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As a Conspiracy Theorist, Trump Has It Out for the CIA
The continuity is quite disturbing despite their perseverance.... behind the curtain from the Truman through the Trump admin. Consider that Lester Crown and his son and daughter were from an early point the financing and financial guidance empowering Obama's rise. Truman created Clark Clifford.

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The man who showed Donald Trump how to exploit power and instill fear
By Robert O'Harrow Jr. and Shawn Boburg

June 17, 2016

......developer anxious to leave his mark on New York. Roy Cohn was a legendary New York fixer, a ruthless lawyer in the hunt for new clients.

They came together by chance one night at Le Club, a hangout for Manhattan's rich and famous. Trump introduced himself to Cohn, who was sitting at a nearby table, and sought advice: How should he and his father respond to Justice Department allegations that their company had systematically discriminated against black people seeking housing?

"My view is tell them to go to hell," Cohn said, "and fight the thing in court."

It was October 1973 and the start of one of the most influential relationships of Trump's career
. Cohn soon represented Trump in legal battles, counseled him about his marriage and introduced Trump to New York power brokers, money men and socialites.

Cohn also showed Trump how to exploit power and instill fear through a simple formula: attack, counterattack and never apologize.....


.....Henry Crown, largest stockholder of TFX prime contractor, General Dynamics, as head of the executive committee, hired Hoy in 1960, as Gen Dyn corporate VP and president of it's Chicago, Material Service divison.

Henry Crown's personal attorney, Albert E. Jenner, was appointed assistant counsel on the WC, responsible for determining whether Oswald or Ruby were part of a conspiracy...or not, by Earl Warren, a close friend of Henry Crown's principle business partner and friend, Conrad Hilton.

Clark Clifford, mentioned as the JFK aide responsible for "convincing" Gladys Tartiere to lease GLen Ora to JFK, sponsored Albert E. Jenner, a republican, for an LBJ appointment to the Supreme Court.

Clifford's obit describes a scheduled "one on one", one hour meeting on Nov., 23, 1963 at the white house with LBJ, that turned into four hours, lasting "long into the evening".......

Patrick Hoy pled guilty in 1970 to "wire fraud", in the course of fraudulantly obtaining $5 million in bank loans, and declaring bankruptcy with default on loans of $165,000 outstanding to sons of Henry Crown. Although Crown's son, "John J.", was an associate and then law partner of Albert Jenner since 1959, and Crown gained the most financially from the halting of the senate investigations of Bobby Baker, TFX, and LBJ after Nov., 22, 1963, Jenner was still appointed to the WC.

Henry Crown's other son, Lester, net worth $4.8 billion, and his son, James Schine Crown, are early and principle backers of President Obama's presidential bid.

Lester's wife, Renee Schine, is the sister of the late G. David Schine, close associate of Roy Cohn in 1954, and target of Schine later served as the GM of his father's Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, still owned by the Schine family when RFK was shot there in June, 1968.
RFK's embarassing exposure of Cohn's 43 attempts to persuade the US Army to provide special treatment, exemption from the draft, or officer's commission for draftee Schine.

Probably all unrelated, just the work of an all knowing and omnipotent God, laying down a series of unrelated coincidences, intended to confuse and confound us, for his amusement?
Edited February 5, 2009 by Tom Scully

And the man in the photo just happened at the time it was taken to be married to Clark Clifford's aunt Marguerite....
Marina and Lee' author, 85, one of few that knew both President Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald

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And in 1933 in Gloversville, NY, Jack Ruby's friends George Senator and Mort Seder were sons or siblings of business owners at 56 and 35 North Main St., respectively.
The Schine's business address was 40 North Main St. All three businesses happened to be situated in the same city block.

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Crown Jewels
According To Forbes, Lester Crown Is Chicago`s Richest Man. According To Lester Crown, It`s Not Important Whether He Is Or Not.
February 03, 1988|By Margaret Carroll.

``He was terribly, terribly important. In every generation there`s somebody-it doesn`t have to be the business head-whom the family leans on as the focal point from a personal standpoint. That person is the arbiter of problems, the shoulder for people`s concerns. My grandmother was that person; my mother was; my brother Bob was; and now Renee.


Renee, Lester`s wife, the family`s current arbiter/shoulder, entered Lester`s life in the spring of 1950. He and his father were in Boca Raton, Fla., visiting one of the hotels owned by Renee`s father, J. Myer Schine.

``He saw me playing tennis with the pro, and I think I caught his eye then,`` she recalls. ``That was the beginning.``

They were married the next December. As time went by, their children.......filled their suburban home.....

business-oriented family. She could identify with ``the pressures, the excitement`` of her husband`s career. But she was happy-at least most days, like everyone else-with her own career of homemaker......

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Mort Seder 302

Seder Credit Call Gloversville F.I.L. Louis Brott

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Mr. HUBERT. Now will you state your full name?
Mr. SENATOR. George Senator.
Mr. HUBERT. How old are you, Mr. Senator?
Mr. SENATOR. Fifty years old. I was born in Gloversville, N.Y.
Mr. HUBERT. And when?
Mr. SENATOR. September 4, 1913.
Mr. HUBERT. What is your present address, that is residence?
Mr. SENATOR. Right now?
Mr. HUBERT. Yes.
Mr. SENATOR. 2255 Grand Concourse, Bronx, N.Y.
Mr. HUBERT. Is that your permanent residence?
Mr. SENATOR. No; I mean I just come up, you know, I just came to New York about 2 1/2 weeks ago and am staying with my sister temporarily.
Mr. HUBERT. Do you propose to go to another place, to move to another place?
Mr. SENATOR. Eventually I will, yes; in New York, but momentarily I do not know where.
Mr. HUBERT. In other words, you are staying at your sister's home temporarily?

......Mr. HUBERT. Who was the other one?
Mr. SENATOR. The other one who stayed with us a short while, his name was Mort Seder.
Mr. HUBERT. What did he do?
Mr. SENATOR. He sells men's apparel, traveling salesman.
Mr. HUBERT. Have you maintained contact with either of those?
Mr. SENATOR. George Guest got married many, many, years ago. The last I heard that at that time he had moved to, I think it was Fort Lauderdale by the sea.
Mr. HUBERT. What about the other one?
Mr. SENATOR. Seder I have seen, the last time I ran across Seder, of course, he is always traveling, the last time I saw him was, I would probably say in the last 2 months.
Mr. HUBERT. Did you see him often prior to that?
Mr. SENATOR. Oh, sure. We lived together for a while. We lived together.
Mr. HUBERT. You mean you lived together initially?
Mr. HUBERT. And then lived together after that?
Mr. SENATOR. Oh, yes. Wait a minute, I'm trying to figure how we broke up. Oh, yes, we lived together for a while but he wanted his own place. He wanted to live alone. At that time he was not doing too well and he couldn't stand the pressure of having an apartment by himself, at that time. So we lived together.
Mr. HUBERT. That was the first 6 months or so when you settled in that place?
Mr. SENATOR. Yes. It happened to be that we both almost got divorced around the same time. He was living in Houston at that time.
Mr. HUBERT. All right, so that accounts, I take it, for your residence at the McKinney Street address.
Mr. HUBERT. And that broke up?
Mr. SENATOR. No; from there it broke up and Seder and I moved to another place.
Mr. HUBERT. Where was that?
Mr. SENATOR. That was on Shadyside Lane.
Mr. HUBERT. And how long did you live there?
Mr. SENATOR. This is another guess. I would probably say 6 months to a year, with a guess again, something like that.
Mr. HUBERT. That is you and Seder?
Mr. SENATOR. Yes; Seder.
Mr. HUBERT. Where did you go from there?
Mr. SENATOR. Columbia Avenue.
Mr. HUBERT. How long did you live there?
Mr. SENATOR. I would probably say we may have lived there maybe a couple of years. I'm not sure now.
Mr. HUBERT. You were still with Seder then?
Mr. SENATOR. Yes; and that is where he wanted to have his own place.
Mr. HUBERT. So he left you, as it were?
Mr. HUBERT. Did you remain at the Columbia Avenue address?
Mr. SENATOR. I remained there for awhile.
Mr. HUBERT. And then what happened?


Mr. SENATOR. I remained there for a while and then he stayed there. I'm trying to figure where I went from there.
Mr. HUBERT. After you left Seder, if you left the apartment in which you were living with Seder at Columbia Avenue, do you recall whether you then----
Mr. SENATOR. I stayed there for a while.
Mr. HUBERT. You stayed there for a while alone?
Mr. SENATOR. Yes; I had my own place.

Mr. HUBERT. Let's go back now and pick up the time when you came back from Florida. I say "came back." I assume you went back to New York.
Mr. SENATOR. Yes; I went back to New York.
Mr. HUBERT. And tell us again----
Mr. SENATOR. I do not remember if I stayed in New York or went back home now, because I would say on and off I had worked for my brother at various times.
Mr. HUBERT. Your brother?
Mr. HUBERT. What is his name?
Mr. SENATOR. Jake Senator. Senator's Restaurant in Gloversville, N.Y. I worked on and off at his place many times.
Mr. HUBERT. How far have you progressed in your own mind as to this chronicle of your life? We are up to what year now that you were working for your brother?
Mr. SENATOR. At the time I enlisted. In other words, when the war broke out I enlisted down at Albany, N.Y., at the Federal Building in Albany, N.Y. That was in August of 1941, I believe. I think it was August 20 or August 21, 1941, and I was with my brother at the time when I enlisted.

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Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.

Messages In This Thread
As a Conspiracy Theorist, Trump Has It Out for the CIA - by Tom Scully - 14-02-2017, 02:02 AM

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