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USA under presidency of a know-nothing, neo-fascist, racist, sexist, mobbed-up narcissist!!
What a dismal Cabinet....what they really are is a wrecking crew - to either destroy the Agency or Department they head or to destroy some part of the Law and Constitution in their arena.
The head of the Education Dept. is someone with zero background in education; someone who wants to see public education eliminated in favor of private schools; she also believes all classes and schools should teach Christian religion and prayers. She and her husband have several conflicts of interest in that they are major share-holders in companies that chase students for their delinquent student loans.
The Secretary of State was until that office the head of Exxon and also denies Climate Change [Exxon having researched the reality of it decades ago and since hidden their research, much as the tobacco industry did]. He will, along with Trumpf and the others see to it that 'US' 'diplomacy' benefits Big Oil, Big Energy, Big Money, and Big Business and to hell with everyone else whether US citizens or other citizens - to hell with preventing war, as it is good for business.
He has NO diplomatic background nor skills.
The head of the Justice Dept. [sic] is openly racist, right-wing, anti-woman, believes Blacks should not have the vote [and done much to see they do not], and voting-rights legislation never should have been enacted and should not be enforced. He is anti-labor and pro-corporate. Pro-death penalty and for labeling and treating protesters as terrorists. He called the NAACP 'unAmerican' and the ACLU a 'communist' lawyer's group. He is for a total Muslim ban and US Muslims being on a 'list'. He will make sure that Trumpf's shredding of the Constitution is complete.
The head of the Federal Communications Dept. is against internet equality and dead set on making sure it is not to be had - quite the opposite - only the wealthy will have full internet access and the poor will see on the internet little and only what the wealthy want them to see.
The Head of the Environmental Protection Agency is anti-environment, doesn't believe in Climate Change and has sued the EPA 13 times to try to stop their regulations. All regulations that threaten corporate greed and profit will be eliminated - the Agency demolished. Health of humans and the Environment in the USA and World will quickly degrade.
The head of the CIA is in favor of black sites and rendition and black ops.
A neo-fascist is his closest adviser, and the military and intelligence picks are to the right of Ghenges Khan. Expect a lot more wars, war inside the USA, war of terror and more surveillance.
The rest of the Cabinet, NSC, advisers are of the same caliber [sic] - not one - from the President down have the qualifications to carry out their jobs other than to destroy: law, democracy, peace, justice, health, democracy, education,rights, equality, constitutionality, civility, our polity. Most are millionaires or billionaires, racists, homophobes, oligarchs, corporatists, reactionary to neo-fascists, some white supremacists, many who think women are second class, all who are against abortion, all who are against public dissent of government - especially theirs, people who do not believe in equal justice under the law or a place for the poor or middle class. A sickening bunch. I hate Trumpf, but I have contempt for those who saw something redeeming in his circus barker talk cum reality TV show talk and voted for him. Now, we all pay dearly with our freedoms, rights - and many will with their lives.
One could go on with others...but it they are all out of the same monster mold.
Goodbye what very little was left and positive in the USA!.....
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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USA under presidency of a know-nothing, neo-fascist, racist, sexist, mobbed-up narcissist!! - by Peter Lemkin - 09-02-2017, 06:21 AM

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