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The attempted Clinton-CIA coup against Donald Trump
Tracy Riddle Wrote:QUOTE:
"As usual Tracy, you misrepresent my intention, and I wonder why that is…"

Oh, because I work for the deep state, David! Darn, you caught me!

You're revealing yourself to be very foolish, Tracy. But since you seem to need it, and for the record, I regard you as being no more than lacking in critical thinking and someone who has a large and obvious political bias and a heightened national prejudice. The worst I'd ever suggest is that you're a fact free zone when it comes to your political proclivities and someone who believes in conspiracy theories. You're certainly far from being alone in any of these respects.

Quote:"Hitherto Trump, you have had no axe to grind in this respect. Trump winning and Hillary losing seems to have changed everything."

Yet again you're seem to designedly miss the essential point the above sentence was intended to make.

Show me where - on this forum - you have criticised the suspension of habeus corpus, or the posse comitatus act, or the suspension of the US Constitution, or the enacting of COG, or the US policy of perpetual warfare that has been engaged in since 9/11? Or showed regret for the millions killed and maimed by these wars? Show me where you criticised Obama for extending drone warfare? Show me where you have attacked Obama and others for treating whistleblowers with such venom? Show me where you have taken exception to the massive police and the state extension of illegal surveillance activities by the US IC?

Go ahead Tracy, show me the links and the quotes. Because I don't remember you making a stand on any of these issues. 9/11 and JFK yes, but not these.

Quote:Then you really haven't been paying attention, David, because on this forum I have criticized Hersh and others on the Left for their positions on JFK, 9/11 and other subjects that you no longer seem to think are very important. If people aren't able or willing to honestly and critically examine those events, then you have to wonder how credible they are about other subjects.

My advice to you is that you need to get a grip and to stand back and take a breather. Everyone has curious and irrational beliefs and most have glaring blindspots they don;t see. If you consider yourself to be without blemish then you have a right to cast the first stone. But you're not.

Meanwhile, my position hasn't changed on 9/11. Nor on JFK. The fact that is that I don't have, and will never have, an obsession for either of these two subjects. I find the ability to obsess on such minute detail decades later - like being trapped in Groundhog day - to be curiously American. I can think of nothing similar here in the UK or in Europe either.

Anyway, relentlessly examining the minutiae of both subjects is for me largely (but not exclusively) incredibly tedious and boring. Especially about the assassination of JFK, about which I've never made a secret. My position is that we all pretty much know what happened and (more or less) why and have known for a very long time. I doubt that the US government will ever reveal the full truth. Move on I say.

Quote:Again, there are many pieces of circumstantial evidence that I've already discussed, and no one here has explained or refuted. For example, if Seth Rich was a source for the "leak," why can't Assange just reveal that?

Ask him. Wikileaks has both a Twitter and a Facebook presence. My guess is that he has a very good reason for keeping his cards close to his chest - especially given his circumstances - but I doubt he's going to tell you. But it's a guess, obviously. So how can anyone be expected to explain it? Nor is Assange under any obligation to either.

I grant that it's an interesting question and I also am curious why he offered that $20,000 reward, but that is as far as it goes. Actively trying to large that up to Assange being a Russian asset is just foolishness - like the Moon being made from cheese.

Quote:... you have to be pretty blind not to see all of the pro-Russian people around Trump, their ties to Russian oligarchs and state elements. You also have to be very naive to think Putin wouldn't take advantage of a situation like that, or to gather private dirt about prominent politicians in Western countries.

You have to be naive to make a conspiracy theory about Russian hacking the DNC servers -- as you and many others have repeatedly done -- and then try to elevate that bogus argument to the status of fact... when there are no facts - and where the available information points to a partisan strategy thought up by Clinton's campaign team to deflect the damage of the Clinton emails that reveal her to be the thoroughly detestable person she is.

Quote:Cyber warfare and interference in elections are dirt-cheap weapons for a country that still struggles financially and militarily.


The nation with the greatest cyber warfare presence in the world is the US. Remember the US Stuxnet attack on Iran for example?

You'd also do well to cast your gaze homewards when it comes to "struggles" in military matters. Think of the US Navy's super-duper littoral combat ships that keep failing and needing to be towed home by tugs --- or the $1.8 trillion non-performing F35, or $900 hammers, or $500 for bog standard toilet seats, not to forget the missing $6.5 trillion that can't be accounted for by the Pentagon. Sort out your own house first.

Continuing to cast your shadow at Russia in the light of these disasters seems to me to be indefensible. But I suppose it is in the DNA by now; afterall the US has been projecting its shadow at Russia for a hundred years. Why change habits of a lifetime?
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

Messages In This Thread
The attempted Clinton-CIA coup against Donald Trump - by David Guyatt - 01-02-2017, 06:57 PM

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