it in for her, but she's top class, a good brain & I like her very much & have done for years. The shitehounds know this full well, & as I took it, "Jenny Kleeman" is a word/reference, that's simply been added to the ref-list for the aptly-trained monkeys to jerk to.

And I'm "volatile" & even I'm embarrassed by the shitehounds.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
On the captioned topic, this must be very expensive, you'd think government would only do this for reasons like covering up serious mistakes that threaten careers of complicit spineless bureaucrats or to hide corruption on a breathtaking scale.

Private security is more likely to account for a lot of these stories.

Don't like the Presidential choices? You can still support a write-in protest campaign in several states. See @JLK32387 on Twitter.

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