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The attempted Clinton-CIA coup against Donald Trump
All You Need to Know About James Comey

Catherine Austin-Fitts, News & Commentary on May 17, 2017 at 4:05 pm

Quote:James Comey, the now former head of the FBI, is also the former General Counsel of Lockheed Martin., the largest defense contractor and weapons manufacturer in America and hedge fund advisor.

Lockheed Martin used to run significant information and payment systems at the Department of Defense. They appear to have spun their subsidiary out of the company after DOD closed their fiscal 2015, with $6.5 trillion of undocumentable adjustments. I wrote about it recently in Lockheed Cuts and Runs and Crazy Man vs. Criminal: Cut and Run, Monica Lewinsky and Real Trouble Ahead.

This is all part of our ongoing coverage of the financial coup d'etat and trillions of missing money: See Financial Coup D'Etat & Missing Money: Links and Financial Coup & Missing Money: Quotes

Here is what you need to know about James Comey. Everything he said or did related to Hillary Clinton or President Trump is unimportant. The fact that James Comey did and said nothing about $6. 5 trillion missing from your government in fiscal 2015 tells you all you need to know about James Comey.

Here is a description of the FBI's legal powers and authority. If the US government is missing trillions of dollars, don't you think it is the FBI's highest priority to figure out where the money went and get it back?

If I was a invisble, secret governing board responsible to preserve the trillions I had stolen, I would sure want to break up the country. It's a lot easier than explaining to people that you stole the money that they had saved to pay for health care and Social Security. I would also want to start WW III that would keep the power and money rolling my way. There is nothing like a dangerous fight to provide air cover for financial fraud. You can blow up a lot of records and make endless excuses.

You should also remember that the last time these folks engineered an impeachment process was when all the money started to disappear from the federal accounts and the federal mortgage programs were used to explode the mortgage fraud that lead to $27 trillion of bailouts for the banks.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Let me express my support for the President of the United States and his team. Who would ever have thought that we would have Donald Trump stand between us and a land war in the Middle East or nuclear war with Russia?

You should do the same regardless of your party affiliation or your choice of candidate. And every chance you get to speak with a federal public official or a member of the national press, you should ask one question:


Related Reading

Wikipedia James Comey

Wikipedia Lockheed Martin
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche

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