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USA under presidency of a know-nothing, neo-fascist, racist, sexist, mobbed-up narcissist!!
David Guyatt Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:
Quote:We've been over this before, Cliff. I actually think it is you who continue to fundamentally misread US foreign policy or not read it, as the case may be. Meanwhile, almost every independent observer and analyst disagrees with you.

Meanwhile, please don't mis-charterise and mis-state what I've said. I've not said Trump will bring peace. My entire thrust has been about Hilary - with a particular focus on Syria (and less so, Ukraine).

I don't recall seeing any cogent argument for why Clinton would start WW3 over Syria.

It seems "independent observers and analysts" have missed out on the fact that when an American President dances with the National Security State it's the latter who leads.

I'm not surprised. You need, I think, to assemble a better reading list and become more informed on foreign affairs (a good place to begin is Consortium News below). The fears that the US-Russian military head-to-head in Syria has been a feature for months and months. I find it odd that you're so ignorant about it. However, it's not just Syria but the US/NATO pushing militarily right up to Russia's border and the US backed coup in Ukraine too.

I have not the slightest doubt that those observers and analysts were accordingly terrified by Hilary for those same (and other) reasons. Not least her repeated statements about establishing a no-fly zone in Syria.

David, I'm quite familiar with Hillary's hawkish "regime change" policies toward Assad.

I'm quite aware that within the National Security State there is a desire for a wider Shia vs. Sunni war.

But that's a long way from pursuing WW3.

What are the two most populous Caucasian-majority countries in the world?

The USA and Russia.

The white race would commit auto-genocide in a US-Russia nuke war, and cede what's left of centuries old Caucasian global hegemony.

And this is supposed to occur over Syria, not exactly the most desired piece of real estate in the world?

Since the end of WW2 where have white folks warred with other white folks?

Northern Ireland, the former Yugoslavia, Chechnya, and eastern Ukraine.

As policy white folks don't generally go to war with other white folks -- they either go to war with non-whites or use non-white proxies.

I have yet to see a cogent argument for any of the above.

Hillary a war monger? I've acknowledged it repeatedly.

The people coming into power now are not talking about regime change in Syria -- but regime change in Iran.

And that, my friend, is infinitely more dangerous.

Messages In This Thread
USA under presidency of a know-nothing, neo-fascist, racist, sexist, mobbed-up narcissist!! - by Cliff Varnell - 19-11-2016, 07:08 PM

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