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USA under presidency of a know-nothing, neo-fascist, racist, sexist, mobbed-up narcissist!!
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Well, unless someone pulls a rabbit out of the hat, the USA has taken one GIANT step toward overt fascism, racism, sexism, no-nothingism. The Groper-In-Chief and his once illegal immigrant First Lady may very well be moving into the White House Reality Show. Clinton was horrible, but Trump is HORRIBLE on steroids. I think even Trump is shocked. I believe he wanted to loose and expected to....because he has NO idea how to govern a nation and is too slow a learner to pick it up even in four years; has no ideas on how to even carry out the simplest of his pledges to his faithful. One thing is clear this was a big middle finger at the ruling elites - that is the only plus...but Trump is NOT the person to lead a revolution against them...he is one of them if a lone wolf amongst them. The Future's market dropped 1000 points and then was shut down. The US dollar has fallen precipitously. The World is in shock, as are all people of good will in the USA. Soon, I think even half of those who voted for this idiot and fascist narcissist will be in shock. The FBI will take the lead in the witch hunt of 'anti-American types' just as it was under Trump's greatest teacher Roy Cohn - who was involved with HUAC and McCarthy. The USA has jumped back in time at least 70 years - perhaps back to the end of Reconstruction after the Civil War for non-whites [1875 or so]. The Empire teeters and may well collapse under the reign of would be dictator Trump. There is the small possibility that this will be decided in the Electoral College or even in the House. What a night to try to forget.....but it will be hard to forget the next four years of moving backward in all possible ways. WBAI radio is playing 'Springtime For Hitler'. Archie Bunker has become the next President it seems, even though it is not yet official. I feel sick....sicker than I would have felt had Clinton won.
Neither deserved to even run.
The USA is one sick nation!

No, we are NOT!

We are a battered nation.

Battered by Republican Treason and corporate media collusion.

People couldn't take the e-mail thing any more. A Clinton Presidency promised 4 more years of the Republicans and CNN/MSNBC/Fox obsessing over Hillary's e-mails and we just couldn't take any more.

James Comey committed treason.

Don't blame the victims of his treason, please.

Messages In This Thread
USA under presidency of a know-nothing, neo-fascist, racist, sexist, mobbed-up narcissist!! - by Cliff Varnell - 09-11-2016, 08:17 AM

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