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The attempted Clinton-CIA coup against Donald Trump
Paul Rigby Wrote:I'm beginning to doubt the sanity of the Charlatans' IOps peeps.

What follows is so gloriously absurd and ineffective that only a Deep State bot could possibly find it convincing. (Needless to say, the Langleybots did.)

Anyway, according to today's Daily Blackshirt, Svetlana Legovera, an Anglo-Russian banker somewhat ungallantly described as 'Crazy Miss Cokehead,' 'spoke with Michael Flynn at the Cambridge Intelligence Seminar, a gathering of former intelligence officials hosted at Cambridge University in 2014.' Quite why MI6 invited what the reader is presumably to consider an SVR cokehead to this gathering of bores, poseurs, nutters, drug-pushers and the like is not made clear. I assume, absent any suggestion to the contrary, that Ms. Legovera was actually CIA or MI6.

It gets even less interesting:

'Moscow-born Miss Legovera showed the President's former national security adviser a number of historic Russian documents including an erotic postcard' that Joseph Stalin sent to a woman in 1912.'

Yes, that's right. A declassified postcard. What ensued was a reckless carnal abandon which threatened nothing less than the immediate collapse of the American Empire:

'It is claimed the two remained in email contact afterwards and swapped messages on an unclassified channel Mr Flynn signed himself General Misha', Russian for Michael.'

This grotesque act of treason - Flynn had obviously chosen to celebrate his enrollment in the SVR by using his new Russian codename - caused the wise men of Babylonian Towers and Bush Central 'alarm' as they adjudged it 'evidence that Mr Flynn was behaving in a worrisome' manner.'

The full non-event, described in the usual reverential tones by the presstitute, can be endured here:

Ratf*ck A Go Go! Atlanticists and MI5 Go After Trump!


APRIL 3, 2017

Quote:I try to keep a certain distance from the anti-Trump circus. But I do want to put some thoughts on record, given the obsession with Trump's Russia connection and what I see is a determined effort to minimize the British/NATO angle in the attack on Trump.

My personal feeling is that there are significant swaths of the European establishment that derive their mission and meaning from serving as allies to the United States in an anti-Trump effort: the British government and intelligence services, NATO, various right-leaning European governments, their think tanks, in other words, the Atlanticists.

They didn't like Trump because he was more interested in dealing directly and positively with Russia on matters of US strategic concern in the Middle East and Asia and much less interested in perfecting the Atlanticist Euro-centric anti-Russian containment/deterrence apparatus and backing crazy EU/NATO expansion stunts like the Ukraine operation.

Perhaps similar to Trump's interest in dealing with China instead of doing pivot. Difference is, Atlanticist lobby is much more entrenched in Washington, the NATO alliance is miles ahead of the "box of sand" Asian containment network, and Great Britain is America's primary intelligence partner.

So I think people over the pond, particularly in Europe, were interested in feeding documentation on Trump's murky Russia connections to his opponents, and especially on behalf of Hillary Clinton, who is very much an Atlanticist fave. Effort was pretty low key at first because nobody expected Trump to get anywhere, but things picked up when he got the nomination, and then shifted into apesh*t crazytime when he got the presidency.

The British link is there for all to see in the notorious Steele dossier. What people don't want to see is the inference that Steele was either getting dirt from MI5/GCHQ or is simply a cut-out for a British effort.

I should say the possibility that the UK intelligence service may have been deeply involved in preparing the brief against Trump does not elicit an urge from me to spontaneously genuflect concerning the accuracy of the evidence. I daresay psyopspackaging and releasing selective intel and innuendo at opportune times through deniable channels for maximum effectis a core mission of British spookdom, as is making up utter crap, like the notorious "dodgy dossier" on Saddam Hussein.

An interesting datapoint is the Guardian leg-humping a story about Michael Flynn having conversations with a Russian-English historian causing "concern" to "US and UK officials". The only useful conclusion from this farrago, as far as I can tell, is that a) investigating Things Flynn was an official US-UK joint and not just Christopher Steele lunching Russian emigres in Grosvenor Square and b) the UK press is doing a similar tag teaming with US media to sell Trump/Russia like it pitched in with the US to sell Saddam/Iraq.

And the Guardian is doing it this time! You've come a long way, baby!

The mega-uproar over the "GCHQ tapped Trump" story was, to me, quite interesting, for the massive full-court pushback it elicited and the grudging backdown from the Trump administration.

If the story proved out true, it would be a disaster for the UK.

On the institutional level, confirmation that US investigatory and intel outfits resorted to GCHQ to, shall we say, supplement collection related to US citizens and *ahem* circumvent US laws would lead to demands for that bane of all spook prerogatives, oversight and perhaps a committee to review requests for intel exchange between the US and GCHQ before they happened (I recall reading that currently the NSA can reach into Five Eyes servers and pull out whatever it wants whenever it wants; it would be fun to find out in open testimony if that actually happens!).

On the political level, it would be hard to escape the imputation that Great Britain was conducting politically-motivated collection/querying/handover of intel concerning disfavored US politicians and officials, and that the English bulldog was INTERFERING IN AMERICA'S SACRED ELECTIONS, you know, like a certain country, name begins with R ends with A led by a guy name begins with P ends with N is allegedly doing.

It would be interesting to see how the public relations fracas on terms of "Putin trolls pushed fake news on Facebook" vs. "GCHQ pushed fake news into the FBI" would play.

GCHQ/MI5's powerful capabilities and their slavish eagerness to put them at the service of the US are the glittering jewels in the tattered collar of the British poodle. If GCHQ becomes a "normal" intelligence interlocutor of the USwith the added stigma of having engaged in politicized active measures on behalf of US factionsthen the UK risks dropping to parity with *gasp* Germany as another arm's length partner.

Fox's alacrity in yanking some guy called "Judge Nap" for publicizing the GCHQ surveillance allegations was interesting. You might expect Fox would be keen to push this rather provocative and open-ended talking point to provide some aid and comfort to Trump and ride a ratings-boosting angle. But Fox shut Nap down!

Wonder if Rupert Murdoch got the call from the UK government that any encouragement of this kind of tittle-tattle would call down the wrath of the British government on Rupert's extensive media holdings in Britain.

Well, with Judge Nap in the cooler, I doubt any other Fox commentators will be too interested in pursuing that allegation.

And maybe the US intel community told Trump he'd be gone in a heartbeat if he threatened to compromise the US-GB special spook relationship to save his skin. So he backed off.

If Trump falls on his ass I expect that will provide the political cover for some discrete "now it can be told" bragging about how the Atlanticist band of brothers joined hands to defeat the Russian menace. If Trump hangs on, it just goes into the secret museum of US-UK ratf*cking operations.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche

Messages In This Thread
The attempted Clinton-CIA coup against Donald Trump - by Paul Rigby - 03-04-2017, 11:13 PM

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