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New History Channel Series "Hunting Hitler"
John Knoble Wrote:Very likely that Western intelligence took in some senior Germans who didn't have their hands too dirty and could be useful (with "hands too dirty" probably being defined as atrocities against Allied soldiers more than internal matters.)

I understand why you might think so but you'd be wrong.

You might consider reading about Operation Paperclip to begin with. Followed by Higham's Trading With the Enemy. There are many others too.

The fact is that no one gave a damn about how dirty hands were. It was a race for war technology and blueprints. For example, simply Google some of the names of those who worked for the CIA run Gehlen Org in post war Germany. Included were some of the very worst nazi war criminals known.

The there's always the US and Vatican run Ratlines that helped up to 40,000 nazi war criminals escape to safety in other countries. People like SS Walter Rauff, a former aide to Heydrich and the creator of the mobile gas chambers. He is said to have been responsible for the deaths of a mere 100,000 souls. He died in Santiago, Chile in 1977. Likewise, Franz Stangl, commandant of Treblinka and Sobibor extermination camps. He was eventually captured working in the Volkswagen plant in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 1967, and extradited and brought to trial in West Germany for the deaths of 900,000. Convicted to life imprisonment he died of a heart attack six months later.

Tens of thousand, however, died free and of old age.

Quote:Not Hitler, though. It's a scenario that attracts page views and ratings, but too many interests would have been hunting him to make escape viable. Israelis, the entire Comintern, the British and the Americans would all agree on that.

I suppose in this day and age such uninformed cynicism is understandable if entirely misplaced. There has to be an angle doesn't there.

You are aware that we do not allow advertising? We do not ask, nor accept donations? There is no commercial or financial incentive involved by the founders of this forum.

Yep, I know, doing something for nothing is so passe these days.

However, in forming your opinions, it is evident that you haven't bothered to read or watch the source material of this thread, which i think is a telling mistake. Try reading the book Grey Wolf by Simon Dunstan and Gerard Williams, or view the Hunting Hitler TV series, or read the Hunting Hitler book by Jerome Corsi. If you had read and viewed these sources, and others besides, I assure you, you'd be far less shocked at the prospect.

Are you aware that the skull fragment from the partially burned body of Hitler that was found in the bunker garden in Berlin turned out to be that of a 40 years old woman? (HERE)

I know Hitler only had one ball, but that's taking the joke too far wouldn't you say?

The fact is that there is no forensic proof Hitler died in Berlin on 30th April 1945. None at all.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

Messages In This Thread
New History Channel Series "Hunting Hitler" - by David Guyatt - 14-02-2017, 03:23 PM

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