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The attempted Clinton-CIA coup against Donald Trump
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:Those unnamed CIA sources are supposed to be more reliable than the MSM's unnamed CIA sources? How?

Except they are not un-named.

Tracy Riddle Wrote:David you do understand that hacking the emails is one process (done by one party), and then the handing off of them to Wikileaks is another process (probably done by another party). There could very well be evidence for the first event, and not for the second.
The emails were not 'hacked'. No email server had their password protection busted and was then entered by unauthorised persons. Did not happen.
What did happen was that some one with authorised access, either from the DNC or the NSA or other intel agency, downloaded the emails.

Tracy Riddle Wrote:Yes, and you're saying that the emails were leaked by a disgruntled insider, yet provide no real evidence to support this.
Yes there is. Craig Murray met the person in DC when he was there recently. From his interview with the UK Daily Mail
Quote:Neither of [the leaks] came from the Russians,' Murray said. The source had legal access to the information. The documents came from inside leaks, not hacks.'
He said the leakers were motivated by disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders.'
Murray said he retrieved the package from a source during a clandestine meeting in a wooded area near American University, in northwest D.C. He said the individual he met with was not the original person who obtained the information, but an intermediary.
And further clarification from Murray in the comments section at his blog:
Quote:Yes I did not tell the Mail I was the guy who carried the emails back though. I think they were already with WikiLeaks before I went to Washington. Interestingly I also did not say it was an intermediary I said I did not know if I knew the person's real identity or they were operating under an alias, or if they were themselves the principal.

There were unnamed CIA sources in the article David posted. As for the article from US Intel Vets - why are former spooks (who don't even have access to current intelligence) innately more trustworthy than current spooks?

Again I ask - if the emails were leaked by a disgruntled insider, why weren't they all dumped out at the time of the convention, when they could have resulted in Bernie getting the nomination? Why were they instead dribbled out day after day during the month or so before the election, when the only persons benefiting from them were Trump and Putin?

I have tried to put together some kind of deep state explanation for the whole last year and half (Trump, etc), and I've really struggled to do so. Unless the national security state purposely gamed things to get Trump elected, so they could then blame the Russians and restart the cold war, etc. But that's a conspiracy that would have been very tricky to pull off, and would have been in the works for the last year or so.

Messages In This Thread
The attempted Clinton-CIA coup against Donald Trump - by Tracy Riddle - 15-12-2016, 05:56 PM

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