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USA under presidency of a know-nothing, neo-fascist, racist, sexist, mobbed-up narcissist!!
Peter Lemkin Wrote:The few progressive cities and towns in the USA will unfortunately likely experience an internal refugee crisis shortly of those too afraid to endure a Trumped-up America where they live now. I know when I infrequently return to the U.S. I have certain places I feel safer than others and this will be more so now. However, the Federal Govt. has legal priority, as we all know, and has the power of the intelligence communities. We survived Nixon and the Bushes - which were unusually bad. That said, the less bad presidents since JFK [who at the time of his murder by the state was really moving in progressive directions - this being the reason for his murder, as well as not being under the control of the secret state any longer] were still objectively bad. We can and must do better, but this means no more business/politics as usual. Personally, I think Trump will even disappoint those who voted for him. At that point we have the opportunity to say throw all the bums out, as a Nation. Clearly more in the USA who voted did NOT want Trump and an even greater number who didn't like him or his 'ideas' didn't vote. Many were angry they couldn't vote for someone better than Clinton [such as Sanders] and others know that voting has always gotten them an 'evil' - be it lesser or greater - and have stopped voting, altogether. All should know that one must 'vote' every day with one's ideas, money, self - only then will be start to move toward democracy and away from the growing oligopoly. As a Nation we have yet to deal with the realities of the wars, secret government, secret control of money and power, assassinations, Dallas, 911 and the destruction of the environment, et al. We have IMHO little time left to make a 180 turn in our thinking and in our actions. A few are awake, but most are sleep-walking toward the abyss, led by figures behind the curtains, but blinded by their own failure to see what is happening before their own eyes and lives.

After WW2 the German people publicly came to terms with their Nazi past.

The people of the Soviet Union came to terms with their Stalinist past.

But the people of America have never come to terms with our "regime change" past.

There's a no fly zone over our brutal history across the world since the end of WW2.

Messages In This Thread
USA under presidency of a know-nothing, neo-fascist, racist, sexist, mobbed-up narcissist!! - by Cliff Varnell - 18-11-2016, 07:08 AM

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