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The attempted Clinton-CIA coup against Donald Trump
Tracy Riddle Wrote:"It's now Donald Trump vs. Obama shills at the CIA." Seriously? I'd be willing to bet that most of the people at CIA have been there a lot longer than Obama has been president.

Look, I could see this with my own two eyes many months ago. It was as obvious as anything that Russia was influencing this election on Trump's behalf. The fact that the CIA eventually came out and said the same thing just shows that even the Agency can get something right once in a while.

Hiroyuki Hamada

Facebook posting:

Quote:I just had some rather depressing exchange with dedicated Democratic Party members. I think the problem comes down to the fact that they can't communicate with reason and facts. There is no use talking to them about history of CIA, NATO war agenda, imperial policies embraced by both corporate parties, inherent problem of capitalism, corporate duopoly scheme and so on and on. And the ones who are smart and knowledgeable among them would not engage with you. They know that what they are doing or saying is not right. It reminded me of a local activist complaining about the Democratic Party attacking FBI regarding the emails saying that the party shouldn't have even responded. She worried that it would only bring out the series of criminal acts noted in the emails. So they know. lol. It's all about strategies and winning. They are like feudal war lords serving the master. Or cult members. I think the Democratic Party is a denomination of a religion called the United States of America. Anyway, I'm reposting this from yesterday.

"Thanks to the people who always remind us of importance of incremental progress under the two corporate party scheme, "news" straight out of the CIA can pass as "credible" now. Those people are not even bothering to examine the integrity and credibility of the matter in relation to the contexts and facts of the "news" gushing out of the six corporate networks, which cover all of what they call "reliable news". They go straight to the CIA, swallow it and lick the plate piled with the war propaganda agenda of colonizing nuclear armed Russia. And the biggest evidence confirming the systematic crime of their collusion is that what all the mainstream media outlets instantly embrace as a fact has no evidence at all. The US government is incriminating Russia without any evidence while they have come up with a legislation called Russian Democracy Act which, believe or not, make it a law to mess with Russian politics. All that is done while the NATO surrounds Russia with hundreds of military bases firmly aiming Russian cities with nukes with 13 times more military budget. American exceptionalism much? And lastly, we have Trump telling people not to believe people who lied about WMD in Iraq. What a perfect World Wide Pro-wrestling circus is that? The official narrative here is that people should go back to the Democratic Party and the Republican Party and re-embrace the good cop/bad cop duopoly scheme of being divided and governed. But, you know what? I have a feeling that the empire is falling faster than it can pick up the pieces. But then again, there are very sick people who thrive in chaos as well."
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche

Messages In This Thread
The attempted Clinton-CIA coup against Donald Trump - by Paul Rigby - 12-12-2016, 11:26 PM

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