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The attempted Clinton-CIA coup against Donald Trump
Tracy Riddle Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:Anyone defending Wikileaks/Assange needs to explain why they never released any hacked emails from the Republicans. Either wittingly or unwittingly, they allowed themselves to be used as a Russian intelligence asset to interfere in a US election.

Because they don't have any.
Wikileaks depends on others to upload documents to them. One day a disgruntled Trump insider might do that the same way that some Democrat insider did. Wikileaks would be more than happy to publish those documents when they come. No Russians needed.

Sorry, I think that's just B.S. The NYT reported that the RNC was hacked as well (according to the CIA, though the pro-Trump faction in the FBI denies that - the two agencies have never shared information well, or even trust each other). The hacked RNC emails were never released, except for the ones from Colin Powell and Condi Rice saying unflattering things about the Clintons (Hillary's email server and Bill's bimbos).

It's basic spycraft to use third party cutouts to pass along information to a group like Wikileaks. They can easily represent themselves as "disgruntled insiders," when in fact they are acting on behalf of Russian intelligence.

Maybe you didn't notice the Exxon CEO who is going to be Secretary of State, even though he received a personal award from Putin? This isn't cold war paranoia. Putin doesn't like Hillary and didn't want her to win. Anyone who doesn't believe that the Russians hacked both parties is naive. They are holding the Republican emails as future blackmail material to influence Trump, which may be one reason the GOP and its right-wing media allies are curiously afraid all of a sudden to criticize Russia anymore.

As a side note, we have Trump and his people trying to argue that Russian Hacking=WMDs, so there's no story folks, don't believe what the CIA says. Never mind that the cooked intelligence on WMDs actually came from Dick Cheney's personal intelligence unit (Office of Special Plans) staffed by neo-cons, while many people at CIA actually argued that Cheney's intelligence was wrong.

Tracy, as far as discussion in the U.S. criticizing the Trump phenomena only makes it stronger. I am inclined to
think this is a condition beyond U.S. borders, since the reaction to reasonable criticism of Trump is so pervasive and predictable in the U.S.

So, who are your posts directed at? Mine is directed at your key strokes. You're confined to preaching to the choir. The rest indicate they are unreachable. Trumpism is bullet proof, hyper resistant to reality rooted fact, as needed to maintain the faith.

This was released Friday, and the source has received praise for accuracy and criticism for being too slanted to both the democratic and the republican party.

Over the course of the campaign we found there was a cult like aspect to Trump's support, where any idea he put forth a substantial share of his supporters would go along with. We see that trend continuing post election. 60% of Trump voters think that Hillary Clinton received millions of illegal votes to only 18% who disagree with that concept and 22% who aren't sure either way.
A couple other findings related to the vote in this year's election:
-40% of Trump voters insist that he won the national popular vote to only 49% who grant that Clinton won it and 11% who aren't sure.
-Only 53% of Trump voters think that California's votes should be allowed to count in the national popular vote. 29% don't think they should be allowed to count, and another 18% are unsure.
There's been a lot of attention to the way fake news has spread and been believed especially by Trump supporters and that's borne out in our polling:
-73% of Trump voters think that George Soros is paying protesters against Trump to only 6% who think that's not true, and 21% who aren't sure one way or the other.
-14% of Trump supporters think Hillary Clinton is connected to a child sex ring run out of a Washington DC pizzeria. Another 32% aren't sure one way or another, much as the North Carolinian who went to Washington to check it out last weekend said was the case for him. Only 54% of Trump voters expressly say they don't think #Pizzagate is real.
There's also been a lot of discussion recently about how we might be in a post-fact world and we see some evidence of that coming through in our polling:
-67% of Trump voters say that unemployment increased during the Obama administration, to only 20% who say it decreased.
-Only 41% of Trump voters say that the stock market went up during the Obama administration. 39% say it went down, and another 19% say they're not sure.
Trump's been in a variety of fights with the media recently, and he's losing all of them:
-By a 49/40 spread, voters say the New York Times has more credibility than Trump.
-By a 48/41 spread, voters say CNN has more credibility than Trump.
-While Trump's favorability rating is negative at 43/51, Saturday Night Live's is positive at 48/33.
Trump's certainly been effective at turning his voters against the various entities he's feuding with though. Among Trump voters the Times has a 7/71 favorability spread, CNN has an 11/76 favorability spread, and SNL has a 17/61 favorability spread. The musical Hamilton has an 11/45 favorability with Trump voters, compared to 61/3 with Clinton voters.
Other notes from our national poll:

-There's still a strong national consensus that Trump needs to release his tax returns. 59% say he needs to do that, to only 29% who say it's not necessary.
-Voters are pretty split on who they'd like to see as the next Secretary of State with 20% each wanting Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney, 13% for John Bolton, 11% for David Petraeus, and 7% for Jon Huntsman. Among Trump voters the preference is strongly for Giuliani who gets 32% to 21% for Bolton, 14% for Petraeus, and 10% for Romney. Among Clinton voters support is strong for Romney at 28%, followed by Huntsman at 10% with no one else in double digits.
-Steven Bannon is unpopular among voters who are familiar with him, with 18% rating him positively to 33% with a negative opinion. The good news for Trump is that only 51% of voters are actually familiar with Bannon though. Kellyanne Conway is much better known, with 66% name recognition, and she has a narrowly positive image among voters nationally at 34/32.
-Congress is about as unpopular as ever, with only 10% of voters approving of it to 75% who disapprove. Paul Ryan has a 37/49 approval rating as Speaker and that makes him look positively popular next to Mitch McConnell who has a 16/56 approval rating nationally and is the least popular politician nationally in the country.
-Finally in these divided times we find there are some issues that Clinton and Trump supporter do agree on:
*There's 89/8 support nationally for expanded background checks on gun purchases, including support from 96% of Clinton voters and 81% of Trump voters.
*There's 84/8 support nationally for barring those on the Terror Watch List from buying guns, including support from 90% of Clinton voters and 80% of Trump voters.
*There's 76% support nationally for increasing the minimum wage to at least $10 an hour, including support from 95% of Clinton voters and 54% of Trump voters.
Public Policy Polling surveyed 1,224 registered voters on December 6th and 7th. The margin of error is +/2.8%. 80% of participants, selected through a list based sample, responded via the phone, while 20% of respondents who did not have landlines conducted the survey over the internet through an opt-in internet panel.
Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.

Messages In This Thread
The attempted Clinton-CIA coup against Donald Trump - by Tom Scully - 12-12-2016, 03:43 AM

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