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The attempted Clinton-CIA coup against Donald Trump
Tracy Riddle Wrote:
Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Quote:So RT isn't state-sponsored media that gives a voice to Western dissidents, Left and Right, but not Russian dissidents? You people can snark and joke and post emoticons all you like, but it's not a substitute for facts (which I've posted plenty of here, for those willing to read them).

Frankly, I'm not a big RT fan. I see it as the equivalent of mini-version of the NYTimes. For example, the battle of Russians for their lives in the Donbass has vanished. Disappeared, as the Kremlin wanted. I don't think RT is covering the Russian trucker strike. They got taxed to fix up the horrible Russian roads while the the oligarchs get more breaks. Navalny for example appears to be on the Kremlin payroll as a means to have a controlled opposition. Pissed off truckers are the real dissidents. Meanwhile, Putin sticks by the head of their national bank -- what's her name.

I am quite willing to say Trump is a gangster, but that he is a gangster among gangsters, the CIA and FBI are right up there. So when you think they are telling you the truth this time, you have to wonder about yourself. And you clearly won't go there.

I look at events through the lens of the spectacle. Debord says we are the society of the spectacle. There is an article online called the Spectacle of the False Flag. They are worth reading.

I've read Guy Debord, thanks. I don't have to "trust" the CIA or FBI, or think they are the "good guys." There are no good guys in this whole mess. I don't know why some insist on viewing this in a binary way. We're just trying to determine what happened. Trump and his people are the most arrogant, stupid criminals ever to enter politics. Like Mike Flynn not realizing that his conversations and activities on behalf of foreign governments would somehow not be picked up by US intelligence? The stupid hurts!

By the way, can you provide a primary source for this Casey quote you're using? I strongly suspect it's a fake. There's another fake quote going around supposedly by William Colby, but it only traces back to Dave McGowan and not to any primary source.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." William J. Casey, D.C.I

Regarding what I said about "spectacle." Just as we did not know about the spectacle of 9/11 that was being prepared for us, I suspect that we have not seen the end of spectacle by Trump just being POTUS. I fear he's a foretaste of the feast to come. But I am reasonably sure that it will be a truly dramatic presentation, just as the made for TV special 9/11 was.


Here's my source on the Casey quote.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl

Messages In This Thread
The attempted Clinton-CIA coup against Donald Trump - by Lauren Johnson - 31-03-2017, 10:58 PM

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