01-11-2016, 02:35 PM
Dear Jasper Dankworth-Shriner IV,
As Editor of the Bloated Organ, I utterly refute your ludicrous and libellous suggestion of a lookalike to the erstwhile tennis-ball handler, Andrew Parker, formerly of Her Majesty's Knock. Mr. Parker, as the linked article clearly indicates, lives in a different world. Possibly Jupiter. He looks nothing like the picture rendered in the abominable Gruniard article.
I have this directly from the horses arse, sorry, mouth... namely the marvellously bespectacled "Rigorous Rifkind" who has direct oversight of said gentleman's handling activities.
Or as they say in Parliament, his "under-handling" activities.
Cough twice please.
Hugh Fishlingstall
The Bloated Organ
Former chef
Former gardener
Former gentleman's hairdressing model
Former testicle weigher
c.c Mr. Clifford Varnell Esq.
Lookalike gallery:
Sir Rifcolm Malkind
Hugh Alienstall-Stall
Underhandler Andrew
As Editor of the Bloated Organ, I utterly refute your ludicrous and libellous suggestion of a lookalike to the erstwhile tennis-ball handler, Andrew Parker, formerly of Her Majesty's Knock. Mr. Parker, as the linked article clearly indicates, lives in a different world. Possibly Jupiter. He looks nothing like the picture rendered in the abominable Gruniard article.
I have this directly from the horses arse, sorry, mouth... namely the marvellously bespectacled "Rigorous Rifkind" who has direct oversight of said gentleman's handling activities.
Or as they say in Parliament, his "under-handling" activities.
Cough twice please.
Hugh Fishlingstall
The Bloated Organ
Former chef
Former gardener
Former gentleman's hairdressing model
Former testicle weigher
c.c Mr. Clifford Varnell Esq.
Lookalike gallery:
Sir Rifcolm Malkind
Hugh Alienstall-Stall
Underhandler Andrew
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14