14-11-2016, 06:17 AM
Quote:Same here, total waste of time
It wasn't a total waste of time if one had a journalistic interest in the 2016 election which was carried 24/7 on CNN/MSNBC/Fox.
I like to call it The Donald J Trump Show Starring Donald J Trump (Featuring he Lovely Ivanka).
That is the story of the 2016 election -- Donald Trump turning cable news into a 24/7 Reality TV Show with booming ratings.
He was on the ropes when Comey violated the Hatch Act.
I can say with all sincerity that IF: 11 days before the election Comey had loudly announced the FBI was looking into Trump's private server hook-up to a Russian bank; then with 2 days to go said there was nothing to it; then on election day Trump won the popular vote by 3 million but lost the electoral college vote.
I'd say the election was rigged, even though my side won.