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The attempted Clinton-CIA coup against Donald Trump
Cliff Varnell Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:How many times since the end of WW2 have caucasian folks warred with other caucasian folks?

Northern Ireland, the former Yugoslavia, Chechnya, and the eastern Ukraine.

That's it.

Wars are mostly fought with non-caucasian proxies.

The caucasian race is not going to cede already-shaky global hegemony with a hot war between the two largest caucasian-dominant nations.

White nationalism is the cornerstone of President Steve Bannon's ideology.

Operation Able Archer reveals things in a far different light to your optimism about human nature. Shit happens when Jack jumps out of the box. If the US and the West continue pumping up the Collective Shadow with their endless projections anything is possible.

Point taken, but note there was no policy of first-strike nuclear attack on either side.

Face it, Russia doesn't have anything the US is going to go to hot war with them over.

Syria? Ukraine? The USA goes to war over two commodities -- oil and heroin -- and last I looked neither Syria nor the Ukraine were major players.

I find the entire subject of Russia over-rated.

Once Obama and Putin negotiated the removal of weapons of mass destruction from Syria and Iran the chances of a wider war diminished significantly.

The hacks of Podesta/DNC would have amounted to a footnote IF the GOP hadn't disenfranchised millions of Democratic voters, or IF James Comey hadn't interfered in the 2016 election.

I grit my teeth every time some clown says -- "We can't let the Russians interfere in our elections ever again!"

How about not letting the Republican Party interfere in our universal ballot access ever again?

On the face of it I agree that there should be no abiding or sensible reason for war between Russian and the US. But we're dealing here with zealots and crazed ideologues in positions of power - who are in the grip of their own bloated psychological shadow. Common sense and logic flee in the face of such psychic contamination.

I think you'll find that the US have repeatedly craved for a nuclear first strike capability. The Obama administration worked towards that as revealed in an article in the Strategic Study Quarterly, dated 1st March 2013 by Keir A Leiber and Daryl G Press (HERE, HERE and HERE). Then we have the plan presented to JFK by General Lemnitzer at a National Security Council meeting in July 1961, for a surprise US first nuclear strike against the Soviet Union (HERE). JFK had the good sense to turn it down.

Besides this I know for a fact, for I was shown a document in the mid 1990's gained under the FOIA request, which revealed the US had a plan to initiate a nuclear first strike against the Soviet Union using a flying saucer "flap" as cover. It sounds crazy, I know, but it's true.

I learned from a Russian a couple of years ago that the Soviet Union had a plan to target the super volcano at Yellowstone National Park and also the San Andreas fault with repeated strikes until catastrophe occurred (Googlish translation HERE).

So what were talking about are crazies who regard a nuclear first strike as a real military option and who regard the millions who perish in a nuclear weapons exchange a reasonable cost to pay for "victory".

From what I have read of the Putin overture to Obama about the chemical weapons in Syria, it was touch and go and a full scale war in Syria by the US and NATO against Russia was averted by a day, and that Obama hasn't been forgiven by the neocons for buckling on that.

In other words our recent history is littered with examples where major war was sought by powerful people in important positions, but fortunately not proceeded with due to common decency and humanity. There is no guarantee that human decency will always prevail and we have to continuously be on guard against the crazies taking over the asylum.

Personally I view the Republican Party with the same degree of disgust that I view the Democratic Party. Both are, imo, traitors to the people. I would give neither the time of day. What Americans should be working for it to get rid of both and escape from this left-right false political dichotomy that is cynically used by the elite to control and direct gullible people's thought processes.

Just my tuppence worth...
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

Messages In This Thread
The attempted Clinton-CIA coup against Donald Trump - by David Guyatt - 04-03-2017, 09:25 AM

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