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USA under presidency of a know-nothing, neo-fascist, racist, sexist, mobbed-up narcissist!!
Cliff Varnell Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:Henry A. Giroux's article was excellent until he got to this:

Quote:solidified under the anti-democratic, war on terror, permanent war policies of the Bush-Cheney and Obama administrations. During this period, democracy was sold to the bankers and big corporations. Whistleblowers were sent to prison. The financial elite and the CIA tortures were given the green light by the Obama administration that they could commit the gravest of crimes and act with impunity.

Bush-Cheney opened CIA torture black sites and okayed waterboarding.

How is that the same as Obama closing CIA black sites and outlawing waterboarding?

How was the Obama-Putin negotiated removal of chemical weapons from Syria the same as Bush-Cheney invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq?

How was the Obama-led negotiated removal of nuclear weapon technology from Iran part of a strategy of permanent war?

Obama deserves plenty of criticism for his Drone Terror Campaign, which creates more jihadism than it takes off the battlefield, but let's not indulge the false equivalency that Obama's policies were identical to Bush's.

A million dead Iraqis by the hand of Bush tell otherwise.

Obama deserves plenty of criticism for his crackdowns on whistle-blowers and undocumented aliens, but let's not forget that Trump's proposals in these areas are far worse.

The passage of Obamacare was the first top-to-bottom wealth transfer since the New Deal, so let's not forget Trumpcare's $1 trillion bottom-to-top wealth transfer proposal.

Obama made the internet a utility, preserving net neutrality -- let's not forget Trump's denunciation of net neutrality and vow to kill it.

Same sex marriage, trans-folks rights, the $11 billion returned to victims of credit card abuse, the opening to Cuba.

Let's critique the Obama years with clear eyes, but let's quit pretending he was just like Clinton/Bush.

Where the hell is Giroux's near-term "memory"?

Cliff, On some things the Obama Administration were better [or less bad] than what came before or after. On others, there was little change. On a few, such as drone strikes, NDAA, going after whistleblowers, bank bail-outs with none going to jail or even charged [and others], Obama may well have been even worse. If I had to choose, I'd choose Obama over Bush or Trump for sure - but that is not the real issue - nor choice. The 'pluses' were not ever going to change the system to be a fair and democratic one. Now, we have one that will make such a change even more difficult. Obama was infinitely more intelligent and savvy than Trump and cared a little [little is the operative word] for those at the bottom - on some things domestic; not on others that really displeased his 'masters'. Trump cares about no one but himself and his rich oligarch cronies. All that said, and I could detail more on the plus and minus side for Obama, in the end he carried out the 'usual' foreign policies and kept the trickle up going on, with the wars and the National Security State et al. We need none of the above - we need a total change. I miss having an African-American in the White House, especially when replaced by a White bigot and worse. As for the majority of Obama's important policies, they were the same old, same old [in part due to the Congress - but in part due to his agenda or that of those who pulled his strings]. Yes, on a few things he was more humane, but given Bush and Trump that was easy as pie. He did however mislead his flock. Hope and Change was his big theme and that hope and change never, IMO, came to pass - he really misled his followers. This endless hope for the lesser of evils will get us nowhere but with an 'evil', by definition. We can and must do better.

The lesser of two evils is one way to look at it.

A half of a loaf is better than no loaf at all -- that's another way to look at it.

If one looks at 'Obamacare' that might be a reasonable analogy....but not on many other things. For most things Obama kept the half loaf of his predecessors but disguised it in eloquent speeches and musings. I'm even tempted to believe he believed some [not all] of that eloquent and humane verbage - but was constrained by the powers behind the office. Obama and soon 'Obamacare' will be gone, I'm afraid. Now, we need to fight for single payer - but so many other things totally unrelated to that important but single issue. Trump has defunded EPA and many other non-military agencies. He is going to do massive transfers of wealth from the poor and middle class [a dying species] to the ultra-rich, and he has started to 'Make American Hate Again' as it has not in a long time - although those undercurrents were always there, but are now given approval from the top. Time to think of new ways to move ahead, as all of the past leaders and more so the secret/hidden forces behind them have always failed the majority of citizens in most all countries. Democracy is a fiction to varying degrees in different countries and times - but rarely even almost a reality - and this is by design. The Environment is dying - and this is by design. Wealth is being transferred up and fast by design. The game of control of the populace with fear and spying on them is increasing. The use of sequel wars has now been replaced by endless war with lots of other mini-warlets by design. False-flag ops, always used, are not getting more common and held on bigger 'stages'. Things that help humans are giving way to things that only help a few grow more powerful and rich...and one could go on.
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USA under presidency of a know-nothing, neo-fascist, racist, sexist, mobbed-up narcissist!! - by Peter Lemkin - 21-03-2017, 12:15 PM

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